Chapter 2 part 1 (fluff and angst)

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Hello guys! Welcome to another chapter of Rinney one-shot! I know the first chapter is kinda bad 👎 😕  but I'm trying!

Finney sat on his desk trying to write a confession note to Robin his crush, Finney sighed as he ripped another paper from his book and crumbled if up in a ball and throwing it to the trash bin. He's been stuck on writing this letter for ever he just can't find the right words to express his feelings for the Boy...-

Finney closed his book as he went down to eat breakfast his sister Gwen already left with her friend Sussie to school so he would have to walk alone.

After eating breakfast Finney went back upstairs to grab his backpack and his book that had almost every page written on about how much he was in love with his best friend.

Finney daily wrote about him I know seems a little creepy.

Finally Finney arrived at school and went to his first period which was with Robin.

As he entered he stopped in his tracks while making his way to his desk...Robin was already at his seat but a girl took his spot.

It was that Ally girl who Robin has been hanging out with recently. They were chatting with each other laughing together that's when Finn noticed that Ally had her hand on top of Robin's.

Heartbreaking sight to see but what ever Finney thought to himself as he went to sit next to someone else.

Did Robin notice him enter the classroom? Finney turned around to see Robin's arm wrapped around Allys shoulder. Finn was shocked at the sight they were also so close.. too close...

Finney trying not to be the cry baby he is was holding back some tears...


After 1st period ended Robin walked up to Finney "Hey finn!! I'm sorry that Ally took your seat spot she sat next to me wanting to talk so we did that I didn't even notice that you came already".

"That's fine don't worry about it" Finn said but he wasn't fine with it at all...Robin smiled and nodded "alright! Well I'll see you in 4th period Finn yeah?" Robin said before leaving the classroom waving Finney goodbye.

Finney the whole day was very well blue...every time he saw Robin was with Ally all the time even Ally sat with them at lunch that Finney couldn't even have a chance to speak to Robin, Finn was basically 3rd wheeling. "Hey Robin um I've got to go ill see you in 4th period" Finney said as he got up but Robin took Finney by the wrist.

"But we still have 30 minutes left of lunch tho don't leave yet" Robin said but Finn just took his wrist away from Robins hold "Yeah I know but I have a project I want to show my teacher very early before class starts" Robin furrowed his eyebrows and nodded "alright see you later" Finney took his backpack and exited the lunch room and began to walk to the bathroom yes he lied he just wanted to get away from them.

Then that's when Billy one of Finneys other closest friends popped out of nowhere "Heyya finn!! Where ya heading too?" Billy said smiling, Finney0 jumped at his sudden appearance "Ah!! Oh.. I'm just going to the restroom before the bell rings for class".

"Didn't you tell Robin that you wanted to show the teacher a project??" Finn was shocked once again "uhhh how do you know that??" Finn asked with an eyebrow raised. "OH! Uhhh well I use overheard in lunch that's all" Billy said smirking. "But why are you lying to Robin??" Billy asked.

Finn looked down.."if I'm going to be honest..I just wanted to get away from him" Finn said which made Billy shocked "really?! But he's your best friend" Billy said "well I just didn't want to disturb him and Ally and plus I felt like a 3rd wheeler with them and I couldn't even say any single word to Robin either so what's the point staying there...".


It's now the ending of 4th period he only had class with Robin and no Ally that's a good thing but Finney was still upset and Robin has caught on to that "um Finn what's wrong your not as talkative as before" Robin told Finney who was just sketching in his notebook "oh its just that I am very tired I just want to sleep" Finn said obviously lying again.

"You've been like that all day are you sure that's why??" Robin said looking at Finney "yes I'm sure" Finn replied back.

Then the bell rings it was dismissal now "Oh well school finish I'll see you next Monday Robin have a good weekend-"  Finn said while getting up from his seat but then got yanked back down by Robin "umm no?? The fuck you mean by see you next Monday and hope you have a good weekend? Finn it's Friday let's hang out the whole weekend together that's what we always do" Robin said.

Finney really didn't feel like it because he already knows that Robin would tag Ally along with them. "Man Robin I wish I can but I'm actually busy the whole weekend and today...." Finn said hoping Robin would belive his lie.

Robin then let go of Finneys wrist "Are you sure?" Robin said and Finney nodded his head "yes I've got to go now I promise next weekend we'll hang out tho!" Finn said, Robin nodded with a kind of upset look on his face Robin can't help the feeling that Finney is lying to him but he believed him anyways.

Finn walked out of school he felt guilty lying to Robin... Finn then made it to the park he sat down on to those picnic tables and decided to stay there for a bit then he saw Billy walking his dog, Finney then made his way to Billy "Hey Billy nice day isn't it?" Finn said as he walked next to Billy.

"Oh hi Finn! Yeah! It is what are you doing here by the way?? Aren't you busy?" Billy said "nah I just yknow lied to Robin again...he offered to hang out but I just know that he would have brought Ally along so yeah.." Billy nodded " well you must eventually have to stop lying Finn you can't hide your feelings for Robin for ever".

"I know I just don't know how to confess my feelings to him uts difficult"......


Hello guys! Update! Yay! I hope you enjoy part 1!!! Bye bye 👋

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