{~Chapter 6: The One He Feared Most~}

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(Note: I forgot to mention this, but while MK's friends were running to the docks, the little girl ran into them and joined them on their quest. She's also the one who convinced the others to temporarily trust Red Son, instead of MK. Just letting you know, because she does pop up later in this chapter with the team and I didn't want anyone being too confused.)

Much later, Spider Queen was sitting on a throne, gleefully watching the parade below her that consisted of infected citizens. The Lady Bone Demon stood next to her, silently watching this whole scene unfold with her hands folded in front of her. Eventually, she grew bored of this after a bit and began to zone out.

Surprisingly, the monkey boy has done little to resist her possession so far. However, despite this, she was certain that this wouldn't last long. After all, she's searched through his memories and carefully analyzed his character. He was one of those individuals who wouldn't go down without a fight, and usually tried to look at the positive side of things. Not to mention his annoying habit of trusting others so easily. A detail she decided to take note of, in case she would need to use that to her advantage later.

Indeed, she never really meant to possess this young man. The one she was initially aiming for was the little girl. And she was very close too, until MK stepped in the alley. It seemed that fate had other plans in store.

No matter. It wasn't as if she was completely thrown off by this. After all, she was never one to rush or question destiny. If she had ended up possessing the successor of the Monkey King himself, then surely it was for a good reason.

The demon was pulled out of her thoughts by the sudden sound of an engine. Looking up, she saw the monkey boy's friends in some sort of machine. It was then that she also noticed the girl she had originally meant to possess with them. Her eyes narrowed. It seemed that the girl still played some role in the Lady Bone Demon's destiny, even if it wasn't the role the demon had formerly thought.

But now wasn't the time to deal with them. For now, she had to deal with a certain someone. So, the Lady Bone Demon simply shut her eyes and teleported herself back into the large mech, much to the Spider Queen's shock and confusion at the sight of her 'assistant' vanishing into thin air.


Despite DBK's aggression and anger after being freed, Sun Wukong had to chuckle to himself as the bull demon stormed out of sight.

"I honestly missed that guy." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He froze once he sensed the cold and sinister presence suddenly appear behind him. Even when she was behind him, he could practically feel her smirk.

Clenching his fist, he tried to control his temper as he turned his head to meet her smug gaze.

"So. You thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them."

MK— No— The Lady Bone Demon giggled. "There are so many moves I have yet to play."

The simian king was left in momentary shock at the sound of that voice. It was if the kid and the demon were speaking at the same time.

It wasn't long before the shock melted, and was replaced by a growing rage.

"You should've stayed buried." He growled, before lunging at the demon with his fist pulled back. Before the blow could land, however, the demon vanished in a wisp of smoke, and her voice echoed in the massive room.

"I will rip the memory of you from this world, and your precious successor will be forced to watch every second of it!" She cackled.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong was hit by visions of the Lady Bone Demon in her true form on her mech, towering over the destroyed city. The next vision showed MK staring at something in horror, his clothes tattered and his face scratched and bruised. He let out a piercing cry of pain as he was suddenly engulfed in flames.

Having enough, the enraged king swung his fist again, only to miss and for the demoness to vanish entirely. Sun Wukong was certainly angry now. How could he not be? A very powerful and VERY evil demon was back, not to mention she had possessed his own successor. He couldn't imagine how the kid was feeling... trapped in his own mind, unable to control his own actions...

And so, it was there in that room, that Sun Wukong made a vow. He was going to free MK, no matter the cost.

Even if it nearly destroyed him.

Even if...

He had to face the one he feared most.

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