Chapter 29

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silvia- i dont need you out for long doing dumb things with them

letty- ok first off im paying you rent that was the deal so you cant control what i do? and second they dont do anything its just going out with my sister after the hardest 9 months of my life? im not a minor either so dont worry about me ill be there before you get home from work no im not drinking no im not doing anything stupid either emily is the responsible one remember

silvia- yea so responsible

emily: fuck you!!

letty laughed and hung up

letty: your gonna have to get over this shit and just talk to her

emily: no she still thinks we're stupid for doing what we did she still talks down on him when you can see what good hes done like come on she can atleast apologize shes the one that got edgar shot to

letty sighed

letty: ok your both stubborn

emily: yea its like me telling you to get over it and talk to dad

she stayed quiet

emily: ok to far im sorry i was in the moment and i shouldnt have brought him up it was totally different

letty: no its the same look you where younger then i remember more of it .. but i get why your talking to him i do have those good memories .. for me i guess its i dont want it to happen again where he leaves us and hurts us but then it was mom because we couldve visited

emily: where is he going to go hes doing life haha

letty: true true dads different i just gotta make that move for myself ok and if you dont wanna talk to mom i respect it but it has to be you that doesnt want to not him telling you not to

emily: he doesnt like her but he wouldnt keep me from her either

letty: oo yea he wouldnt ive seen like 4 cars follow us radomly you really let that slide?

emily: if i dont bug he wont nag that easy and its safer i guess i feel safer too less stressed it only gets weird once there following me into the stores

letty: what the fuck haha ok i would stop it at that dont you think?

emily: i just ignore them haha

they went to the appointment

letty- im busy doing what you should be doing

antonio- the fuck you talking about? im at work where you should be

letty- no you should be at these appointments with your lady or wife shit when are you going to make her your wife? haw?

antonio- i dont do that shit

letty- yea i know but you should be but im busy cant talk text me dumbass

antonio- big homie wants to see how down you are if you wanna fuck around in this shit

letty- what big homie?

antonio- jose

letty- big jose or skinnt jose?

antonio- big one haha

letty- well tell that fat fuck that i fucked around with his side piece while she went in for a dui a couple months ago and she told me i did it better than him and im a female too asking if im down what the fuck he should know im down

he laughed and showed jose

jose: this bitch haha i knew she came home different haha but let her be with her sister ask her this later dont want that getting back to emily

antonio: eh true

the day went by

emily: what you think?

letty: im glad im not having kids i could never be that comfortable with a doctor touching me like that or having a whole lil human inside of me

emily: your stupid haha wanna feel a kick?

letty: shes kicking already?

emily: dont assume the sex here feel

she did as emily drove

letty: eww ok now forreals im getting my uterus removed i cant do that haha

emily: youll be a good tia and thats ok

letty: yea i like girls now .. ill never love another man

emily noticed her get sad

emily: no no head up come on he want you crying over his grave he would want you to continue on not with another man so i guess thats a good move haha

letty: yea i know .. i just miss his dumbass hearing tonio talk his shit reminded me of marco and the old days .. that fucking bitch man huh

emily: karmas a bitch ok dont let it get to your head hes resting hes not in pain he would be proud of you for getting out and helping his brother stay out of trouble

letty looked at her as she parked infront of there moms

emily: your not going to keep him out of trouble are you

letty: ill keep him out of harms way and i know he'll keep me out of harms way to so its safe haha ill keep an eye on him for you?

emily: i already know he wouldnt do known of that so just keep him alive and yourself and if anything bad is happening tell me ok?

she nodded

letty: get down with me please?

emily: fuck no i dont wanna go in there

letty: come on please? last time i was here i was dragged out mom was throwing shit at me i was crying and

emily: ill get down if you answer a call with dad tomorrow morning?

letty: bitch

emily: only fair dont you think? haha if i have to talk to mom after everything and i dont know if tonio will like it im already getting texts of where im at

letty: yea naw go home i got a car here ill come over in a bit dont trip

emily: promise?

letty: promise go home be a house wife babygirl

she hugged her

letty: but ay does edgars sister still live next door?

emily; leave her alone

letty: oo so she does? thanks for that

she got out of the car emily parked and got off

emily: letty come on robbery was 9 months

she turned

letty: only way i got caught was because she snitched shes the reason marcos dead .. im doing my thing its safe dont worry now go home moms turning at the corner

she nodded and left ..

antonio: why would you stay there that long?

emily: iw as telling her bye why?

antonio: i dont want those neighbors to see you or try and follow you your mom still talks to them

emily: sorry ok here you wanna see the ultrasound pictures we got?

he shook his head and sat down and looked at his phone

emily: why not?

antonio: they all look the same emily who cares?

emily: i care here feed yourself

she went up to the room as liz walked in

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