A birthday gift..

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Uff,it's my birthday today. I don't wish to remember this day as on this day Pitashree and Mata Madri left us forever. I never want this day to come.

I was lying on my bed with no thoughts on this day. Pitashree's beautiful memories were coming in my mind.

"Parth..Happy Birthday to you" wishes Subhadra chirping like a bird.

"Thank you" I replied coldly.

"What happened Parth!?. You don't seem happy?" asked Subhdra.

"This day I lost my Pitashree and Mata Madri..I don't want to celebrate this day ever" I replied turning my face from her.

Subhdra was silent for a while. She could understand my reason and silence. I never needed to explain her anything just our eyes said everything.

"It's okay Parth..we can pray to God for granting them a place in his feet. Don't worry I will make a kheer for you..I know you won't say no" said Subhdra consoling me.

I smiled faintly at her gesture.

Mata was talking to Bhrata Yudhishthir for going to Hastinapur for next week.

Everyone was busy but they all wished me a happy birthday. I thanked them all equally.

Few hours later....

Subhdra was cooking in kitchen with a beautiful smile on her face. All of a sudden she felt dizzy and fell down.

Rajvaidya examined her. I was tensed as she was taking enough time for checking her.

Few moments later,when Rajvaidya came out I asked her anxiously about Subhadra's condition.

"No need to worry Rajkumar Arjun..Subhdra is fine and she is expecting your child" said she smiling.

The later half of the news overjoyed all of us and I rushed to Subhdra.

"Thank you so much for giving me such a beautiful gift on my birthday, Bhadrey" said I while carcassing Subhadra's forehead.

"Your welcome,Parth..I want a son like you..a great Archer and a kind heart. You have been a fierce warrior and a kind heart..I want our son to be just like you" said Subhdra smiling widely.

"And what if we have a daughter like you!?" asked I.

"Then you will name her..I want a son then we will have a daughter" replied Subhdra holding my hand.

We slept holding each other's hand during the night while Bhrigu Rishi's words kept haunting me.

Sorry for short update readers

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now