Draw Me?

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Hello guys The reason I wasn't able to breath well was because my lungs were swollen idk how to say it they were like tight and I have insomnia in both sides one on like top and the other low like beside my stomach or something.. and I also found out my ear from inside is well swollen 😭😭😭 it was bad to the point I couldn't even walk for 8 seconds without getting super tired, Im getting better now tho !<333

Growing Up Finney Blake has been teased all his school life, since the 3rd grade kids made fun of him for being a a freak, he never had friends when he tried to make friends they would just laugh at him "You will never have friends you're weird" poor Finney was upset by their harsh words.

He really thought he could trust an adult to help him with his problem, but they can be just as bad as kids make fun of you.

"Oh Finney the reason why people probably don't want to be your friends is because you probably weird them out why don't you try and be more normal?" That's what his school counsellor said to him.

He was upset he couldn't talk to anyone, not even tho adults that people say a child should trust, he can't even talk to his own dad either, he's an alcoholic who just works all day and gets home and drinks for hours without asking their kids how they are doing.

Finney went to his room and sat on his desk relaxed by the soft sound of rain and thunder from outside, he pulled out his home work as he began to get to work.

While he was he got somewhat distracted as he began to draw someone...that someone being his crush Robin Arellano.

Robin Arellano is popular at school, he plays basket and is very good at it!, almost every girl there has a crush on him because he's also a "Bad Boy" he always gets into some fights either in the morning at school or at lunch.

Even though Finney shouldn't be crushing on a guy like him he does, I mean Robin Is so handsome! Finney never had the guts to talk to him since he's always around his group of popular friends.

Every day Robin and his friends would hang out in the halls laughing and chatting while I just stared at him from afar behind from my open locker peeking.

My heart would beat against my chest whenever I saw him or walked past him, he of course never looked at me before or ever will.

I got a friend tho his name is Billy we met at the library and we instantly became good friends.

Robins Pov:

I woke up to my alarm i groaned in annoyance as i stopped the noise, i got up and took a shower then changed and had breakfast. i walked to the bus and waited for it to arrive while i was waiting this boy came, Finney Blake the loser of the school thats what people call him since they say hes a massive weirdo and has no friends.

I dont say anything about that i dont think of him like that too, he honestly doesnt deserve to be treated like this when he never did anything wrong he was just a normal boy who is enjoying his high school years, and if im honest hes super cute. I love how soft his curls look i badly wanted to run my fingers against his hair, plus he has nice smooth skin and a pretty face.

He stood inches away from me i was looking at him at the corner of my eye he also always dresses nicely.

A few other students came and the bus arrived we all enteref the bus, i sat at the veru back while Finney sat in front of me, i could see everything he was doing too he pulled out his sketch book and flipped through the pages of arts i was amazed of the way he drew he draws so good i would do anything for him to teach me how.

Then my eyes widened when i suddenly saw myself, he... he drew me!! He drew me so good he drew my features so accurately too i noticed some hearts around the drawing of myself my heart skipped a beat, does he have a crush on me???? I shook my head no he couldnt possibly like me i mean people have said he likes Donna the popular girl at school.

Rinney/Finney X Robin | ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now