{~Chapter 19: The Dragon's Domain~}

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If you asked anyone on the team how their journey was currently going, they would tell you it was going great!

...If, by definition, your idea of great was being attacked by the team's immortal's totally not ex and crash landing into the freaking ocean and then being picked up by a dragon who also hates your team's immortal and then being split up after said dragon recognizes the also technically dragon girl on your team as his great-great times a thousand great grandniece and locking the rest of you in a dungeon (minus one friend who was sent to clean up and repair the ship that basically obliterated), with your only hopes for an escape are to either, A, wait for your friend to convince her grand uncle to let you all go, or B, have the pig dad aimlessly scrape the thick stone wall with a goddamn spoon.

Oh, and also, they lost the map after Tang whipped it out while trying to explain things to the dragon grand uncle.

So, yeah. Awesome.

Currently, Red Son was losing his sanity bit by bit watching Pigsy attempt to carve an escape tunnel with his spoon. Meanwhile, Bai He, was cheering him on the whole time. The others were just sitting around in the small cell with exhausted, tense expressions.

The fire demon groaned, wondering how he managed to get stuck with these bunch of idiots. Hopefully, the dragon girl and the blue giant would come to their aid soon. Otherwise, Red Son was going to lose every last shred of his sanity watching the pig make almost no progress on the escape tunnel.

Pigsy, clearly exhausted, called to the others over his shoulder. "All right, everyone hold tight, I'm getting us outta here. Just five or six more—"

"Years?" The scholar and demon asked him.

The pig shot them both a dirty look. "Hey, it's not like the hole is just gonna make itself—"

The cell suddenly rumbled, and Red Son just had time to swiftly pull Bai He out of the way before a massive truck came barreling through the wall, making a large enough hole.

"Mei! Mr. Sandy! You jail-breaked us!" The little girl cheered after being set down. "You—You broke the jail!"

Mei nodded. "I got the map too! LEGGO!"

Everyone suddenly crammed into the front, wanting to get a look at the gadgets and gizmos in the new vehicle. However, after Mei pointed it out, they all turned around and began exploring the back. Even Red Son couldn't help but admire the beauty of the new technology.

After crashing through the wall, however, Pigsy just had one small, simple complaint.

"Okay. We're in an underwater city, in a van. Is anyone else seeing the problem here?!"

Sandy just chuckled and patted the grumpy pig on the head. "Oh, my sweet  and sour Pigsy. I've got us covered!"

He then pressed the screen in front of him. It was then that he found out the name of the vehicle was T.E.A. His eyes sparkled in excitement.

"T.E.A! It's called T.E.A, you guys!! Oh, I think this is what true love feels like. Oh! And one more thing..."

He pressed a button on the screen. "It's water adventure friendly!!"

Just outside the van, however, their problems weren't over. Ao Guang halted them in their tracks and threw the back door open, looking determined to stop their adventure right here.

"I will not allow you to leave with that map!" He exclaimed.

"What are you not getting?" Wukong asked, looking frustrated. "Using the Samadhi Fire is the only way we're gonna stop the Lady Bone Demon!"

The dragon king was unpersuaded. "The Samadhi Fire cannot be contained!!"

Bai He stepped forward. "Your Dragon-ness, please! We need the fire to save our friend!"

Mei joined her. "We don't have a choice!"

The old dragon's gaze softened, before his and Wukong's eyes glowed their respective colors. For outside the dome of the city, they saw a certain purple figure looking overhead.

"He's coming." Wukong said.

"You mean that other monkey? He caught up to us?!" Red Son asked, alarmed.

Tang panicked. "We need to leave, now!"

"If he captures us, the map..."

Ao Guang looked down. "All hope truly will be lost." He finished the simian's thought. He took a deep breath and turned, stepping out of the vehicle. "I'll hold him off. Go."

Mei quickly grabbed onto his sleeve and thanked him profusely. Her great-great-great-times-a-thousand-great-grand uncle smiled at her and turned to face the problem straight ahead. Meanwhile, the heroes escaped the city in their van just as the battle ensued.

All they could do was pray that the dragon king was the winner of the battle.


MK felt numb. Like, almost completely numb. He kind of expected that, giving how frigid it was in... his mind? He didn't know where he was. But if it was indeed his own mind, he was shocked that it was so cold. He expected something a bit more lighter than the dark void surrounding him, with the only other things in here the faint noises of the outside world and the glowing blue chains that held him in place. Sometimes he was even visited by LBD, mainly so she could taunt him.

He also felt his strength seeping away bit by bit. Said strength was replaced with a freezing sensation that he almost couldn't feel anymore.

He didn't know how long this would last. He was sure, however, that one of them, be it him or the demoness, would be dead by the end of this whole thing.

And, if this kept up, he might be the dead one.

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