Chapter Fifteen

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"So what do you think of this dress dear?" One of the ladies at the dress store asked. "It's a bit tight and not my style.." I mumbled. The clerk person sighed and turned toward Kit and Kat. "You two go and find one dress for her that you think she would like." She ordered. My sisters scurried off to find a dress. I sighed and looked around the store. I spotted a few dresses that weren't the normal white. They were purple, green, blue, etc. "Found one!" Kit and Kat returned, holding two dresses. "Try them on dearie." The lady said. I nodded and took them away from Kit and Kat. I tried them both on and declined both of them. The three of them then walked off to find other. I took the chance to grab a light blue dress and ran as fast as I could in a dress to the dressing room. I got changed into the dress and liked what I saw in the mirror. "Yumi! Are you in there?" I heard Kat call and a knock at the door. "Yeah I saw a dress so I tried it on. I like it." I called. "Come on out them." She sad and I heard steps walking away. I opened the door and walked out and stopped in front of them. "Blue?" They all said together. "Yes blue. I like it and I'll take it." I said, nodding my head and changed back into my normal clothes. "Alright it'll be fixed up and ready by Friday." The person said. "Thanks. Goodbye." I said and we all walked out.


"I'm home!" I called, walking through the front door. "Little flower welcome back!" Kovu said, walking down the stairs and hugged me. "Did you find a dress?" He asked. "Yes Kovu." I chuckled. "Did you check on Oreo?" I asked. "Yep. About a day or two left." He said. "Tomorrow's Valentines Day. If she does have them tomorrow we name the baby Vale." I said happily. "Alright. Vale it is." Kovu said and kissed my forehead. "Come on you must be hungry." He said and dragged me to the kitchen. "I made steak!" He said happily and I chuckled. "Go sit down I'll bring you some food." He said pushing me toward the table. After a bit he brought out the food and we ate. "Well I'm going to bed now Kovu." I yawned. "Goodnight." He said and I went upstairs.


I woke up around nine in the morning and noticed Kovu sleep peacefully beside me. "Cute.." I smiled, kissing his forehead. I then heard a loud banging sound at the door. Kovu's eyes shot open, the noise waking him. "I'll get." I said, getting up and walking to the door. I opened it up and saw a dapple grey horse whose name was Stormrunner. He neighed loudly at me, grabbing the end of my pajama shirt and pulled softly. "Dear! Stormrunner wants to show us something!" I called. I heard footsteps and soon Kovu was beside me. We then started to follow the horse toward the barn. Once we were inside Stormrunner ran to Oreos stall, sticking his head in it. "Do you think?" I asked, looking over at Kovu who nodded. "I'll go call the vet!" I said, running back to the house. I quickly dialed in our vets number. I wait, tapping my foot on the ground. After a few rings someone answer. "Finally! Hello, my horse, Oreo, you remember her right?" I asked. "Yes we do. She is your only horse about to have fillies correct?" The person asked. "Yeah well she's giving birth now." I said. She asked for the address and said someone would be there in a few minutes. I thanked her and hung up.

~~~~~~~Time Skip

"They both survived." The vet said to me and Kovu, smiling. "She had twins?" Kovu asked. "Yep. Both are healthy. The black and brown is a female while the buckskin is a male." She added. "Well thank you very much." I smiled and walked over to Oreo's stall. "How cute." I smiled, looking at them. 'How about the girl is Vale and you can name the boy." I said, looking over at Kovu as he walked over, putting an arm around me. "Hm.. Salty." He said. "So Salty and Vale." I said, leaning on him. "Perfect." He said happily and kissed my lips. "Happy Valentines day by the way flower." He added. "Happy Valentines day." I said back. "Come on. We gotta get changed." He said and we walked back to the house, hand in hand.


"Kovu where are we going?" I giggled, sitting in the passenger seat of his car. "It's a surprise." He chuckled. I fake pouted and chuckled, looking out the window. After a while more of driving we pulled into a parking lot in front of a fancy restaurant. I looked at the name and smiled happily and looked at him. "I love this place!" I smiled. "But it's so expensive.." I added. "Anything for my sweet." He smiled, kissing my lips softly. I smiled at him and we both got out and went inside.

~~~~~~Next Day, Kovu's POV

I woke slowly, hugging my flower in my arms protectively. I opened my eyes, seeing her cute face inches from mine. "Still adorable." I said and kissed her but she didn't stir. I chuckled softly, brushing back hair that fell in her face. I slowly and carefully got up so I wouldn't wake her and tip toed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I then started to make pancakes, my flowers favorite breakfast. After making enough for both of us I placed the food on the table and walked up the steps again. "My little flower~." I called softly, sitting beside her as she slept. "I made us some food." I said and kissed her cheek. After a bit she started to stirr. "Good morning flower." I smiled. She yawned and smiled at me, rubbing her eyes. "Morning." She said. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yeah. Your shirts are really comfy." She added with a nod. "That's good." I said and stood up." Lets go eat before our food gets cold." I told her. "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" She asked like a kid. "Sure, only because you're being so cute." I chuckled, turning around and bending so she could get on my back. She jumped on, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I then started out the door and to the ground floor.

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