Feelings for Kuru Prince

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Subhadra was still in a trans. A kaleidoscope of images passed through her mind- Balram was practicing mace fight with one of his students. The student had curly black hair and dark black eyes. He seemed to be made of steel. His eyes were glinting. He had a grimace on his face; as she was returning from the bath with her sakhis she sees a shadow behind one of the trees. It was a man. As she moves towards the shadow, she sees the very student of Balram walk away. He casts a piercing look on her. Subhadra feels annoyed of the man who had been spying on her and her friends; a house was burning. A woman with her five sons was running for their life. The student was laughing mirthfully; Subhadra looks and goes on looking on the pair of grey eyes. Her whole body is becoming warm at the sight.

"Subhadra, Subhadra" Someone is shaking her. "Subhadra, are you all right dear?" Devaki looked concerned at her daughter's state. Subhadra broke from the trans. "Yes, Mata Devaki. I was just a bit overwhelmed at the news." Subhadra managed a false smile.

"I think our daughter needs rest." Vasudev spoke to his wife. Both of them walked out leaving Subhadra alone.

Subhadra started walking up and down the room. "This can't be. This just can't be happening. There must be a way out of this." Subhadra was determined. She would never marry a man who was keen to take Arjun's life.

"A Dasi came in. "Rajkumari, Vasudev Krishna has come to meet you."

"Let him in. Let him in." Subhadra saw hope. Surely her brother would know of the situation and would be able to take her out of the misery enclosing her.

"Bhaiya" Subhadra ran towards Govind as he came in. He pulled his sister into an embrace. Subhadra wept her heart out on his shoulder.

"Why is my sister crying? Did no one tell her the good news? Or is she sad that she has to leave her Maika?" Govind chided her.

"Brother I am afraid. Do you understand nothing?" Subhadra asked.

"All shall be well my child. Go and pray to Lord Shiva at Somnath Mandir tomorrow morning. You shall surely have a happy life with the Prince of Hastinapur."

"You wish me to pray for that Prince of Hastinapur?" Subhadra almost shouted.

 "Yes. You must pray to Lord Shiva for the sake of the Kuru Prince."

"Allright, I shall go." Subhadra said as the full meaning of her brother's words stuck her.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now