Teenage Night (III)

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"Never have I ever thought
You'll see me the way I see you...
But in your beautiful eyes,
I know that you do..."


[ Niall's POV ]

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I greeted cheerfully as soon as we came across one another. I couldn't decipher why, but I was clearly elated to see her in school today, even though we both just met last afternoon.

To my own dismay, I was only replied with a soft 'uhm hi.' She did not even show a slightest smile.

Her friend offered me a sympathetic smile and waved her hand at me. I returned the gesture simply by waving my hand back at her.

I let out a soft yet still audible sigh. Why has she been avoiding me all day? What have I done wrong? Did I say something that made her feel offended?

I brought my thumb to my chin, thinking. What is it?

Oh wait... Wait, did she find out? Ohmygod, what a dumb shit. Of course she has to find out.

I gritted my teeth in frustration. I was obviously infuriated with myself. What, in my creative mind, convinced me that lying can win her heart? What an imbecile fool.

Without realising it, my inner conscious kept on babbling, agitating me. She knows. She knows. How did she find out? Great, she's probably thinking I'm such a liar. Awesome, just awesome.


Later that day, I was speaking to my mate, Louis, about possibly the most fascinating thing ever, football. Indeed, we were both huge football fans. I was too caught up in our conversation that I wasn't paying attention to where I was heading to.

All of a sudden, I unintentionally bumped onto somebody. Before I even had time to know who it was, I could hear the sound of books dropping on the floor. I gasped in shock, my face turning serious almost immediately. I finally looked at the person, feeling a pang of guilt and embarrassment in an instant. It was (Y/N).

At the same time, we both bent down to retrieve the scattered books on the floor. "Never mind, I'll get it. It's my fault." I offered.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't really looking." She answered, and continued to grab her books. The other books were already gathered neatly by me.

I stood up, with her pile of books in my hand. She did the same. I did not hand her back her books. Instead, I just looked at her and smiled.

"What?" She said, suddenly growing cautious of herself. She touched the sides of her mouth, probably thinking that she left some food bits there.

I laughed, looking at her adorable self. "Nothing. Are you gonna keep your books in your locker?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Some of them." She nodded her head. She pursed her lips, hesitating before asking, "Can I have my books back please?"

"Nope. Let me walk you to your locker." I tapped on Louis' shoulder. "Hey mate, I gotta go now."

Louis landed his eyes on me, and then at (Y/N). He mouthed 'Oooh.' Next, his lips formed a smile, and he then winked at me.

I only managed to laugh silently, shaking my head as my cheeks turned slightly red.

I turned my attention back to (Y/N) and gave her a slight nod. "Let's go."

Just when we almost exited, Louis' voice could be heard. "Little Nialler's out to have some fun! Good luck mate!"

I rolled my eyes impishly, mentally face-palming myself. I turned to face Louis and mouthed 'Shut up', only getting him to stick his tongue out at me. "Don't bother about that lad there. He's just... Like that." I told (Y/N) , shrugging my shoulders as we continued to walk.

To my surprise, (Y/N) let out a laugh. Why should she laugh? What's so funny?

I raised my eyebrows, clearly not understanding a thing. She managed to say, "Little Nialler? Really?" before she continued to laugh.

"Uhm... Yeah, I guess?" I said. By this time, my cheeks had been coated with a blush.

"I think that's so cute, you know. It fits you." She smiled, this time I knew it was a genuine one. I looked into her eyes, and I could see sincerity.

Did she just say I'm cute?

"Oh, and this is my locker." She said, pointing out to a particular locker, breaking the silence. "Thanks Niall."

I handed her the books and leaned my back again the locker, waiting for her to sort out her things.

"Gosh, Niall. Please tell me you didn't see anything. My locker is absolutely disheveled, I know." She chuckled adorably.

"The truth is I didn't even glance at your locker and you just described it as 'absolutely disheveled'. You really are one of a kind, love." I said honestly, quoting her words.

She closed her locker and turned to face me. "You know what? I've learned that it is almost impossible to stay mad at you even for a day, Niall."

"Right, that's good to know!" I smiled, folding arms proudly. I leaned in, causing our shoulders to brush, keeping the smile in my face, "Hey, are you free tonight?"

She tilted her head slightly, thinking. "I don't have any plans-"

"Yeah, that's great! I'll text you later, okay?" I said quickly, not wanting her to ask any questions. It wouldn't be fun if that happens.

"Well, see you later, I guess?" I said, waving my hand at her.

Her lips parted, and then formed a sweet smile almost immediately.

I walked a few steps, before I stopped. Okay, this is gonna be a cliche but I'm still gonna do it.

"Wait," I turned back to face her. She looked up at me with wide eyes. I rushed to stand in front of her.

"I forgot something," I said quickly, the nervousness growing in my veins with every passing second.

"Hmm?" She raised her eyebrows and gave me a questioning look.

With that, I swiftly brought my hands to the sides of her beautiful face gently before crashing her lips against my own. It took her merely seconds to melt into the kiss. She shut her eyes as her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer.

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

I am honestly so excited for you guys to read the next chapter, it's gonna be so fun, hint: it involves romance x

Hopefully you're just as excited as me :)

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