Light (II)

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Heyyya! Everyone feeling good?
Alright, here the sequel to Light. Everything that it is written is significant, that's for sure.


(Y/N)'s POV

I ran as fast as I could. It was pure darkness, it was almost impossible to see. Only some rays of light could be seen from a distance. My visions started to fade slowly as time comes by. I continued to run relentlessly despite the exhaustion. My breathing becomes even more heavy, my shirt has been covered in dirt and sweat. I was indeed desperate for help.

Two metres away from me, stood a tall figure. I ran towards the direction of the figure, thinking that I may recieve some help. As I came closer, I recognised that figure. Niall.

I quickened my pace, a feeling of relief washed all over me. I was relieved to know that Niall is here, with me. He can possibly lead me out of this dark unfamiliar place. Before I knew it, I tripped onto an unknown object. I raised my hand to reach out to Niall, but failed in my attempt. He was too far away from me. Instantly, I landed on the hard ground and my forehead hit a rock. I let down a loud scream before collapsing, the pain was unbearable.

A black car stopped by, and another figure rushed towards me. "(Y/N), oh my gosh!" I could recognise Louis' voice.

Louis kneeled next to me with a worried expression drawn to his face. Unintentionally, he touched the wound on my knee, causing me to wince in pain. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He apologised before examining the wound.

I shook my head, telling him that it's alright. I touched my forehead with my index finger. Looking at my index finger which was dipped in blood, I could decipher that the bruise on my forehead was so terrible that it was bleeding. Louis took out a napkin from his jeans pocket and placed it on my forehead, to stop the bleeding. I held the napkin and thanked him.

Loud footsteps could be heard, probably someone is running towards us, it gets even louder as seconds past. Apparently, the footsteps were caused by Niall, who has rushed here. Within a minute, Niall was kneeling by my side. He wears the same facial expression as Louis; worried.

"Louis, what has happened to (Y/N)? Will you please open the door while I bring her to the back seat of your car?" Niall questioned, but it sounded more like a demand.

Louis nodded his head, urgently rushing to the black car and opening the backseat door. Eventhough I was still able to walk, Niall carried me to the car in a bridal style carefully, not wanting to touch the wounds. He took a seat next to me, pulling me closer him so that I was leaning on his chest. Louis closed the door and got to the driver's seat. He started the engine and began to drive.

Niall pressed his hand against my cheeks and spoke softly, trying to assure me, "Don't worry, you'll be alright."

He stared at my pink lips and leaned in nearer to my face, shutting his eyes close. I knew this was going to happen. My lips curved into a smile, as I close my eyes, waiting for his soft lips to crash against mine.

RING! RING! RING! The deafening sound of my alarm clock could be heard. I groaned loudly, clearly irritated by the sound. I reached out for my iPhone and immediately turned it off.

I sighed heavily in frustration. Why must my alarm always destroy the greatest part of my dream? Why is it only a dream? Why can't it be real? Wait, do I want it to be real? Do I want to kiss him?

I pushed aside all my thoughts, not allowing it to bother me any longer. I scratched the back of my head and stared at my phone. It stated 5.20am. That was when I remembered about Louis' departure to Sweden this morning. Upon the realisation, I immediately took a quick shower, not wanting to waste any time. Next, I took out a lime-green coloured sweater and a pair of black jeans. I brushed my hair before putting on a beanie on my head. I didn't have the time to put on any make-up, due to time constraint. As I was about to wear my Vans, I heard a knock on my door.

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