Light (VII)

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This chapter is going to be exciting. Enjoyyy.


Niall's POV

Later in the evening, I was planning to take (Y/N) out for dinner. I had a few things in mind to consider —whether or not this is a date, and how I should ask her out. I really want to make this dinner a memorable time for the two of us.

When I look back later in the future, I'm hoping that I wouldn't regret anything, and I'm sure about my decision right now.

I wanted to surprise her with a bouquet of fresh roses, followed by the question, "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend, who will always love and support me?"

I hope that everything will work out the way I want it to be. I hope.

I figured out I should choose my outfit perfectly for the night, probably because I think that first impression matters. Well, if this was considered a date, then this will be our first ever date. I want to make it as perfect as possible, not because I was a perfectionist, but to show that I actually put a lot of effort into this whole thing and she's definitely worth all this.

But again, is this considered a date?

I took out a blue pen and a piece of blank paper. I scratched the back of my head, not knowing what to write. My mind is completely blank.

I shut my eyes, thinking about it. It took me some time, before I finally managed to decipher what to write:

Dearest (Y/N),

Will you, my sweet lady, be pleased to have dinner with me?

Niall xxx

I don't really know what else to write, but that should be alright. Guess I'm not romantic enough then. Wait, it's not just that. There's more to come later on. I'm pretty sure everything will fall into place.

I folded the note into half, keeping it in my pocket. I grabbed a blue beanie and placed it on my head. I was just a little lazy to style my hair, so a beanie will solve this minor problem.

I knocked on (Y/N)'s door, trying to hide my smile that was obviously displayed. The excitement was overwhelming. I really hope she'll say 'yes'.

Once the door swung open, I bit my lip in order to avoid the smile that was threatening to appear in my face.

Wow. She looks extremely gorgeous in that laced black dress. How can somebody look so perfect?

"Niall!" She pulled me in for a quick hug. She flashed me a beautiful smile, with her adorable dimple shown, "How do I look? Is it fine?"

You look damn fine that I just wanna feel your soft pink lips against mine and I wanna be really cuddly that—

"Niall? Or should I put on another dress?" She questioned, her hazel eyes looking into my blue ones.

"Y-yeah— I mean, this one suits you. This is the one." I replied, once realising that I hadn't spoken a word.

"Are you sure? I can always pick another dress." She said as she intertwined our hands, bringing me into her room.

I nodded my head, slinging my arm around her waist. "This one's perfect. Anyway, why are you dressing up this way, as if there is something special today?"

"Oh, right! I haven't told you, have I?" She covered her mouth and giggled. "Louis is coming back this evening, and he wanted to have dinner."

My face fell. What? What about my plans? It's all ruined. Urgh... I only managed to say, "Oh."

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