And We Named Him "Abhimanyu"

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Few hours later

Subhi and my child was sleeping with smile beaming on their faces. I still couldn't sleep after recalling
Moon -God's message in my dreams.

My child was the reincarnation of Varchas, the son of moon-god (Chandra). When the Devas were consulting each other about them incarnating on earth for the purpose of defeating the Daitya forces, Chandra told the Devas:

"I do not like to send Varchas, whom I love more than my life, to the earth. Still, I think it is not right to stand in the way of the plans of the gods. You must agree to one condition if I am to send my son. Let him be born as the son of Arjuna. I am unable to be separated from him for more than sixteen years. My son will enter into the Chakra Vyuha of the enemies to be killed by them and return to me in the sixteenth year".

I was still apprehensive about Bhrigu Rishi's words that my son would have very short life of fame. He won't live long but I didn't have courage to tell this to Subhi who is so happy to have a son. My all happiness comes to end with those thoughts.

The following day,Subhi took him to Panchali while I was fast asleep.

"Subhi...Subhi..where is our child?. Is he fine?. Subhi" I shouted in my sleep as my heartbeat escalated.

Subhdra rushed to my aid with her child.

"Parth..see our child is here and he is absolutely don't seem fine..wake up and see yourself " Subhi tried to calm my raging thoughts.

I woke up with terrible headache and my heartbeat was too fast..I saw a glimpse of my child and fainted.

Subhi was worried throughout the day when I was unwell. I tried calling her but she didn't replied.

Few days later,Panchali suggested me that I and Subhi should do a veneration and a naming ceremony of our child. I agreed to give my mind a peace which it wasn't getting.

A month later,whole Indraprastha was flooded with guests from Dwarka,Mathura and Hastinapur.

As I clutched the soft bundle of joy in my arms, I felt my life suddenly felt so victorious and complete. I wanted no more from Almighty and I felt so satisfied.

"Parth, there is a long line waiting to hold him!", complained Krishna.

"Here, Madhav", I passed onto him with care.

Even the JagatPita now felt so proud. He might be everyone's Father but the joy of being a Mamashri was something else. Tears dwelled up in eyes as he lovingly stroke over his forehead.

"Abhimanyu", he whispered softly. He got a glimpse of a dark future He had written for him, in those tiny black eyes. "You'll make me proud, my dearest Bhanje", he said, wiping a tear.

"Madhav?", asked I.

"Where's Sakhi?", He asked to divert attention. My face dampened with a slight worry. I had known this for sometime that Draupadi wasn't very happy. And she wasn't expected to be.
Madhav patted my back and assured me. "She's fine Parth."

AI nodded slightly. Subhadra too was anxious. Her Jiji had been kind enough to accept her whole heartedly but her son? That too when she had no son of her own. But everyone's apprehensions were put to rest.

The guard announced in Glory :

Maharani Draupadi Padhaar Rahi Hain!!

Panchali, in all her beauty and grace, entered the room hurriedly.

"I'm so sorry Subhadra, looks like my Pooja took a bit long to complete."
In tow entered Rukmini, the Maharani of Dwarka and the eldest Kulvadhu of Yadavs.

She stood beside Krishna, smiling satisfactorily and rather, in awe.
"Parth, she's been praying all day, since morning for the well being of Mother and Son. I'm so glad."

He went ahead and nudged me with his elbow, as if saying 'See I told you'.
Panchali first gave the Aarti to Subhadra and then tied a yellow thread to her wrist
"This is for protection from all Evil Souls"

"Ah! My child. Give him here."

She softly took hold of Abhimanyu. Tears of pride welled in her eyes and she softly kissed his forehead and tied the Black Thread to his waist.

"He's so beautiful Arya, my handsome child", she said chirpily.

"Panchali", came I.

She gave Abhimanyu to Subhadra, who was lying on the bed.

He held her hands in his and spoke
"I'm so , so happy  Subhi that you..."

"Parth, he's MY son", she replied as he fondly looked on at me.

Subhadra couldn't be happier, she had managed to give her son another mother, greater than her for Draupadi was Mother Annapurna herself.

An year later

"Baaa... Baa... Bali M... Maaa", fumbled the young one as he spoke for the first time.
"Aww! My baby!", hugged Draupadi.

"See, see Subhadra! Abhimanyu took my name!"
She was so ecstatic about it.

For days she'd boasted it to everyone and I had heard it a zillion number of times, yet I got excited every time she narrated that incident.

"You remember Parth..", and she would go on, without Arjun dreamily smiling at her excited expressions.

Three Years Later

"Jiji, sleep for sometime at least. You haven't even eaten anything since quite a few hours. He'll be fine", assured Subhadra.

"No. Look at him. His head is still burning hot. I won't leave him like this and rest."

And both of them sat the entire night, tending to him. Its rightfully said that even Abhimanyu was blessed with two mothers, like his Mamashri Krishna.

Five Years Later

A small boy tip toed past the Rasoi, his mouth dripping with butter and fingers immersed in a pot full of Makhan.
"Natkhat!", Subhadra pulled his ears.

"Maa!", he shouted and pointed to some other direction.

" came!?..How many days have passed we had no news of you" said Subhi in a complaining tone.

"I was with Dushala..when I wasn't feeling well she asked me to stay back"

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