❤️‍🩹💌🩹Nurses Office🩹💌❤️‍🩹

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Finney's Pov;

All the days that lead up to Friday are always the same, being bullied by Robin Arellano, its not the type of bullying where the bully beat you up into a bloody pulp more like teasing and pushing you around and taunting you.

He is like obsessed with me at this point he never leaves me alone when I'm at school.

Pretty weird of him since he has a girlfriend that's fucking annoying she once sprayed perfume on me for "smelling bad" I don't know what her problem is with me probably mistook me for her breath she should spray perfume in her mouth till she chokes

I was in the restroom with Billy putting on some lip gloss "Hey gimme some too!" I shook my head "get your own Bill" I chuckled and he pouted as he tried to grab the lipgloss from my hand we were giggling till I fell and hit my head at the edge of the sink "Ow!!" I exclaimed, Billy immediately felt bad "oh my god! I'm sorry!" He was about to come and check me out when the door open

We both turned our heads to see the one and only Robin Arellano enter the restroom "What's going on in here?", "Since when did you care" I said with attitude.

"Don't talk to me that way cariño" he came closer grabbing my head and inspecting it "You're bleeding", "I am?!" I panicked "Yeah let me take you to the nursed office", he helped me up and dragged me away to the nurses office leaving Billy there all alone and confused "wait but I was going to-nvm"

Me and Robin arrived and sat me down on the chair the nurse turned around "Hello boys!, with what can I help?" She said smiling, "My boyfriend here hit his head and now is bleeding" huh? His boyfriend?! Since when!? Just because he thinks he's all that he can claim me?!.

"Oh no! Let me see" she grabbed my head and shook her head "I'll be back you 2 stay here" the nurse left leaving me and Robin alone.

"Boyfriend?! What's wrong with you!" Robin just smirked "Just teasing you love" he said placing his hands on the chairs handles leaning closer to me.

I began to get red "don't come any closer to me or I'll scratch you" I said starring him dead in the eye, "don't be a bad kitty Finn~" he teased at me our noses now brushing against each other, I was redder than a tomato at this point he kept looking at my eyes then at my lips.

He then closed his eyes as he pressed his lips on mine as I closed my eyes too, "Your girlfriend won't be to happy seeing you kissing me"

He didn't response but just kissed me again "Why are you doing this?" I said pulling him away "because...I like you Finn." My eyes widen a bit him? Robin liking me? Would have never thought about it..

"I'm sorry about everything...I just wanted your attention" He confessed "I got a girlfriend to make you jealous" I was shocked so I guess my Aunt Rebecca was telling me the truth that when someone bullies you is because they like you.

"Then kiss me again Rob" he didn't hesitate as he put his hands behind my head pulling me in for a French kiss.

I know what you may tell me "But Finn you hated Robin for bothering you" well I guess that's true but I sometimes liked it I honestly started to like him a bit but never thought that me and Robin would ever get together but here we are kissing at the nurses

I loved his body warmth it was so cold, the way he's so gentle with me right now makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Ummm boys?" We immediately stopped kissing and turned to see the nurse standing there with the medical supplies in her hands. We blushed in embarrassment as Robin sat down next to me "Sorry.." the nurse just giggled as she started to fix me up from my wound.

The nurse was done and we left the nurse "So what does this make us?" I then said turning to Robin "Boyfriends..If you want to" Robin said nervously scratching the back of his neck, I smiled as I got close to him and pressed a kiss on his cheek "I would love to be your Boyfriend Robin." He smiled in relief.

"ROBIN!!!" I rolled my eyes as Robins annoying girlfriend ran up to him "Why are you with this freak?" Robin pulled me by my waits close to him confusing Suzan (yeah that's her name annoying as hell just like her) "You mean my Boyfriend" Suzan got annoyed "What do you mean! Don't tell me you're a f@g!!".

"And if I am? That isn't any of your concern Suzan" Suzan exclaimed angrily "I bet he put a spell on you to fall in love with him!!".

"Cut your nonsense Suzan how about Fuck off and suck faces with Alex I know you've been seeing him behind my back" Suzan's mouth went wide and then got mad "He's better then you anyways!!" She then stormed off.

I giggled "I can't believe you were with her she's honestly very annoying",  "tell me about it I couldn't take her shit anymore" he smiled at me "can I take you out?.." he then said holding my hand, I thought about it about Gwen and my dad but then sighed when I realised that I didn't live with him anymore and that Gwen is in safe hands with my Aunt.

I smiled "Of course!"

"Alright then come on!"


On their date (I don't know what those types of restaurants are called where they sell hot dogs and burgers and milk shakes never been to one of those.......)

3rd persons pov;

Robin and Finney arrived and sat down "So Finn how did you ended up on the floor in the restroom?"
Finney thinked and he giggled silently remembering what happened "Well Billy wanted some of my lip gloss so he tried getting it from my hand and I ended up falling hitting my head at the edge of the sink" Robin rolled his eyes playfully as he chuckled "well Finn I can tell you take care of your lips a lot they are so soft~" Finnney blushed "Stooppp" Robin smirked as he got on Finney's side of the table "making you feel some time of way Amor?~" Robin teased "No..Maybe.." Finney said looking into Robin's hungry eyes for his lips.

Robin got close to Finney as he closed his eyes finney doing the same as they kissed, a very personal kiss they swirled their tongues around each other not holding back and losing control. They felt some heads turn around and watch them make out in public. (They remind me of Morticia and Gomez💀)

"Ummm" Finney opened his eyes to see the waiter standing I front of their table awkwardly with a note pad and pen on his hands, Finney eyes widen as he pulled Robin away quick. "Uhh I uh what can I get for you guys?" The guy said nervously.

Robin and Finney ordered embarrassed about what happened "You couldn't wait after the date Rob, seriously?" Finney said "I couldn't hold back Amor~ and god if you only stopped staring at me like that you wouldn't make me lose my mind" god damn Robin chill down.

After their date Robin walked Finney to his house "Well we are here now" Finney said stepping to the porch of the house "Thanks again Robin for the date I enjoyed it" Robin smiled "No Problem Finn I've been wanting to take you out for a while".

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then" Robin nodded "Of course we can walk to school together too" Finney nodded "Ok! Bye Billy will have to come with us" Robin sighed "Fine".

Finney leaned in and pecked Robins lips "Goodnight" Finney said before going in "Night Finn".

Robin walked home feeling accomplished and happy Finney Blake was finally his and his only.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this story!! I'll update another one tomorrow! I couldn't publish it earlier since I went to the movie and watched M3gan!! It's so good!😭

Also Rinney just making out in front of everyone is hilarious 😭😭😭 (Fanart on second slide is from lukii_pie on insta❤️‍🩹

I didn't proof read may have mistakes 😭

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