{~Chapter 15: The End of a Spider's Reign~}

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Shortly after the fire demon fled the sewers, Spider Queen had run off.

No matter.

LBD smirked as she felt a familiar presence behind her. Without looking back, she addressed the Not-Mayor.

"It would seem the Spider Queen's usefulness has finally reached its end. It's time to remove the unnecessary pieces of the game."

She could hear her loyal right hand chuckle.

"With pleasure, my lady."

"Oh, and do be sure to bring the queen here alive. We must complete this wonderful tool of mine, of course."

"Of course, my lady!" he happily replied, before vanishing in a wave of blue smoke. A few moments later, the frosty demoness could hear the painful screams of the Spider Queen's henchmen. She couldn't help but smile at the piercing sound that was practically music to her ears.

Eventually, he walked right back into the room, with the Spider Queen with him, held up by blue magic. Her eyes were wide with terror.

The Lady Bone Demon paid no kind to her struggling as she calmly turned towards the Trigram Furnace. And so, both she and the Not-Mayor began to drop the remaining artifacts into the blazing hot liquid.

After LBD had dropped the petal into the furnace, she smirked, knowing everything was just about ready.

"At last," she said, raising her hands to her lips. "It is time."

She then blew out a cloud of blue smoke, which created a skull and some other bones that dropped into the furnace with a splash. The demoness then turned ever so calmly to the panicking Spider Queen, who began begging for her life.

"But... but I—I got you ingredients! I...I am the queen! You promised me my destiny!" The doomed spider demon shouted.

LBD only smiled.

"A promise I did not break, my Queen. This is your destiny."

And the twisted demon continued to smile, as the Spider Queen's pleas turned to screams as she was forcefully dragged into the Trigram Furnace as the final ingredient of her masterpiece. With the final piece in place, the mech was finally completed, and with its creation came a massive shockwave that was sent throughout the whole city.

A giggle erupted from LBD's throat. Not only was her mech completed, but with the monkey boy's power in her hands, she was more powerful than ever.


The whole noodle shop fell silent for exactly five seconds as everyone began to process Red Son's words.

Then, everything seemed to explode.


"You found him?! Where?! Where is he?!"

"Do you know who has him, then? Who's responsible for this!?!! Why, when I get my hands on them, I'll..."


Everyone quieted down at Red Son's outburst. After calming down a bit, he spoke again.

"Yes, I did find MK. But... you're not going to like what I say next."

And so, Red Son recounted his experience, as quick as he could: His discovery of the broken Spider Mech, his supposedly reunion with MK, him nearly breaking the Trigram Furnace, the reveal, and his narrow escape.

"...And I knew I couldn't handle this alone, so I came straight back to get you guys, so we could launch a rescue mission."

Pigsy clenched his fists. "All this time... All this time searching, all this time wondering, and it turns out MK was beneath our feet this whole damn time! How could we be so stupid?!"

"Wait," Mei said. "If MK was being possessed by this ancient demon who was working for Spider Queen, don't you think Monkey King found this out already, since he got captured during New Years? If so, why wouldn't he tell us?"

The room went silent once more, as that dark thought hung above all their heads.

"Maybe... We should save talking to Monkey King later. Right now, we need to save MK!" Bai He exclaimed, determination flashing in her face.

Tang nodded. "She's right. But we need to be smart about this. After all, we need to find a way to break MK free from the possession. And that kind of thing isn't easy. It takes a great deal of power to do such a thing. And from Red Son's description, I have to guess we're dealing with a powerful, ancient being."

"Maybe we can help MK... push out the demon?" Mei suggested.

"Oh, what, you mean with the power of friendship? I hate to inform you, Dragon Girl, but that kind of thing only exists in little kid shows and movies." Red Son huffed.

Mei glared at him. "Well it's worth a try, isn't it? Plus, you managed to briefly talk with MK, right? So that means there's a chance!"

Red Son huffed. "Yes, but...!" He faltered, remembering MK's constant pleading. He sighed. "...Never mind. There's no point in arguing now. Right now, we've got a Noodle Boy to save."

"Exactly. Now, for our first course of action, I believe we should—"

Tang was cut off when an explosion from outside shook the entire building. The gang shrieked and either toppled to the ground or grabbed onto something to stable themselves.

"What the heck was that?!" Mei shouted.

Immediately, they all ran out of the noodle shop, only to see smoke coming from the distance. The city was under attack yet again.

"Spider Queen?!" Mei shouted, instantly taking out her blade.

Red Son paled. "No... it's that demon."

As if to confirm, a massive, white mech emerged from the debris. It's ruby red visor instantly turned in their direction, setting its sights on them.

Instead of panicking however, Mei only seemed to grow angrier. "Well?! What are we standing around for?! Let's get our friend back!!"

Ignoring the other's shouts, she launched herself at the giant mech, raising her sword high. Suddenly, a familiar man teleported right in front of her, eyes glowing blue and hovering in midair. Mei's eyes widened.


She was blown back by a freezing wind and crashed into the road below.


Wincing, Mei forced herself to get up on her knees and lift her head. Even with Red Son's description, she still couldn't believe her eyes. She could only stare, eyes wide and mouth agape, as her friend lowered himself down to earth just a few yards away from her.

As everyone caught up, they too could only stare. There was no way. There was just no way.

They tried to remind themselves that it wasn't actually him. It was a thing possessing their friend. They could tell from its cold and dull eyes, which usually held so much warmth and light. Its posture was much straighter. Instead of a cheerful, happy smile, there was a wicked, cruel grin in its place.

It tilted its head, amused, and it opened its mouth to speak.

"Hello again."

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