emily: why you making me really think into it dammit haha
Miguel: because i want you to see it from a mothers side i ain't a mother but I am a dad .. and know i wouldn't have wanted my son to go threw any of that shit and he wouldn't of grown up to be like that either .. its all outta love thats what im trying to get at
she nodded
emily: i get what your saying .. but i guess growing up with my dad gone half the time i just didnt wanna stop fighting for what i loved maybe i shouldn't have accepted his bullshit but i love him and i see the good in him
miguel: i know you do and im glad he has you cuz i swear to god you calm him down haha
emily: i try the best i can
he nodded
emily: so your son? why haven't you brought him up i thought we where homies?
miguel: yes we're homies but well its a hard topic kinda he passed away me and his mom didnt work out in the end but i got to hold him for a couple days after his birth and that changed me a lot i was just like tonio still am but different mind set
emily: im sorry Miguel
Miguel: naw he ain't in pain thats all that matters to me
she nodded .. they finished up eating and went home
antonio: was it crazy?
miguel: you better buy her a good push present
antonio looked at him confused
Miguel: you dumb as hell i swear haha it was crazy but she held it down for you i guess its going around that you where the one that killed them but she turned it to jose it only got bad once her mom brought up her dad you know
antonio: yall left right
Miguel: ofcourse i could see it was hurting her nothing else said i told her lets go and we did
he nodded
antonio: dont tell her but im getting her a new car and changing shit up i dont want no one knowing its her or talking there shit either i dont care if they fear me or hate me talk down on me im making money and doing me its her i worry about
Miguel: thats a good push present we good?
antonio: yea but ay
miguel: sup?
antonio: did her mom bring up edgar?
miguel looked around and nodded
miguel: i didnt wanna bring it up here but yea hes alive man i guess in recovery or i dont know but i got a homegirl that works at the hospital hes staying at i thought he was in a coma but he woke up i guess ill get you more info
antonio: you will?
miguel gave him a handshake
miguel: hes a snitch and we both know if he recovers hes gonna be talking soon and we dont need that .. emily needs you your son needs you i got your back and i got her shes the homegirl your a carnal to me
antonio nodded and passed him a wad
antonio: thank you
he watched miguel leave he walked inside
letty: kick her ass
emily: bitch im pregnant babe kick her ass shes being mean
antonio: what the fuck? haha
letty: she wants to name your son elias thats an ugly name
emily: your ugly but yet here you are leticia aka lento soup ass
antonio tried not to laugh
antonio: elias ain't bad thats my middle name?
letty: yea and your ugly he already half you dont hurt the kid more
antonio: wanna know what fuck you haha but I like Cain
emily: we have a couple weeks we have to think names? we had jasmin for our babygirl?
antonio: we got time babe dont stress it but ay how it go at your moms?
emily: he didnt tell you?
antonio: what happened?
emily: wait are you testing me or him i know he told you?
antonio looked at her
emily: why tell you if your going to get mad i told her shit back jose did it they crashed leaving his party i only got in my feelings once she started talking about my dad also i swear if i wasn't pregnant i wouldve swung on the neighbors fuck that bitch
letty: thats edgars mom dipshit you dont remember?
emily: ooo shit i forgot makes sense why miguel pulled his shirt up but the rest of the ladys where looking to
letty looked at antonio
letty: you know the gossip comes with it just let them talk and be moneys being made moves are being done fuck what they think that easy .. also keeping peace is best
antonio nodded
emily: get that idea out of your head
antonio: what idea? haha
emily: see letty huh im going to bed its been a long day haha
she went to lay down he followed her
antonio: there's a nice house in the neighborhood by your moms like 4 houses down across the street same amount of rooms lower price
emily: babe we dont have time to shop we cant bring him into this world living here?
antonio:i know thats why i stepped back on the other house and got this one instead
she sat up
emily: why would you do that?
antonio: i wanted us out of the neighborhood because i was tired of the stares and bullshit .. but why should we leave when we're doing good and i want them to see it to fuck it plus i wouldn't our son to grow up thinking i ran from my shit ..
emily: is this what you want? or do you want them to fear you?
antonio: they already fear me i want them to see we're doing good and that we ain't on the streets bumming it
she nodded
emily: i support it i just want more room already and we really have to think about his name we have to agree
antonio: i like elias? im not complaining?
emily: ok can it be elias antonio?
he laughed a bit as he laid down
emily: what?
antonio: i dont hate it i just dont know
emily: ok you not hating it is a good sign
she hugged him he kissed her
antonio: im sorry i been gone i dont want you to think im leaving you and ditching you on miguel i love you and im doing it all for us?
emily: i dont think that i know your busy and i dont wanna stress you out either but miguel should get a break or higher pay haha but hes a good homie im thankful he was there today
antonio nodded
emily: dont start
antonio: haha im not starting nothing lifes just going good babe thats all
she smiled and kissed him
Till Death Do Us Part
Randomyou see i never saw the bad in him .. even when he was hurting me making me cry i just saw a broken soul that needed to be loved so i loved him till i couldn't anymore .. but i should've listened i knew i deserved better but he was my everything he...