💋Kiss me💋

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𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒚'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗★:

Robin is very popular, I don't even know why he wanted to be friends with me.

People always bullied me for being a loser, like instead of going out and partying and drinking I stay at home completing home work and studying and learning about space.

Robin is the opposite of me that's why people like him a lot, he is always invited to a rich persons house to party he also has amazing sense of style, every girl has a crush on him and probably some guys.

He has been a classmate of mine since the beginning of middle school of the 6th grade.

He hasn't talked to me tho, well nobody ever talks to me the only friend I have is Billy.

All that changed when I had to go to the nurses office because Billy wanted to teach me how to ride a bike without training wheels.

That didn't end up good I was bleeding from my jaw and my nose was a bleeding mess as well so I had to get rushed to the nurses office.

I got there and the nurse was doing her thing patching my wound up and I got a tissue for my nose, then Robin came in the nurse holding his cheek.

The nurse turns around "Hello sweetie what's seems to be the problem?" Robin sighed as he showed a deep scar on his cheek that was covered in blood, the nurse gasped "I'll get more supplies you 2 stay here" the nurse then left leaving me and Robin alone.

He sat down next to me I could tell he cried, poor guy.

We just sat in silence and the nurse was taking ancient ages to come.😐

I was looking down with the tissue on my nose, when he began to speak "Hey, you're Finney right?" I turned around to face him, dang he's cute.

"Yeah, you're Robin" he nodded "Yeah I've seen you in class before but never spoke to you before." dang he knows I exist.

"Oh yeah I'm just very quite and never really speak up in class".

"Well it's nice knowing you Finn" he then reached out his hand to shake it and so I did.

"Same for you Robin"

We became Friends that day!

I honestly thought he would forget about me after 3 day's just like the other popular kids did to me but No!

He got my # and I got his, I didn't expect a text from him but we ended up chatting till 2 in the morning. This happened every night to the point where my Aunt had to put a rule to turn my phone off at 11:00 pm and head to sleep 😢

Me and Robin didn't have classes together but whenever we passed each other in the halls he would dab me up. It was so embarrassing cuz everyone saw us and will chuckle.

And then every Friday he would come to my house for a sleep over.

This may sound stupid but I've started to develop a crush on him. I know I shouldn't but I can't control my feelings.

You see he started this habit of him hugging me from behind as he wrapped his hands around my waist as he spins me around till I got dizzy.

I know it's annoying but I liked the first half of it.

I knew I liked him a lot but didn't think he will like me back that way. Cuz when ever he had crushes it would be a girl.

So I would never pull a move on him.

It was 2 weeks before valentines it was February me and Robin were at my house for a project till he began the conversation of valentines.

"Doing anything for Valentines Finn?" I looked up and shook my head "No...I'm once again single this year" Robin chuckled "And you??" Robin shook his head as well "Nothing", "Well we can be single buddies together" I said giggling as Robin laughed at my joke.

"But hey one of my friends is having a valentines party we can go together if there's no plans for valentines" I thought about it I mean if I'm going with Robin I'm okay!

"Sure ! Sounds like a plan!".


The day of the party rolled and I was getting ready then came Robin knocking at my door, "Hey Finn! Come on!" I closed the door as I held Robins hand walking all the way to the party.

We arrived and all you could hear was loud music and teenagers just cheering or what not.

"Ummm I've never been to these type of party's before" I said stopping but Robin just smiled at me "Come on! I promise we will not do anything stupid!" I nodded as I smiled nervously.

We entered and it was packed but we found a couch and sat on it and we just eat what was there till one of Robin's friends came up to us.

"Hey Robin! We are about to play spin the bottle and Black N White down in the basement! Want to Joim?? Yknow this can be your chance to maybe kiss a girl~" I turned around to see Robin getting up "Great let's go!" He then grabbed my arm "I'll be Fine up here" Robin furrowed his eyes brows as he pulled me up "I'm not going to leave you here all alone Finn" he then took me down the basement with him and his friend.

There were like 10 people there making us 13 now the 3 of us there we made a huge circle as a guy put a bottle in the middle, "Alright who would like to go first??".

Everyone was taking turns around the circle till it came to me...

The guy handed me the bottle "Here!" But before I could grab it Robin gently pushed it away "No he's not going to do that" I frowned I wanted to "You don't decide for him" the guy said, Robin was about to say something "Robin I'm doing it" I took the bottle. He frowned.

I don't know why Robin doesn't want me doing this?

I placed the bottle in the middle as I spinned it.

I went back to my spot I was getting so nervous, who was the person I was going to kiss???, I now was starting to regret it.

The bottle was slowing down and down till it pointed next to me.

I was so shocked Robin ?! Everyone made an "ooouuuu" sound, I know Robin wouldn't want this I mean he's straight.

I faced him about to tell him we didn't have to do it when he put his hands on my cheeks as he pulled me in his lap for a kiss.

I was so shocked that I broke the kiss, everyone was ooouuuing and some where chanting to continue kissing.

Robin smirked and didn't waste another second before kissing me again.

I kissed back putting my hands on his waist.

We pulled away as everyone cheered. (Real)


After the party I walked home as Robin chased me catching up to me "Hey! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

I turned around "Don't worry about it Robin...I liked it.." I said to him blushing, he blushed as well.

"Can I do it again?" I nodded getting close to him pecking his lips he then kissed me.

Safe to say he's my boyfriend💖

"Would you like to come stay at my house for tonight?" I nodded happily as I held his hand kissing his cheek.

He smiled back as we walked together to his house, once we did he carried me and threw me to his bed as he got in as well covering us with a blanket he was so close that I was practically on his chest, but that's ok it was so happy. It's the best Valentine's Day ever


Needed to publish something!! I'm writing Boss 9 right now!!💖💖 I'm so excited to show u guys Boss 9 so stay tuned!!

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