{~Chapter 16: My Dearest Friend~}

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Its voice... sounded just like MK's. But there was something else. It was as if two people were speaking at the same time.

It wasn't MK. Not really, at least.

"It's been too long," the demon said almost politely, as if she hadn't just thrown Mei to the ground and destroyed a good chunk of the city. "I don't believe I've seen you all since New Year's. Well, with the exception of Red Son here."

Finally managing to get on her feet with the help of her sword and Bai He, Mei immediately started speaking. "Let our friend go, you sick bastard!"

The demoness's expression barely changed. "Now, that's a bit rude. We've only just properly met. You may not know who I am, but I know just who you all are."

"Not creepy at all." Pigsy muttered under his breath.

"Now, about the monkey boy... I'm afraid I can't let him go anytime soon. You see, I have been weakened over the centuries that I have been imprisoned. As such, I need a proper vessel to survive. And might I say, destiny has selected a very fine vessel for me. The powers of the Monkey King himself... Why, I don't think I could have been offered a better one. It's almost shocking how I almost went after your friend here." 'MK' smirked, gesturing to the little girl who was still supporting Mei.

"Wh... What do you mean?" Bai He asked, trying to sound brave while also trying to shove down the absolute dread she was feeling.

The demoness chuckled. Her real voice was starting to show through the boy's. "Oh, sweet child. So clueless. And yet surely you could have guessed at some point? Why, if it wasn't for the fateful intervention of the Monkie Kid, I'm positive that you would have ended up as my hostess instead. Don't you see?"

No. No, no, no.

"This is your fault."

"No!" Bai He yelped, shaking her head frantically. "It's not! It's not my fault! I..."

She faltered, eyes watering.


"Don't listen to her, Bai He!" Mei cut in. "She's just trying to get into your head!"

The demon laughed. "Oh, don't be a fool. You know that if you had just stayed there, this boy's life just might have been spared. But no. You ran like a pathetic little coward."

"Hey! Stop going for the kid, demon!" Pigsy shouted. And yet his voice sounded almost desperate. "Just let MK go already."

"Didn't I already say? I can't. Without a proper vessel, I cannot complete my goal. No need to fret, however. Once everything has been set, I will let him go. Unfortunately..."

A blue wave of pain went through everyone's heads, temporarily blurring their vision and making them feel as though their heads were about to split in two. Ice began crawling towards them, the temperature dropping severely.

"...None of you will be alive to witness it."

As Mei struggled to reach for her fallen sword that was half-encased in ice, a hissing, feminine voice rang through her head.

"Don't fight, child. There's no need for that anymore. You and your friends may rest, knowing that you have served your purpose. Destiny has found you all."

Mei faltered. As sick and twisted as it was... there was the slightest hint of comfort in that tone.

Her arm suddenly dropped, much to her alarm and protest. The ice made its way to her, beginning to slowly consume her too.

Was this really it? Was she really going to die here, and leave MK to the mercy of a wicked demoness plotting to destroy the world?

As the ice crept up her body, her eyes watered.

In a sickening way, she and the others were being granted mercy. At least their pain would end here. MK, on the other hand—

The thought snapped her out of her daze. MK. He was still in there. And he would be forced to be this demon's puppet until the end. MK would have to suffer for much longer than them.

She couldn't let that happen. Let it be any other person, heck, let it be her to switch places with him. Anything to spare MK.

Just as she was about to fight against the ice that was well past her stomach, something slammed  into the ground, separating her and her friends from the demon and freeing them from the ice.

Monkey King.


When Wukong saw the city bathed in a blueish glow, he knew that it was almost too late. The next phase of her twisted plan had begun.

And so, wasting no more time, he secured the map and instantly exited the Celestial Realm, stopping the Lady Bone Demon just in the nick of time from killing his student's friends.

Speaking of his student...

"Ah, Sun Wukong. Finally come back from your little trip? And here we thought you had abandoned us for good. He's been wondering where you've gone, you know." She smirked when the simian's eyes widened with shock and hurt. Then it hardened into anger.

"Let him go."

The demoness sighed, exasperation noticeable in her tone. "Must I keep repeating myself? I can't let him go just yet. I still have much to do before we get to that point." The unsettling smile was back again.

"Oh, but don't worry. You'll still be around to witness his freedom. And then, you both will be destroyed together. Doesn't that sound touching? After all...

"Destiny cannot be undone."

The area glitched around them, and for a moment, MK's possessed form was replaced with LBD's true appearance.

Snow-white hair and skin, sunken cheeks, haunting blood-red eyes, and thin, red lips that twisted into a wicked smile. Even though it only lasted for a second, the image was forever burned into the heads of our heroes.

Sun Wukong, despite the absolute dread he was feeling, kept a brave, albeit struggling, face on. He couldn't show weakness here. He had to stay strong. For MK.

"How about we test that theory?"

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