{~Chapter 11: The Secret Revealed~}

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Monkey King grunted as he shoved himself out of the way from being crushed by the spiked slab of rock. He stumbled and rolled for a few seconds, before steadying himself. He straightened out and turned to glare at the painted mural of a certain demoness.

"So... What are you hiding?"

His only response was a series of faint, sinister whispers.

Reeling back his fist, he let out a shout as he leapt up and punched the painting, resulting in the mural to break away. What lay beneath the surface was a terrifying skeletal face, blue light pouring out from its eyes and mouth.


Back in Megapolis, the Lady Bone Demon's eyes shot open, glowing blue as she held her focus on the giant, glowing hologram of the mech in front of her.

Her mech. Not that spider freak's.

She felt annoyed at having to play the part of the obedient servant, however it was necessary. Besides, this was not her first time having to fool someone this way. The demoness had to wear the mask before.

And she knew, the so-called Spider 'Queen' would meet a similar fate as that emperor's, whom she had fooled all those centuries ago.

However, the Lady Bone Demon knew that, like before, she must be patient. For now, she needed to focus on preparing the mech.

"I don't know who taught you how to take revenge," the said spider demon spoke up as she entered the cavern, "but it ain't normally this boring! Can we hurry this along?!"

The demoness sighed in annoyance.

"With time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown." She replied, summoning the holograms of the last three items they needed: The Shadow Lantern, the Staff of the Monkey King (now the monkey boy's), and the Crimson Jimsonweed flower.

"There are still three items we have yet to add to the furnace, one of which I have so graciously obtained for you. Destiny cannot be hurried, My Queen."

The Spider Queen huffed. "So you keep saying. Well, my patience is growing thin, Mystery Boy. At least lighten up a little. Your creepy whisper business is getting on my nerves. So, do tell me about this artifact you got. Or were you just planning not to tell me?"

The demon in disguise pursed her lips. "...Forgive me, My Queen. But I feel like if I were to reveal it to you, you would lose your trust in me."

The spider fiend scoffed. "I don't see what the big deal is. Get on with it already! You're beginning to annoy me even more."

Lady Bone Demon sighed. "As you wish. But remember, you asked for this."

And so, to the Spider Queen's shock, the demoness turned to face the queen, raised a hand to her ear, and summoned the legendary staff. The cold-hearted demon had found that, to her amusement, she could summon and wield the staff for herself.

"Mon...Monkey Boy?!" The spider's shock turned to rage at this revelation. "I knew there was something familiar about you!! Have you come to ruin my plans?!" 

She attempted to attack the demon with her sharp legs, only to be blown back by a cold wind. This sent the spider demon slamming into the wall.

"I thought you would have acted like this. My sincerest apologies," The demoness smirked at this. "However, I am not the monkey boy. At least, not technically."

"...What...?" The recovering spider queen questioned, slowly getting up from the cold ground. "So then who are you?!"

"You only need to know that I am something that, for now, needs a vessel to survive. While I so happened to possess the body of one of your enemies, I would like you to know that I am still very much loyal to you, My Queen. My only desire is to see you fulfill your destiny."

The Spider Queen seemed to relax a little. "Okay, so I don't need to worry about the boy anymore? He won't be any problem whatsoever?" She raised a brow.

The other demon's smirk widened. "Precisely. Now then," she turned, staff in hand, back to the furnace and the massive hologram.

"I believe it is time to get back to business."

And with that, she raised the staff high, aimed directly at the furnace.


Oh gosh, if only Spider Queen knew...

Anyway, we're beginning to somewhat reach the end of the season 2 arc! We still have a few episodes to get through though. So stay tuned!

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