Will You?

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay, (Y/N)? You've been staying in bed all day."

"I'm fine, Mum. Just tired..." I said, not even bothering to face my mother.

"But... You're making me worried, dear. What's wrong?" She placed her hand on your forehead. "You're running a fever (Y/N). I'll get you the medicine okay? I'll be right back."

I just nodded my head as she left the room. I don't know what else to do. I'm really disappointed with Kaith. How could she dare to lie to me? She's such a liar!

After all these years of friendship, she never changed. I have always thought that she has changed. But the truth hurts. She didn't change. At all.

At this moment I feel conflicted. I feel like crying, for being such an idiot. On the other hand, I feel that she's not worth my tears. Despite giving her a chance when she did it a year ago, she committed the same mistake, again. Calling her 'best friend' was such a huge mistake.

My mobile phone vibrated, causing me to stop thinking about her. I read the text that I received from my dearest friend.

Hey (Y/N), are you coming with me for dinner today? -Niall

It took a moment for me to figure out why he asked that question. I just remembered that I had agreed to go on a date with him that night. I sighed, not sure of what to say. I started typing.

Hey, I really wanted to come with you, but... Just not today, not feeling very well. I'm so sorry...

I sent the text, hoping that he wouldn't get offended. I stared blankly at the wall, uncertain about things.

My mum knocked on the door before entering the room and said, "These will make you feel better. Be sure to rest well, darling."

I managed to fake a smile and mouthed a 'thank you'. She nodded and left the room right away.

I stared at my phone, expecting a reply from Niall. After five minutes of waiting, I fell asleep, still holding on to my mobile phone.


"Darling, look who's come to see you."

I blinked my eyes a few times, my vision becoming a little more clear each time. I stared blankly at my mum who's sitting on my bed.

My mum repeated herself, "Darling, you have a visitor waiting for you in the living room."

"Who is it?"

"Go ahead, don't make him wait." She smiled and left my room.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I realised that I've been sleeping for 20 minutes. I placed my phone on the dressing table. I simply tied my hair to a ponytail and wore a blue sweater. I've totally forgottened about the problems I have with Kaith.

As soon as I reached the living room, I laid my eyes on Niall. He was laughing as he speaks to my mum. My mum was laughing as well. Apparently my mum is telling him a story.

"Looks like everyone's having a good time?" I smiled, standing next to the couch.

"(Y/N), I can't believe you did that! That's naughty!" Niall spoke, still laughing.

I giggled, although I still didn't know what he is talking about. "What did you tell him, Mum?"

"Nothing much, just a little bit about your first day of school." She stopped talking for a second and giggled, "You bit the teacher's finger and ran towards me, screaming 'I want to come with you!'"

"Oh Mum, that's awful. Look, he's laughing at me again Mum." I whined like a child.

"You're welcome darling," my mum smiled as she went to the kitchen. "I'll leave you two now, okay?"

"Stop laughing, you're making me feel embarassed." I said to Niall.

He stopped laughing for a second, trying to hold his laughter, but then burst out laughing again.


"Okay, okay. I'll stop right now."

"Well, what brings you here? And wait, how did you know this is my house? I've never brought you here."

"Let's say, love brings me here. Love provided me with the directions to be here with you." He smiled cheekily.

"Niall, I'm serious. I know you got that line from a movie or something, it sounds familiar somehow."

"It's from the first movie we watched together at the cinema, if you don't know. Well I dropped by to see how you're doing. You said you're not feeling well."

"Just needed a little rest. I'm good. You don't have to trouble yourself and come over."

"It's not a trouble for me. You can't come with me for dinner, so I came here to see you." He paused, remembering something, "Oh I've brought some cookies. Your favourites cookies."

"Wow, thank you."

"No problem. Anyway, would you like to come with me to the park nearby?"

"Sure, but first, you haven't answered my question. How did you know this is my house?"

"My friend's staying next to yours, and that day I had to send him home because he can't drive. And I happened to see you walking home."

"Incredible. Let's get going."


Niall placed my hands in his, as he said, "I think it's been a long time since I said this to you. Now it's the right time."

What is it? What does he want to say? I wondered, confusion and nervousness is starting to take over me.

Taking out a ring from an attractive small red box, he looked into my eyes, "Will you promise to be by my side till the end? And make this love last eternity? And that you'll never leave me?"

"Niall," I begin to speak, but he stopped me.

"Will you promise me?" His facial expression shows the desperation for love, as well as fear. Fear that he would be rejected by his love once again.

At that moment in time, my lips start to shake. All of this happens all of a sudden. I was lost for words. All I did was to stare into his eyes, it's almost impossible to breathe. It took around ten seconds for me to react and unfreeze.

"Yes, I promise. I promise, Niall."

Niall's face is unreadable. He is full of emotions. Happiness, pride, and relief. He blinked a couple of times.

"Thank you, thank you so much (Y/N). I love you so much. Let this ring be a symbol of our love." He took my hand put the ring into my finger, and looked up to smile at me. His smile is beautiful and sincere.

"Thank you Niall, I love you. This is so lovely."

I pulled in for hug. I feel safe in his arms. He caressed my hair gently. He then looked into my eyes as he says those words that bring so much pleasure to my ears.

"I love you (Y/N)."


It took me a while to write this imagine. Really hope that you love it.

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