Chapter 3: Save Them!

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We stood still. We killed the last Orcs that stood where we were. We listened. There was no sound. They looked to Ravenhill, while I looked at the tower before us.
"Where is he?" Thorin asked.
"It looks empty," Kíli noticed. "I think Azog has fled."
"Fled?" I raised an eyebrow. "Azog and fleeing are words that don't go together. He will not give up. He swore to wipe out the line of Durin."

"Fíli, take your brother," Thorin began, but I stopped him.
"I will not risk your lives. I will go. Alone." I sheathed my sword and before turning away, I looked at them.
"Trust me, this is part of my plan. Stay here, no matter what. Don't go anywhere until I tell you to. I've got this." For the first time Thorin looked worried at me, and I smiled.
"I will be okay."

Then I sighed and ran. Faster then ever over the slippery ice. Also more silent then ever. I ran to the tower it would all begin. I ran up the stairs, when an Orc came my way. He growled. As silent as a predator spying on its prey, I drew my sword and laid my hand on his mouth so he wouldn't scream. Then I slit his throat and silently laid the Orc on the stairs. I looked around and went on. When I was upstairs I heard noises, remote, but they were coming. I waved at the Dwarves and they waved back. This would be the place. Then I looked up and climbed up the tower. It was not easy, but it was stable enough for me. When I was at the top, I walked to the edge and layed down.
Immediately, I heard sounds coming from under me. They were here. My heart was beating faster than ever, and I was almost scared they would hear it. I gathered my courage and took out my bow. Now, I would need my arrows.

It was Azog. He looked at Thorin and talked to him in Orcish. He stood with his back facing me, this time without holding Fíli. I grabbed an arrow and made it ready for take-off. But I waited for the right moment...

Then I felt an hand on my shoulder. I don't know what this adventure did with my reflexes, but faster than the light I turned around, my arrow now facing what I thought was my foe. But it wasn't. With wide eyes of shock I looked at Legolas.

"Don't scare me like that ever again. I thought you were an Orc," I whispered, so soft I almost couldn't hear it. Legolas came lying next to me.
"What are you doing? This is dangerous."
"You care then?" I asked wondred.
"I would not see you get killed by Azog," was all he said.
"I have a plan, don't worry."
I laid my bow and arrow in position again. The image of Fíli being held from this tower haunted my thoughts and it made me angrier than ever.
At the right moment, I let go of my arrow. It flew through the air, almost in slow motion, and it hit Azog in the back of his neck. He turned around with shock and looked right in my eyes.
"And now? Do you have a plan now?" Legolas asked, also making ready his bow.
"Yup, help me kill the Orcs. I'll take care of the Defiler." He nodded and jumped off. I shot another arrow, again hitting the Pale Orc. In his neck. The only place where no armour was.

Then I climbed down and killed the Orcs that tried to hold me back. Then, as Legolas shot the rest, I calmly walked to Azog. He was taller than me, and I looked up at him, right in his cold blue eyes. He just looked shocked. What, because he got hit by a girl? I narrowed my eyes.
"Don't you dare kill my friends, or my king," I spat in his face. Then I kicked against his legs, making him lose balance and fall all the way down. I didn't cheer, unlike the Dwarves. Smiling I gave a sign they could come. Bilbo had joined them in the meantime.

They ran towards me as Legolas and I made our way down.
"That was amazing!" Kíli laughed, and his brother agreed.
"Yeah, why didn't we think of that?"
Thorin had walked to the Pale Orc.
"Watch out," I warned him. "He may yet live. He is cunning."
Thorin walked slowly as he drew his sword.
"Wait," Legolas said. "Use this." He gave Thorin Orcrist, which he had apparently kept at his side. Thorin bowed his head and took the sword. We stood silently around him and I looked at Azog. I did not trust him.

Suddenly the Orc opened his eyes and growled. Thorin jumped aside, gave a cry and stabbed his sword in his body. The Pale Orc looked confused and shocked, and then stopped moving. He was dead. Azog the Defiler was dead!
I sighed and smiled.
"You did it!"
"With your help."
I leaned against the tower and felt something missing.

Then I had a sudden thought, which made my heart skip a beat in shock. I grabbed Legolas's arm.
"Tauriel! Follow me! Quick!" For some reason I knew exactly where to go. We ran to the other side, killing some more Orcs. I fought an Orc slightly larger than me. He grabbed my right arm and twisted it. I screamed in pain and tried to free myself. I used my left hand to take my sword out of my other hand. But the Orc was faster and grabbed my other hand too. He threw me through the air and I landed on my face. I groaned and stood up again. I grabbed my dagger and threw it to the Orc. He fell and I grabbed my sword from the ground and the dagger from the Orc. Then I went on.

We saw Tauriel wrestling with Bolg, and Kíli wanted to come to the rescue, but I held him back. Not this time.
It was a pity though, that Legolas wouldn't have an epic fight with Bolg. Then I had a plan again.

I told my plan to the others and we went to work. While the rest was hiding silently behind a rock, I jumped up and walked forward.
"Hey!" I screamed at Bolg, who was ready to kill Tauriel. "Let go of her!"
He turned and with his giant spear thing he walked towards me. I stood still and looked challenging at him. He was ready to attack me, but then got an arrow through his head. Legolas. He looked up at where the arrow came from and ran to Legolas, groaning. I ran backwards and went to Tauriel.
"Are you alright?" I asked, helping her up. She nodded lightly and we walked unseen to where Thorin, Dwalin, Fíli, Kíli and Bilbo were.

Well, Legolas got his epic fight after all. I mean, I didn't want to steal his moment, but I didn't know how it was going to end.
"Tauriel," Kíli said relieved. Now they could finally be a good-ending love story. How lovely. No really, I liked their romance. I always have. They shared a moment while I kept an eye on Legolas. He would survive. I knew he would.

I saw him stab his knife in Bolg's head, and with that the war was over.
He walked, slightly panting, towards us and I gave him a smile. Then, we saw the Eagles. They came with Radagast and Beorn, who helped kill the last Orcs. We ran back to Erebor while killing some more. What was over of the rest, fled.

We greeted Dáin, and rested a bit. Gandalf came, and he was glad to see me back alive. I still had a nervous feeling. But about something else. Then I had another thought.
"Legolas," I said. "Talk to your father."
He nodded. "I was already thinking of that. I cannot stay."
"Your father will know where you can go. I hope we will meet again."
"I hope so too." He smiled, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck."
I smiled back, with a lump in my throat. I hated goodbyes. He walked off, and I turned to the rest.

The same day, Thorin officially was crowned to King under the Mountain. Not long after, Bilbo had to leave. Back to the Shire. I really would have loved to see the Shire, but I had other things to do. Like, getting back to my world.

                                      A sketch of Vicky shooting Azog on the tower of Ravenhill

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                                      A sketch of Vicky shooting Azog on the tower of Ravenhill

Well, everyone has been saved! All three the Dwarves. Now it's back to where we started. 🥲

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