The Game of Gambling or Game of Life Wrecking

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We reached Hastinapur in three days. Vijaya was not well so Subhi had to stay back with all kids in Indraprastha. My mind was still worried about her,cause in my absence Duryodhan can harm her or my child.

Krishna had no idea either of the Kaurava invitation or of the Pandava
decision to participate in the game of dice. He was busy fighting Shalvaand Dantavakra, friends of Shishupala, who had laid siege to Dwaraka.
On the day of the game, Draupadi was menstruating and so, in keeping
with tradition, isolated herself in a room in the far corner of the women’s quarters.

Without waiting to hear from Krishna or for Draupadi to sit beside them,the Pandavas entered the gambling hall. Jyeshth Yudhishtira played on behalf of the Pandavas and Shakuni on behalf of theKauravas. The game was based on the throw of dice and the movement ofcoins on a game board. A mixture of luck and skill. To make the game interesting, wagers were decided at the beginning of each game.

At first the stakes were small, an umbrella or a necklace.

Each time, Mamashree Shakuni would roll his dice and say, ‘Lo, I have won.’
Defeat fuelled Jyeshth Yudhishtira’s desire to win back all he lost.

So with each passing game,
the value of his wager increased. And each time, Shakuni would roll his dice
and say, ‘Lo, I have won.’

Yudhishtira staked his chariots of gold. Shakuni rolled the dice and said,‘Lo, I have won!’

Yudhishtira staked all the jewels in his treasury.

Shakuni rolled the diceand said, ‘Lo, I have won!’

Yudhishtira staked his servant girls.

Shakuni rolled the dice and said, ‘Lo,I have won!’

Yudhishtira staked his servant boys.

Shakuni rolled the dice and said, ‘Lo,I have won!’.

Yudhishtira staked his elephants, then his horses, then his cows, then his goats and sheep.

Each time, Shakuni rolled the dice and said, ‘Lo, I have won!’

As the losses continued, we brothers suspected Shakuni’s dice
was loaded. But they could not prove it.

As the day progressed, they were stripped of all their possessions: their gold and grain, their livestock and land, even the jewels on their body. ‘Stop,’ begged we as brothers,‘there is no shame in withdrawal. Even Krishna withdrew after trying to save Mathura seventeen times.’

But Yudhishtira refused. He was convinced that with the next game he would win all that he had lost. The Kauravas encouraged this belief, smirking silently.

Bhishma, Vidura, Drona and Kripa watched in silence. ‘Maybe we should stop this madness,’ said Vidura. The blind Taatshree Dhritarashtra said no.

He couldn't stop his sons who were winning and it would not be appropriate for him to stop Yudhishtira, as Yudhishtira was now king in his own right capable of taking his own decisions.

After the eleventh game, with all his wealth gone, Yudhishtira did the
unthinkable. He began staking his own brothers, one by one. First the
beautiful Nakula, then the learned Sahadeva, then the strong Bhrata Bhima and finally me,his Phalgun. He lost all of them. He staked himself too, and lost. Still he refused to give up.

‘I stake our wife,’ he said. Everyone in the gambling hall gasped. I was in tears how could he!!

Duryodhana smiled and accepted the wager. Shakuni rolled the dice the seventeenth time and said, ‘Lo, I have won!

This moved all of us into tears..we lost everything and even Panchali too.

Broken Heart makes no Sound,
Alas, I fell on the ground
I am now walking on the clouds,
Wailing silently my soul cried aloud.

Head in the sky, feet on the ground
Detached when I speaks, cold I sound.
Aware I am different and that's alright,
Because this Nefelibata is always in flight

Head in the sky, feet on the ground
An Archer's mind knows no bounds.
Clouds that wander through the sky,
Sometimes low and sometimes high;

Little footsteps in this cloud chasing sand,
Now nothing is left in my hand.
Whatever I did,gave me pain,
Slipped from time like a sand of grain.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now