Chapter Three

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All the first and second year students were all gathered where I had fallen asleep at. Everyone was with their group of what the decided to train on. Stormrunner and I were at the back alone, listening as the teachers talked. First was the barrel racers, then the ones who would do the jump obstacles, then the racers. So both of them are before me.. I thought and the barrel racers got ready. There were six barrels so two people could go at once. I had Stormrunner trot over to where everyone could watch from a good distance. Me and Kit watch as many people went. So far the best time was 18:00:00. "Do you think Kat will beat that?" Kit asked and I nodded. "I got a feeling she will." I smiled. The last two people to go were Kat and a boy with brown hair and really pale green eyes. They both got ready and when they heard the buzzer they started the barrel race. The Kat finished before the boy, making the new time 11:12:20. "She won!" Kit and I squealed happily. Kat trotted over to us, Blackstars head held high. Stormrunner and Stargazer snorted and we all laughed. "Next is yours Kit." I said and she nodded, leaving us to join her group class. Kit went somewhere in the middle of it and got the best time. "Both of you won! Lets see if I can also win!" I giggled and trotted over. they would have four people race together, the winner of each one racing with three new people. I went last with two other people, and the winner of the last one who had given me his jacket. We heard a horn and the race started.


Me, Kit, and Kat were walking along the edge of the field where the school competition. "So do you know that guy that you raced with?" I asked Kat and she nodded. "Kinda. His name is Hiroto Kusaki." She said. Me and Kit both nodded our heads. "He seems nice." Kit said after a few minutes of silence. "He's really nice. The other day someones horse got hurt and so that person couldn't do our training and Hiroto let him use his horse." Kat told us. "Wow." Kit and I said at the same time. "So do you have anyone nice if your class Kit?" I asked, looking over at her and she nodded. "He's cold toward people but really nice toward horses and seems to know just as much about them as I do."She smiled. "What's his name?" Kat asked. "I think it's Hayato Kuchigi." Kit said. "Lets head back, it'll be time to eat soon." Kat said and we all walked back to the school.


Kat's POV

After we put our horses back into the stable we headed for the mess hall. When we got there we ended up in the middle of a food fight. I looked over at Kit and Yumi and I saw excitement in Yumi's eyes. "Yumi don't do-.." I watched as she grabbed food and threw it at some guys face. "It." I finished with a sigh and Kit and I took cover under a lunch table.

Yumi's POV

I was throwing food all over the place. When I saw the person who ran me over then gave me his jacket I decided to throw food right in his face. I grabbed a handful of the messiest thing in the mess hall. I then walked around flipped tables that shielded people who didn't want to get into trouble. I also had to duck from flying potato salad and potato chips, along with flying broccoli. I soon saw him and threw the food at him, hitting him square in the face. I then started laughed and he rolled his eyes. His eyes then widened. "Get down!" He yelled before tackling me to the ground. I looked past him and saw flying bread. "Oh, thanks." I said, looking back at his messy face and blushed, pushing him away. "I gotta go find my sisters now.." I told him, walking off and I heard the shrill whistle of all of the teachers. I stopped mid-steps and turned around to look at our headmaster standing on a table with the teachers behind him. "WHOEVER STARTED THIS FOOD FIGHT COME TO THE FRONT RIGHT NOW!!!" He yelled loudly. I looked around as people started to whisper. After what seemed like forever three people stepped forward, one of them being the dude who saved me from salad to the back of my head. With him was a boy and a girl. The girl had her head down in shame. "In my office you three." The headmaster said to them. the four of them walked out. "EVERYONE SIT BACK DOWN!" One of the teachers yelled and everyone scuffled around and pretty soon everyone was sitting again. We sat there for what seemed like all day but it was only one and a half hours that we did sit there getting scolded by one of the teachers. Then one of the others stopped her from going on and dismissed us.


"What a thrill!" I smiled as we were walking down the halls to our room. "Yumi you are lucky that they didn't decided to cancel the Halloween ball." Kit told me and I rolled my eyes and giggled. "It might only be for the three people who started it." I pointed out. "Anyways tomorrow we have off so that the students who signed up can get the cafeteria ready for the ball. We can go Halloween costume shopping then." Kat said and me and Kit nodded. "Sounds good." We said at the same time and laughed, walking into our dorm and going to sleep. (I took a shower to get the food out of my hair first)

Authors Note:

Yeah yeah yeah. I know what you are all thinking. 'But it's past Halloween! They can't have a Halloween ball!'. I don't caaare!!XD

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