Chapter Six

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It was the afternoon of the Halloween ball day. I was at Stormrunners stall, putting up Halloween posters and I then put a Halloween hat on him. He blew hot air in my face and I giggled. "Oh come on you look cute!" I smiled. "I gotta go Stormrunner. I'm going out to lunch with Kit and Kat." I patted his nose. "How about I take you into the schools pasture. Maybe Oreo will be there!" I giggled and lead him to the schools pasture. I allowed him to run to the other horses in the pasture and walked back to my dorm. "Are you two ready?" I asked Kit and Kat who nodded. "Lets go!" I declared and walked out of the dorm.


We were al walking in the town, chatting about random things. "There's Shake Shack." Kit said, pointing over to the place we were eating at. "And looks who's there too.." I mumbled, seeing Kovu, along with Hayato and Hiroto. Kat waved to Hiroto and Kit ran over to talk with Hayato. I sighed and slowly followed after them. "Hey Kovu." I said in a cold voice. "Hey that isn't any way to speak to me. You still owe me a favor." He chuckled. "I do not!" I huffed. He was about to say something else but Kat had decided to talk before him. "How about you three join us for lunch?" She asked. "That sounds like a great idea!" Kit agreed. I sighed, "I guess it's ok.." I mumbled. The three of the boys nodded. "Sounds good to me." Kovu said and I glared at him. "Guess it went from just three to six.." I mumbled and we all walked inside. "I'll go get us a booth. Get me a burger with fries and a milkshake." I said and walked toward the booths. I heard footsteps behind me and then a voice. "Hey! Wait up Yumi!" Kovu said and I sighed. "Don't you have to get food?" I asked as I sat down, scooting o the far end. "I told Hayato what I wanted." He said and sat beside me. "Coldn't you have sat on the other side..?" I blushed, moving closer to the wall. "Aw, your blushing!" He smiled and I hit his arm lightly. "I am not!" I said. After a few minutes of teasing me the others came. Kat sat across from me with Hiroto beside him and Kit and Hayato sat across from each other. "Did we miss anything?" Kat asked and I shook my head quickly, eating a fry. Kovu chuckled and started eating too.


One Hour before the ball

"The halls are so crowded with people rushing." Kat said as we finally made it to our dorm. "We'd better also start getting ready. We only have 40 minutes left." I said, looking at our clock. "I'm going first!" Kat called the bathroom to change before me or Kit could. I rolled my eyes and laughed. After five minutes Kat walked out and Kit bolted into the bathroom. "Come here Kat. Let me make your hair zombie like." I smiled like a crazy person who kills. She nodded and sat down and I grabbed a brush and started to mess her hair up. It took another five minutes and Kit walked out just as I finished. "My turn!" I smiled and grabbed my costume and jumped into the bathroom. I came out after yet another five minutes and started my own hair. It took longer because it had to have that steampunk look so it took ten minutes. "Only.. 15 more minutes. "We better get going!" Kit said and we all walked out of our dorm.


We all walked into the mess hall and was greeted by loud music and people chatting to one another about the costumes. I the noticed that Kit and Kat had wondered off and I rolled my eyes. I then started walking around and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw someone in a wolf costume wearing a mask. "Yes?" I asked. "Aren't you a cutie, hm?" He asked in a wolfish voice. I blushed and stepped back. "T-thanks.." I said and smiled, starting to walk away. He grabbed my arm and turned me around and pretty soon we were dancing. "The last time I checked it is polite to ask the lady to dance, not grab her arm and start dancing." I said and he smirked. "I'm a wolf . We take what we want." He said and I rolled my eyes. "So who's under that mask, if I may ask?" I tilted my head. "You shall see later little princess." He said. "I'm not a princess but ok.." I mumbled, quite confused. The song ended and he bowed. "Until next time flower." He said. "I'm not a flower either!" I blushed before turning around and headed toward the table with all the food and punch. I got myself a cup of punch and threw the cup away after I finished and grabbed a cupcake and started eating it. I then noticed the wolf guy dancing with another girl. After the song ended he started walking over and got himself some punch. He joined me as I continued eating my cupcake. "Hey flower." He said, still using his wolfish voice, despite it being a bit cute. "Hey there wolfy." I chuckled. "How is the food?" He asked. "It's yummy!" I smiled and finished off the cupcake, not realizing that I had orange frosting on my cheek. He laughed lightly and wiped it off with his finger before licking it off his finger. I blushed wildly when he did. "The frosting taste good." He smiled. "T-that's g-good." I stuttered. "Come on." He said and grabbed my arm, dragging me back to the dance floor. "Looks like we're dancing again." I laughed, still blushing as we danced. I smiled as we did and then the song changed without warning of the other song ending to a slow song. I looked over at the stage and saw Kit, Kat, Hayato, and Hiroto up there, looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and tried pulling away but the wolf guy pulled me closer and we started to slowly dance to the music. Kit, Kat, Hayato, and Hiroto all had walked over to us and were all dancing around us. I was blushing and soon the song ended. "I'm going to get more punch." I told him and he nodded. "Alright." He said and I walked off. Kit and Kat followed after me and we all got a punch. "So, who's the wolf!?" Kit asked. "I have no idea. I can't even tell." I giggled. "So you two are dancing with two knights, also known as Hayato and Hiroto." I smiled and they blushed. "Yeah." Kat said. "I hope you figure out who the wolf is under that mask." Kat said and they both walked back over to their knights. The wolf walked over and grabbed a cookie. I skipped over to him and poked his cheek. "Hey there Mr. Wolfy!" I giggled and he smiled at me. "Hey flower." He said. I blushed, "Stop calling me flower.." I pretended to pout. "When you pout it's just so cute." He said, the wolfish voice faded off when he said that. "Now that you didn't sound like Kovu." I said.. "Wait, Kovu?!" I gasped, blushing even more. "Caught red handed." He said. I stood there shocked, not even noticing that he yet again dragged me back to the dance floor. "Kovu why didn't you tell me that you were, well, you!?" I asked. "Well then that wouldn't be much fun would it now?" He laughed. I blushed, turning my face away which was a mistake because he lightly kissed my cheek. "Kovu!" I said, jumping slightly. "Sorry that my parents almost ran you over the day we met." He said softly. "It's fine." I smiled. "I gotta go now. I'm getting tired.." I said, giving a little lie. "No stay!" He pouted like a wolf, pulling me closer. "Kovu stop being a wolf." I laughed. "But flower!" He kept pouting and held a tight grip on me. "But Mr. Wolfy!" I also pouted. "But flower!" He whined. "One more song please!" He asked and I sighed. "Fine." I said in defeat. The next song was another slow song and after our mini war of me wanting to head back to my dorm we were already close for the song. We drew closer for ever word and I put my head on his shoulder, humming to the song, Monster by Dev. Pretty soon I started to softly sing it. " Most people scared, when they look him in the eyes, all they see is fear, but let me make this clear, I want him. Most people can't sleep, feeling he's out on the streets, but, he is my creep, he is my creep." I stopped singing since I didn't like the next part or the chorus part. I started singing again when it was finished with those parts. "He's sick, he's fresh, he doesn't really know how to dress. He's a beast, he's weird. He, he neve looks in the mirror." I moved my head closer to Kovu's neck, humming the rest. Soon the song was over and I pulled away from Kovu. "This was fun." I smiled at him and he nodded. "Well I'm going now." I said and nodded to him in goodbye. Before I could walk out the door he grabbed my hand, turned me around and kissed me dead on the lips. I blushed and pulled away, walking to my dorm.


Once in my dorm and threw myself onto my bed and gave off a girly squeal. "Oh my gosh!" I giggled wildly. Soon Kit and Kat walked into the dorm and saw me squealing and giggling like a fool. "What happened?!" They both asked. "You'll never believe it!" I giggled and started to story.

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