Morning Sickness?

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"Subhi you won't get up now..lie down and sleep" ordered I.

"But Parth,it's morning naa how can I sleep in the morning!?"retorted Subhdra holding my hand.

"You had morning sickness yesterday..and today you almost fainted in my arms. No,I won't let you move out of your bed" requested I.

"Please Parth..I am fine. See tomorrow evening everyone is coming from Dwarka and I have to make arrangements for them" replied Subhdra.

"I will manage with the help from Renu and Vijaya..don't worry and just relax yourself" said I making her sleep again.

"No one can win from you, won,I lose" replied Subhdra in chuckles.

"That's sleep" said I leaving in smile.

"come soon, don't be late" she said and hugged me.

I was surprised. She was angry a minute ago and now she was okay. These mood swings were driving me crazy too.. however, I hugged her back and and kissed her forehead.

Few hours later, I was busy with work in the court with Nakul. Nakul was explaining how we can strengthen the boundaries of our kingdom. I was listening to him but my heart was with Subhdra who was nowhere near me.

"Kul,your proposal is great. I will ask Jyeshth to look into this. Excuse me for a while as I need to check upon Subhi" said I .

"Okay Bhrata Arjun..if you need anything please let me know" replied Nakul smiling widely at my concern for her.

I departed for my chamber only to find Bhadey painting with Suthanu, Jyeshth's daughter.Her face was glowing with soft warm light. She looked angelic I thought. She had her one hand on her belly bump.

"I had thought you would have had your lunch by now. As soon as the dasi informed me that you are refusing to eat I left everything and came here. I.."

"You are going to leave me. Aren't you?" Subhadra suddenly said with tears forming in her eyes. 

"Huh?" I said shocked. 

Subhdra was now sobbing. "You are going to leave me and marry someone else. I am such a terrible wife. You were so busy with your work that you didn't even have time to eat but here I am, your wife, who didn't even ask you if you had your lunch or not and has been complaining and complaining. I am so selfish. Please forgive me. Don't leave me please!!" She now covered her face and started crying loudly.

'Oh Lord! Now where did this come from?' I thought rolling my eyes. But I could never watch my wife cry.

I took her hands in my own as she continued to cry. Her cheeks were now wet and pink from all the crying. I cupped her face with my hands and wiped her tears. "Bhadrey, look at me" I urged. She slowly looked at me with tears still in her eyes. Her long lashes were sparkling like there were diamonds  studded on them.

"Is that what you think of me?" asked I.

Subhdra lowered her eyes out of guilt. "Do you really think I would leave you for your little tantrums?" 

I smiled and said "Honestly speaking, I find them really cute." She smiled a little on hearing this.  

"And you know very well that no one can handle my temper except you and no one can handle your spicy food except me. We are a match made in Heaven" I winked at her. Subhdra smiled. Now her tears slowly drying.

I looked at her earnestly and said "Bhadrey, you know this very well that I cannot live without you".My eyes never leaving hers.

I will not forgive you if you continue" said Subhdra with pleading eyes.

I smiled.

"But I will not forgive myself if I delay your lunch any longer. Let's have our lunch together ok?"

She happily nodded. "But the food is too spicy for you." said Bhadrey.

"Hmmm true but if you are going to feed it to me then even the spiciest food is delicious to Me." said I lovingly making Subhdra blush.

And both the Love Birds happily fed each other one bite at a time.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now