Chapter 33

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emily: promise you'll be there when im giving birth

letty: how the fuck that turn what was in the bag?

emily: nothing bad i just asked him if he would go he said no so i came and asked you im not begging anymore

letty: dont worry ill be there no matter what

she nodded and continued eating

letty: you nervous or something?

emily: no im ready to have this lil human with me already

letty: dont lie now

emily: ill tell you later but hey ill do whatever you need this weekend but you gotta do something for me

letty: whats up?

emily: you answer one of dads calls or atleast say hello the minimum thats all im asking for and its not alot from what your doing

letty: alright

emily: wait what?

letty: haha alright i want to i just dont know how but forcing me will work

she nodded as she got up and started to clean up

the night went by

liz: are you even a lil excited to find out the sex?

emily sat back and overheard them

antonio: i know what it is its a girl

liz: and what if its not

antonio: come ask me that later

lizx: whats wrong with a lil boy as long as hes healthy?

antonio: yea healthy but no can yall just leave me the fuck alone already shit

lizx: fine then asshole shit night thanks for dinner

she went up to her room

emily: you done being mad?

he turned to her as she walked into the kitchen

antonio: im not mad im just over people asking me about this whole sex thing

she nodded and sat down and rubbed her belly

emily: if i go in tomorrow and its a boy i dont care what you or what you do ill do what i have to for this lil one do you hear me?

he stood there mad

antonio: so you'll choose this baby over me?

emily: yes ofcourse a thousand fucking times antonio dont you fucking hear yourself?

antonio: after alli done for you?

emily: your the babys father i didnt create this baby on my fucking own? we fucked we both wanted this are you fucking stupid?

antonio: dont call me stupid

emily: well you sound stupid but atleast you know ill do what i have to for him even if his father doesnt love him

she got up with tears in her eyes and went up to their room he went after her but she had locked the door

antonio: emily

emily: leave me alone!!

he sighed and went back downstairs .. he slept on the couch he woke up early cooked up some breakfast as she walked down

emily: ass kisser

antonio: i was hungry i know better than to just cook for myself

she nodded as she got something to drink

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