{~Chapter 18: The Shadow's Vow~}

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Don't get him wrong. When the crackhead of a "Mayor" tossed Macaque through the portal to the new mech to meet with the Lady Bone Demon, he knew he was going to see her possessing someone. After all, the shadow monkey knew she wasn't strong enough to survive without a host for the time being.

He just wasn't expecting to see who she was possessing.

At first, he didn't notice. He had his back turned to where she was, so it was only when he finally forced himself to turn around did he see.

"So, you've been bus—"

Macaque stopped before he could finish. It took him only a second to recognize the person floating in midair, even if the demon decided to give him a makeover that made him look more to her liking.

"Tell me," she said, appearing unfazed to his shock. "What madness overcame you that you would forsake your oath? When did you decide to betray me?"

Her voice and his voice mixed together, with LBD's voice coming off as more of a hissing voice in the background of MK's voice.

How... How did this even happen? When did it happen? Yeah, it was a while since the incident on the mountain, but still...


The venomous tone snapped Macaque out of his head. Right. Focus on the current situation. He would have time to think about this later. Hopefully.

"...Listen, M— Lady Bone Demon—"

He was cut off when a gust of wind nearly sent him flying. The voice pounded in his head as... he? She? Spoke.

"Have you forgotten who I am? What I am?!! I returned you to the mortal plane!!"

And just like that, visions began flashing before his very eyes. Visions he had always shoved to the side and tried so desperately to forget.

The shouting. The battle.

"All in exchange for such a little thing."

When he was knocked to the ground.

When he was ultimately murdered by the one he thought was his dearest friend.

"That when the time came, you'd free me, aid in my pursuit of equilibrium."

Then, blinding light. And she appeared before him, not looking at all like her demonic self. But the Six-Eared Macaque knew exactly who she was.

"But no. With the first breath of a new life, you rebelled against your fate. Fool."

With that last echoing word, he fell to his knees and struggled to prop himself up. Get up, he scolded himself. Don't let them see you so vulnerable.

"So, you want something." He forced a smile on his face, straightening himself up.

His— No, not his, her— eyes glared down at him, icy cold.

"I offer one last chance at redemption. Bring me the Monkey King and the monkey boy's friends, and perhaps you will be worthy of my mercy." With that, she summoned a cold, metal device and dropped it into the simian's hands.

Catching it, Macaque raised a brow. "And, this is...?"

"A compass, of sorts." The demon replied. "No matter where they go, this will find them."

And with that, the simian was given another warning, something about getting the memory of him wiped or something, it was difficult paying attention to the demon's words when that crackhead mayor returned and rather brutally slammed his head down into the spell circle to teleport him to where he needed to go.

Before he knew it, he was alone once more.

Grunting in pain, Macaque propped himself up and took the time to process what in the hell just happened.

1, the kid was now possessed by an ancient, powerful demon.

2, he was now tasked with capturing Wukong and the kid's friends.

And 3, Macaque was now getting the sudden urge to save and protect the boy.

He didn't know why that was. After all, he only spent time with the kid to steal his powers in order to kill both him and his mentor. 

But then again... the Lady Bone Demon was someone who was a threat to basically anyone, regardless of who or what they were. Plus, MK was so young. He shouldn't have to be forced to be a demoness's puppet for destruction.

Macaque tried to ignore the fact that that statement was kinda hypocritical, since he kinda used the kid as a puppet himself—

Nevertheless, the Lady Bone Demon was a much larger threat.

And so, alone, the Shadow made a vow of his own.

He would carry out the demoness's orders for now. He would play by her rules. All to make sure that she trusted him enough to believe he was finally falling in line.

And the first chance he got?

He was going to rip the demon's spirit from the boy's body.

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