Chapter Eight

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??? POV

 I watched as the couple walked to the forest, holding hands. I growled silently, "I can't believe Kovu betrayed me like that." I clenched my fists and ducked behind a tree when Yumi looked back. "Something wrong?" I heard Kovu ask her. "No.." She replied.

Yumi's POV

For the rest of the walk I felt like Kovu and I were being followed. I moved closer to him, and glanced back behind us, seeing nothing. "Are you sure you're alright?" Kovu asked, his voice full of worry. "Yeah.. I just feel like we're being followed." I said. "It could just be a forest animal Yumi." He laughed lightly and kissed my forehead. "But if it makes you happy, we'll head back." He added. I nodded. "Could we?" I asked and we turned around heading back to the school. So much for a peaceful walk.. I thought as we returned back to the school.


We both walked into the barn and went over to our horses to check on them. "Hey Stormrunner!" I smiled at the dapple grey horse. He bumped his head into my shoulder and I giggled. I heard a loud neigh and turned around to see a pure black horse being led by a boy with black hair, hiding his eyes. "Hey Jason." Kovu called to the person who just glared at him after he moved hair from his eyes. They both looked at each other for some time before Kovu sighed and turned back to Oreo. I looked at Kovu, then toward the other boy who was gone. "Who was that?" I asked Kovu. "Oh, my room mate Jason. He's also my friend." He said. "Although he is a bit mad at me.." He muttered and shrugged his shoulders. After grooming them and giving them some treats we headed out of the barn. I wanted to know more about Jason and why he was mad at Kovu but I decided to ask.


I returned to my empty dorm and jumped onto my bed. I looked around and sighed, bored. I then decided to watch a movie and put in one of my favorite movies. After watch half of it I ended up falling asleep on the small couch in the room.


I was standing on a dark road, the outlines of buildings were on the dark navy blue sky. Everything seemed calm but then I heard the loud neigh's of horses and smelled smoke. I looked around, seeing nothing at first but then my eyes landed on the burning building of a barn. Students were running around, screaming. Some of them ran into the fire to free the horses. All of them came out with a few horses. I then ran in after not seeing Stormrunner. I heard four people call my name but I ignored them, jumping into the fire. I coughed when my lungs were filled with smoke. "Stormrunner!" I called and walked threw the fire. I heard the neigh of the horse and quickly ran over to him. I put my hands on the metal to open his stall and screamed in pain. Ignoring the hot metal I flung the stall open and Stormrunner ran out of the stall. I coughed as I pushed Stormrunner toward the exit of the barn. I gave him one last push and he was out. Before I could jump out burning wood fell down at the entrance. I looked around as I coughed from all the smoke. I ran toward the back way to find it was also blocked. "Help!" I screamed and coughed again. I looked around and grabbed a piece of wood that wasn't burning. I ran over to a wall that looked weak and started hitting it with the wood. I kept hitting and soon I made a small hole, but it was big enough for me to climb out of. I weakly went through the hole and went into a coughing fit. I fell to the ground but was caught by two sets of arms.


I bolted awake and looked around, finding myself in my dorm room. "Just a dream.." I mumbled. "Just a dream.." I said again. It had felt so real though. I looked around and saw pale light coming through the window. I yawned, guessing I had slept all of yesterday and last night. I started getting changed and grabbed my books, looking at them time. "5:59." I mumbled and sat on my bed. Right when I did a blaring alarm went off and Kit and Kat groaned but soon sat up. They both then started getting ready. Once they were done with everything we all went to our classes.


Soon lunch had come and I walked aimlessly, the dream bothering me. I ran into someone and fell onto the floor. "S-sorry!" I said and saw Kovu looking at me. "It's fine." He chuckled and held out a hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up into a hug. "Something bothering you?" He asked. I looked at him, debating if I should tell him. "No.. I'm fine." I lied with a smile. He narrowed his eyes at him. "Yumi." He said sternly and I sighed. "Fine.. I had a dream last night." I mumbled and then started to explain the dream. I finished and took a breath of air and looked up at him. He was smiling at me and he grabbed my hand. "Like I would allow you to jump into a fire." He said, kissing my cheek. I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said. "Now lets go eat, I'm starving!" Kovu said and I laughed, rolling my eyes. We then both walking into the mess hall.


It was dark and I was just returning from the stables. I stopped in the middle of the dark road, feeling a strange sense of deja vu. I froze, hearing the neigh's of frightened horses and smoke. I gulped and turned around and sure enough, the stables were on fire. Everyone ran out  and like my dream some students ran into the fire, bring out some horses. I gulped and started running toward the barn but felt a hand grab me. I turned back to see Kovu standing there. "Let go Kovu!" I screamed. "No! I'm not letting you go in there!" He screamed back. I tugged on my hand but his grip only got tighter. My eyes started tearing up. "Sorry Kovu.." I said and walked over to him, bitting his hand, hard. He yelped and let go of my hand. I then jumped into the smoke filled barn. I ran to where Stormrunner was and put my hands on the hot metal, yelping in pain. I opened the stall and pushed Stormrunner through. We soon got to the end of the barn and Stormrunner was out, but beams fell down blocking my way. I looked around for the stick I used in my dream, coughing. I soon found it and picked it up, hitting the wall harder. In a few simple hits it made a hole and I jumped through, coughing. I then started to fall but like the dream, two sets of arms grabbed me. Before I could see who had caught me I passed out.

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