Abducted in Love - II

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The most awaited part of the story. It is quite a long update. Keep your patience while reading and do post a long comment( varna mujhse bura aur koi nahi hoga). Enjoy.

Subhadra rose when the first rays of the Sun fell on her eyes. She walked to the balcony which overlooked the lawn. She took in the beautiful sight. The leaves were reflecting a golden aura in the autumn month. Early morning dew was glistening in the lawn. Far away Subhadra could see he wide sea. Wave washed shore of Dwarka looked solemn in the absence of activity. Subhadra looked on for a long time. If her interpretation of her brother's words was right then it would be a long time before she could see this scene again.

"Kumari Subhadra, we must get you ready for your trip to Somnath temple." A Dasi said.

Subhadra turned to look at the maid, "Nirmala this is a special day for me. I must be at my best."

"Ji Kumari." Nirmala bowed.  

Subhadra's was dressed in a red lehenga with beautiful blue patterns. Her hair was tied in a bun. She wore a simple gold necklace and a bajuband. Simplicity revealed more of her beauty. Eyes turned as she walked out of the mansion with her Dasis. She stopped as she saw Balram at the gate.

She bent down to touch her elder brother's feet. "May your every wish be fulfilled." Balram blessed her "You are looking extraordinary today my Princess." Suddenly Subhadra felt emotions rush through her body and she wrapped Balram in a tight embrace. Tears started forming in her eyes. She stopped herself and concentrated on the mission ahead. Taking the leave from her elder brother she walked on.

Uma, Rukmini, Revati and Satyabhama joined her midway. Subhadra noticed that Satyabhama was constantly eyeing at her. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Is everything all right Satya bhabi?" Subhadra questioned Satyabhama.

"Of course darling! What could be not right? We have a festive atmosphere in Dwarka. You are getting married very soon and we surely shall enjoy the celebrations." Satyabhama smirked at Subhadra.

"Has a date been fixed then? Arya did not tell me." asked Revati.

"No jiji. No date which has been sanctioned by Hastinapur. But I wish thatspecial day could be today. The surrounding is so beautiful." Satyabhama sighed.

Rukmini felt something odd going on. "What are you going on about Satya? It's not in your nature to talk senseless."

Satyabhama did not reply. To divert the conversation she started singing a wedding folk song under her breath.

Subhadra walked up the steps of Somnath temple. She felt at peace surrounded by the sparkling white walls of the temple. She bathed the Shiv-linga with Ganga jal. She put Dhatura flowers on the Shiv linga. As she closed her eyes to pray only one image came up in her mind- the image of Arjun. Usually she would have prayed for the well-being of Dwarka and its people, the happiness of everyone surrounding her, she would have prayed for love among her people. But today Arjun was the only person she prayed for., she longed.

As the women were descending the steps of the Mandir, Satyabhama spoke to Rukmini, "Rajkumar Arjun wanted to visit the temple with us."

Subhadra stopped in her tracks. "Why, why did he want to come?"

"Oh! Do you know him Subhadra. He is a great friend of my husband and he is the husband of my close friend Panchali. So, you see during his stay in Dwarka we have also become good friends. When he learnt that we are coming here today he wanted to come too as he had not visited the temple before." Satyabhama replied.

"What did you tell him?"

"I asked him not to come. He couldn't possibly enjoy female company." Subhadra's face fell.

Rukmini was beginning to understand where things were going. She asked Uma "Tell me dear. Has not your friend been acting strangely these days?"

"Quite strangely actually bhabi. She keeps more to herself, daydreams, smiles at nothing, doesn't pay attention to anything." Uma replied.

Subhadra blushed deep red.

"I think we can recognize the symptoms." Revati teased Subhadra.

Subhadra turned a deeper shade of red. Everyone was surprised to hear the sound of a chariot. A heavenly chariot pulled by six white horses appeared before them. The chariot was drawn by a Tapasvi. It stopped before he five women at the front. The Tapasvi looked at Satyabhama. She nodded signaling him to make his move. In a moment the Tapasvi grabbed Subhadra's hand and pulled her into the chariot. They were gone in a flash.

Subhadra shuddered as I released her hand. It was a long time they drove through the forest path. As the dense forest cleared to reveal a road, I took the rope in my left hand and pulled Subhadra closer with his left hand. They were very close. So close that our breaths were mingling into each other.

 I  looked in her eyes. I could not see the initial hesitation and fright in her eyes anymore. What I saw in her eyes was divine. I could feel our souls coming together, becoming one once and for all the lives to come.

Just then he heard the sound on another approaching chariot. He released Subhadra with utmost effort and concentrated his mind fully on the task at hand.

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