{~Chapter 2: A Pig's Worry~}

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One hour.

One hour since MK left the shop, and he hasn't texted Pigsy yet.

Now, under more normal circumstances, the pig wouldn't be too worried about it. But ever since the incident with DBK, Pigsy was more alert and slightly more protective over the young man. So he made it a rule that MK should always text him when he had reached his apartment.

After the one hour mark had passed, Pigsy finally broke the silence and addressed Tang. "Hey, did, by any chance, MK text you by mistake instead o' me? It's been two hours, and there's been nothing but squat."

Tang paused his slurping, then checked his phone. "Nope. Maybe he just fell asleep right after he went up. After all, he worked pretty hard today. Plus, New Years is tomorrow. I'm sure he wanted to get some sleep in for that."

Despite this, Pigsy was still unsure. "...I dunno, Tang. He knows that I would have his ass if he made me worry at all. Something ain't right here."

Tang sensed the tension in the room and decided to set down his bowl of noodles. "Alright, fine. I'll go check up on him."

Without another word, Tang exited the shop and climbed the stairs up to MK's apartment. There, he rapped on the door. "MK? Hellooooo? You in there? It's been a bit, and Pigsy says you haven't texted him yet. You know how he gets."

No response.

"MK? Seriously, I—" Tang rested his hand on the doorknob, and was shocked to find it unlocked. That set a red flag in the man's head.

MK never, ever left his door unlocked. No matter how scrambled his brain got.

Pushing the door open, Tang called out once more. "MK...? Seriously, you're starting to worry me here!!"

Frantically, Tang checked every single room of the small apartment. Nothing. Panicked, he pulled out his phone with shaky hands and dialed Pigsy's number.

"Tang? What—"

"Pigsy... MK... he... he..."

"Tang! Slow down. What about MK?!"

Tang took a shaky breath.

"Pigsy... MK... he's not here. He's not in his apartment."

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