Boss 10

141 4 2

Finney's Pov;

Things have been going great with Robins Mom, (Ima give her a name since im not just gonna continue calling her Ms,Arellano how aboutttt Carmen??) but there's just one problem....

She gets mad when i use Robins money, I don't always do I don't even ask him for money he just offers to pay things that I want, I always use the money I get from work.

She even gets mad when Robin makes me breakfast in the morning, I don't even tell him to make me breakfast he just , she doesn't do this in front of Robin she just tells me. She will put on a fake smile whenever Robin does these things, but when he's not around she will tell me and makes me feel bad.

3rd Persons Pov:

Finney woke up early with Robin practically on top of him snuggling onto his chest, Finney kissed his head caressing his hair gently he wish he could stay like this for another hour but he needs to get up to make breakfast.

He carefully tried to lay Robin down beside him but Robin tightened his grip onto Finns shirt "You're awake ?" Robin bummed as he got comfortable on Finney again.

Finney was in awe and didn't care if Carmen was going to get mad, wrapped his arms around Robins waist as he fell asleep again.

(1 hour later)

Finney woke up again and looked beside him to see Robin gone as he smelled food, Welp that's just great another day of Carmen scolding me, Finney just sighed as he got ready they were going to the mall today.

Finney went downstairs and saw Carmen there already eating she looked up at Finney as she squinted her eyes, Finney just rolled his eyes at her before going behind Robin and hugging him from the back.

"Good Morning Mi Amor" Robin said turning a round kissing Finney's cheek and giving him his plate "Aren't you going to eat ?" Robin shook his head "Im going to make myself a milkshake" Finney then got an idea.

"Let me make it for you love, you already woke up early in the morning to make us breakfast you need a rest, so how about you sit down and I'll bring it to you when it's ready" Robin smiled "Thank you Amor".

As Finney was in the pantry grabbing the ingredients he needed Carmen walked in "Finally you're doing something for Robin" Finney rolled his eyes again as he turned around "I do a lot for Robin if you didn't know" Finney went past her as he cut up the fruit "Well I don't see it happening" Finney was annoyed can't Carmen go a day without talking shit? Finney being distracted he accidentally cut his finger with the knife "Ouch!" Finney put his finger on his mouth. He sighed as he continued and blended it.

"Here you go dear" Finney handed Robin the milkshake "Thank you Finn!-" Robin then looked at Finney's bandages finger "What happened?", "Oh well I accidentally cut my finger with the knife" Robin furrowed his eyebrows "Be more careful Finn" Finney nodded "I am careful Robin don't worry".

Finney got his bag ready to go out to the mall "Wait I forgot my wallet I'll be right back!" Robin went inside the house again "You Know Finney how about you drive us to the mall in your car Robin always does it" Finney turned around.

"Yeah I will don't worry about it, Carmen." Finney said in an almost annoyed voice tone which made Carmen just roll her eyes. Robin then came downstairs "Alright let's go!" As Robin was about to open his car Finney stopped him.

"Hey Rob, I'll drive us to the mall in my car ok?" Robin looked at him confused before nodding "Alright!" Finney unlocked his car as he got in the drivers seat" Robin then stopped him "Oh no Finn you're almost out of gas how about on our way we stop at the gas station and I'll fill up the tank?" Finney was about to agree when Carmen interrupted "Come on mijo, Finney can pay for it it's his car anyways".

"No i-" Finney then interrupted "I'll pay for the fill up Robin you don't worry Ok?" Robin was going to say something but just nodded a he stayed silent crossing his arms.

We arrived shortly and we entered it was a long time since Robin and Finney went to the mall together for dates or what not, they held hands not caring about homophobes ugly stares at them.

They entered a store and Carmen went on her own to look at clothes while Finney and Robin looked together, Finney looks through the hiles as he came aceros a pair Is sunglasses they were strawberry shaped sun glasses and they looked cute, Finney put them on as he looked in the mirror, Robin chuckled looking at his silly Boyfriend.

"You look cute with them" Finney nodded "Yeah! I'll buy them with the hat that matches with it I think I'll look good!" Finney put the items on his basket as they continued going around looking, Carmen has like 4 dresses she wants to buy.

"Alright you guys found everything alright?" The cashier said smiling they all nodded as Carmen and Robin handed the cashier their items he then turned to Finney and grabbing his basket "Let me pay them for you Amor" Finney then stopped him by grabbing his wrist "Don't worry about it Robin I'll pay it" Finney tried to get his basket back but Robin just held it tighter "Why don't you want me to pay for it i always do".

"Well I uh I- " Carmen then chimed in "Robin let Finney pay it he wants to spend his big boy money so let him do it" Finney nodded "Yeah! I work for a reason Robin, you don't worry about it ok?" Robin let go of his basked as he payed for his and his moms things , "If you says so" Robin seemed kind of mad which made Finney upset.


HEY SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER 💖💖 I had to cook a lot of food today for my Cousins Party😅😅😅 so I started writing this at like 8:00 T_T so enjoy this chapter !! I'll post Boss 11tomorrow!💖💖💖

I love u guys stay safe! Didn't proof read! May have mistakes 😭

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