{~Chapter 3: Familiar Faces~}

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The Spider Queen screamed in frustration, tearing a few pipes in her rage. Angrily, she set her vengeance upon the cowering tech man, who trembled before the sight of her sharp, metallic legs.

"I am the queen! I am meant to rule this world! Not hide beneath it!!!" She made to stab the man, only to pause and let out a sigh of defeat.

"It... can't be over..." She lamented, nearly giving up all hopes of her ruling this world.

"It doesn't have to be." A somewhat familiar voice hissed throughout the vast room, quiet whispers accompanying his voice.

"Who... Who said that?! Show yourself!!" The spider demon demanded, flicking her eyes this way and that, scanning the giant room. Finally, her eyes rested upon blue, glowing ones hidden in the shadows.

"My apologies." He resumed, his voice calm and collected. "I just... thought I may be of service."

He stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself. He was dressed in traditional attire, wearing a dark skirt with a traditional white jacket with blue pins as a top. His dark brown hair was down in a short, low ponytail held in place by a vaguely familiar red ribbon with a lock or two falling in front of his face. The young man also had a touch of makeup around his eyes, with black eyeliner and a bit of blue eyeshadow. He was standing in a formal position, with his shoulders straight and hands pressed together neatly in front of him.

The Spider Queen studied him for a bit. He seemed... awfully familiar. But alas, dear readers. With the change of attire and attitude, whispers making it a bit harder to really hear his voice, and the fact that the spider demon was already blinded by frustration to care too much, she did not recognize the young man as a former adversary. Instead, in that moment, she merely saw a stranger.

"Service, huh? Who are you? And how come you seem so familiar?"

His attitude did not change in the slightest. "I suppose I just have one of those faces. You see, I am merely someone who thinks the great Spider Queen has been absent from her throne for too long. I believe that once you rise, a thing even the celestial host could not achieve will be inevitable."

"Oh, yeah?" She scoffed, wary of this sudden newcomer's presence and flattery. "And what would that be?"

His eyes seemed to glow ever so slightly. "The final destruction of the Monkey King."

Spider Queen's eyes widened, before she glared and shot out one of her metallic spider legs at the boy, stopping just before it could pierce his chest.

"Well don't you have a sweet way of talking." She sneered. "Monkey King tore me from my throne, took everything I had! What makes you think it's so easy?!"

He looked back at her with a hint of annoyance, before glancing down at his folded hands. "I thought maybe we could use... this."

He opened his hands to reveal a vial with a skull top. The Spider Queen faltered, staring at the object.

"My, my, my..." She muttered. "I haven't seen one of these for a while."

The man glanced at the cauldron. "May I?"

Hesitating, she finally stepped aside and allowed him to approach. Removing the top, he poured the potion into the mix. The mixture turned from a vibrant green to a neon blue. After a spider-bot successfully emerged and the scientist was transformed, the ecstatic queen turned smirking to the young man.

"Alright, Mystery Boy! What's the catch?"

He smirked. "I simply wish to see you fulfill your destiny, My Queen." He bowed.

Soon, they would be wrecking havoc on Megapolis.

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