Chapter Eighteen

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Kovu's POV

I didn't expect this to happen so early in the morning. "How are you doing Yumi?" I asked my flower, holding her hand. "Great other then the fact I am in pain!" She yelled at me. I backed away and sat down in the chair. It had started about an hour ago. I woke up when I heard Yumi scream. Once I knew she was in labor I rushed her to the hospital. So that's how we got here. I had called Yumi's sisters and they should be here soon. "Kovu! Where are my sisters!" Yumi hissed at me. "They are on their way here flower." I said calmly. "Well go out and look for them before I slap you!" She hissed. I quickly stood up and left to look for my sister-in-laws.
I looked everywhere on the first floor before going outside to look for their truck. But what I found wasn't in fact a truck but horses. "They couldn't take a second to grab their keys..." I mumbled and walked back inside the hospital and back to Yumi's room. When I walked in I found the three sisters talking. "Kovu! I told you to find them not go exploring!" Yumi snapped at me. Kit and Kat laughed and I sighed. "Alright we need you three to leave so we can start." A doctor said as he walked in with a few others. "Yeah, sure. Bye my flower." I smiled at her. "Bye Yumi!" Her sisters both said and we all walked out. We waited outside for a long time before the doctors/nurses walked out. "You may go in now." One of them told us. I jumped up from where I sat and walked inside, seeing Yumi and two tiny babies. "The girl is Elizabeth. You can name the boy." Yumi smiled at me. I picked up the boy and cradled hm. In my arms, thinking of a name. "How about Ace?" I suggested. "Ace.. That's a perfect name. My little Ace and Elizabeth." She smiled. "Kat, could you take her? I'm very tired.." She said, handing the girl to her sister before passing out. I chuckled and looked up at Kit and Kat. "You really rode here on your horses?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Well, Kit here couldn't find the keys to the truck so we grabbed reins and bare backed it here."Kat smiled. I sighed, shaking my head lightly.

Time Skip, Yumi's POV

It had been three years since Ace and Liz had been born and between that time and now another birth happened along with two weddings. Ama and Jason got married and had a baby girl named Willow. Kat and Hiroto also had gotten married. Kit and Hayato are also about to get married. Willow had long black hair that ended in pink. Ace and Liz had the same fiery red hair. Ace's eyes were purple around the pupil and then blue while Liz's was the opposite way. The two twins shared a room together and were inseparable. They were also friends with Willow. I also had another baby a few months back. (I ain't going through all that again.) The baby was a boy which we named Aaron. His room was beside the twins room and there was a little hole in the wall so Ace and Liz could play with Aaron when they wanted. The twins really loved their younger brother quite a lot. "Mommy! Daddy!" A little voice giggled. "We're hungry!" Another one said and I felt two pairs of tiny hands banging on my side. I yawned and rolled over, putting my hands around the two of them. "Let mommy sleep for a bit longer.." I mumbled sleepily. "Come on mommy! Feed us!" They both squirmed free. I sighed and sat up, looking at them in the dark. I looked over at my bed side clock, seeing it was five. "You two love to wake me really early don't you." I chuckled, getting up. I picked them both up and walked to the kitchen. "So what will it be this time?" I asked my two early birds. "Pancakes!" They said together. "Right away my dears." I smiled and started cooking. I also made a bottle for Aaron before I went back upstairs and got him. I set him in his high chair and finished making the food. I served the twins pancakes and picked up Aaron, feeding him the bottle. "Alright you two. My class is going to be over in a few hours so you have to be on your best behavior." I told them. "Can we join this time?" Elizabeth asked with a mouth full of pancakes. "Swallow before you talk and not just yet. You two are still too young to ride Salty and Vale. Give it two or three more years." I smiled. "But you can watch." I added. They both cheered happily and finished their food. And yes, Oreo and Stormrunners foals became their horses. Once Aaron was older too we would get him a horse if he chose to do so. "Hello my flower, Aaron, Liz and Ace. How is everyone?" Kovu asked, kissing the top of my head. "Great. They beat my alarm clock again Kovu." I chuckled, handing Aaron off to him. "Oh! Willow is also coming over today you two." I added to them. "Yay! Willow is coming over again!" They both cheered. I laughed lightly before going upstairs to change.

One Year Time Skip

It has been another year and it was the afternoon. "Now how is my Aaron!" I smiled, picking up my little one year old. He giggled and started clapping happily, playing with my hair. "How would my little Aaron like a horse? You remember when you saw your mommy and daddy's horses in the barn?" I smiled, kissing his forehead. "Horse.." He said quietly. "Horsey horsey!" He giggled, clapping again. "Okay Aaron." I laughed. "Kovu! Aaron wants a horse. Get Liz and-." I started but the two four year olds ran down the stairs. "We wanna go with you!" They jumped around me. "Get your shoes." I chuckled and grabbed my car keys. "Kovu hook up the trailer for me please." I said as I put on my shoes and helped Liz and Ace with theirs.

Four Years Time Skip

"Liz! Could you and Ace feed the horses for me as I make supper?" I called from the kitchen. I heard two footsteps running down the stairs and there stood the twins. Their odd colored eyes shined brightly but their hair shined even brighter. Liz's long hair was pulled into a braid while Ace's hair was messy as ever. They both loved horses a lot and we're happy to help me take care of them. They even participate in the classes I teach as well as a few extra lessons. They both put on their shoes and ran out to feed them. "Aaron dear!" I called and walked into the living room where Kovu and Aaron were watching tv. "Yes mama." He asked and stood up on the couch and looked at me with big green eyes. "Are you excited for your first day at school?" I asked, sitting beside him. "No.. I wanna stay here with you and daddy." He said and crawled into my lap. I chuckled lightly and kissed his forehead. "You can't stay home forever. You'll be just fine." I smiled at him.

Few Week Time Skip

"Alright Aaron here we are." I said, pulling up to the drop off at the elementary school. "Bye mommy!" Liz said and jumped out. Ace waved goodbye and the twins ran off to their class. "Now then, do you remember where to go?" I asked, turning around to look at him. He nodded his head but didn't move. "Then shouldn't you get going to class?" I chuckled. At that he shook his head no widely. "Aaron you have to go to school. I'm sorry sweetie." I sighed. "Now off you go dear. I'll be here to pick up your brother and sister and you in a few short hours." I smiled at him. "Promise?" He asked and I nodded. "Pinkie promise." I smiled. He nodded and got out of the car, heading to class.

Authors Note

Sorry for all the time skips. This chapter pretty much was just showing you a few moments in their lives. Next chapter will be up soon and also, sorry for the long wait. I just have a lot of books to update/edit. X3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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