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 Hii... this chapter half will be in ANJALI pov... Just enjoy the story as if talking along.


        If someone had  told me that VIKRAM would change... his hatred would vanish ,I would have admitted them in mental ashylam the same  day.

      Because our story ended without  a beginning. I was never in the picture to begin a scene then why should I talk about life.

     I felt  guilty for coming into his life and spoiling it. When I imagined him to be with another  girl ...the pain is unbearable .

    It was  like being thirsty in the middle of the sea, you can find water all around you but   cannot  have it.

    What a metaphor for my life...

    I had my loved one with  me but never  felt loved back.

    I lost hope just wished to rip my soul soon so that I would not get the sight of VIKRAM holding a girl and the girl calling him his.

     When  I got stuck in the burning house ... I really  did not even have any final wish, too. My mind just  wondered,' If I die here, Will VIKRAM feel a bit sad or throw a  party as Finally he  got  rid of me '

    My heart and mind landed on the later possibility. I did not bother to find a way out after putting him out of the burning house.

     I stood static, welcoming my end to be when the burning ceiling slipped over me. The pain in my heart suppressed the burning sensation , I felt the day.

     And when The  I lost my concious slowly due to smoke...  I did not regret about death  but I regretted life. A failed life.

     But then this magic happened...

     My life turned upside down...

     Initially, I thought It  was his plan to divorce me...

     Now... I can't deny the love in his eyes and at the same time  can't accept it, yet I love  him.

    I know  I may sound crazy....

     A life  where we love each other is not in my memory ... the story of his hatred is not in reality.

     I can't keep pushing him, not after seeing him that vulnerable.

     Yesterday  he got a cut . His head was bleeding despite his kneeling in front of me and asking for forgiveness for what he did not do or remember... 

     That moment I saw the pain  in his eyes, that is the same  thing I experienced when he had not trusted me on anything.

     You may ask, is it so hard... so hard to fall in love again with the same person .

     There is no doubt I still  love him because  my heart got used to it... the new thing is he is loving me back, and this is happening for real.

      NALINI, too, told that this is reality. How can I not trust her

      He told mehe fell for me on the first sight . On hearing ,  I really want to take a hammer and break his  skull.

      I tried to change myself for a long time, and in the process, I lost myself.

     Ooo, sorry, that's  not the truth  right because

    Everything  is perfect here  like I dreamed ... my friends... My career,  my husband...

     Ooo God, my husband.... It sounds good, yet a fear is creeping.. I need  time to get used to this.

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