Chapter 78

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liz: did he leave already?

emily: oo yea a while ago why?

liz: i was gonna tell him something

emily: everything ok?

she turned to liz

liz: my mom called dad um our dad died

she froze and looked at her

emily: what?

liz: yea the alcohol finally got to him he was in and out of the hospital and he didnt care for shit and well yea

emily:wow liz look

liz: trust me i dont care i just want him to know before shit happens

emily: ill call him dont trip you ok though?

liz: um i dont know ill be in my room

emily nodded as liz went back to her room

Miguel: i heard let me call him hes in the mix of shit

emily: no it should  be her  just in case watch cain

she gave him the baby monitor and walked outside with her phone

antonio- im working you ok? whats wrong?

emily- wow didnt expect a calm answer

antonio- emily?

emily- sorry i didnt wanna bug you i didnt but i want you to hear it from me

antonio- what are you talking about?

emily- your mom called liz and she just came out looking for you .. i guess the alcohol finally got to your dad hes gone

antonio busted out laughing

emily- babe come on

antonio- you know its funny haha

emily- you feel that relief?

antonio- fuck yea i do huh fuck it he was close with liz before it went to shit so keep an eye on her im fine dont stress it

emily- im glad your ok i got her dont stress it

antonio- thanks .. i love you babe

emily- love you to

the call clicked

she turned to miguel standing there

emily: ease dropping?

miguel: oo yes he didnt care haw?

emily: he might be celebrating wouldn't surprise me but he said to keep an eye on liz she was close to him im gonna make her favorite dinner for her

he stopped her before they walked back in

miguel: are you ok?

emily: no but i will be because it ain't only me now i cant cry over my belly or anything like that he needs his mama to be strong .. im all he has ya know

he followed her inside and hugged her tight

miguel: i know the cameras watch out there but wont pick up the noise  .. i know hes all you got but i got you if you dont wanna talk to letty dont trip ok? i know how shit gets after birth and i give a fuck and care about you dont push it aside or me i got you any time text or just talk

she looked up at him and side smiled 

emily: thank you but

miguel: i know i dont have to .. but i know you wouldn't leave me alone if i was down i got you

she hugged him quickly and got to cooking .. he watched cain as liz walked out with her baby boy

miguel: whats up?

liz: my moms already asking for money .. i know what tonios gonna say im huh

miguel: money for what? that man worked for the county and he was retired?

liz: i dont know why .. what do i do?

miguel: shit i dont know but chill dont stress it its not your responsibility anyways he killed himself

liz: thats true

antonio got home a bit later

emily: just in time

antonio: my favorite and hers thanks babe

emily: your welcome something to feel loved how was it?

antonio: figured out whats going on but i need to see letty first but wheres liz?

emily: she was in the living room with the boys miguels in there to

he nodded and hugged her

emily: you good?

antonio: yea i dont know i feel relieved in a way its weird

letty walked in

letty: sit

antonio: i already know

letty: i know you do but its not true your moms calling for money hes locked up got his accounts frozen shes fucked hasn't worked in how long?

she grabbed her keys

emily: letty?

letty: im gonna go beat that fucking cunts head in making liz get sad and almost cry making her think hes really dead when hes not

emily: its not even worth it

antonio: so she called saying hes dead but he ain't? the fuck?

miguel walked in with cain

miguel:might be a shark thing but liz is messed up lil homies in his play pin cain finished his bottle though

emily; thank you but babe go check on her?

antonio: yea i got her .. letty figure that out first i dont want you getting deeper into shit

letty: im giving up her address if its true

antonio: i dare you haha

he went to lizs room he heard screaming at someone on the phone

liz_ you told me he was dead! i believed you how could you lie to me like that!! you know i worry!

lourdes- he doesn't care about you he screwed us over and over again now look at me

liz looked back at antonio as he walked in and took the phone

antonio- the way he doesn't care we dont care .. you took loans you used that money with him  thats your problem stop calling we dont give a fuck you ain't getting shit outta us i hope they come for you and him shit fuck you

he hung up and gave liz back her phone

liz: tonio

antonio: she lied to you

liz: i know.. im sorry if i freaked you out though

antonio:it didnt i knew it was to good to be true dam old man alcoholics live forever i swear

he went to walk away

liz: you hate him still?

antonio: ill hate him forever ill forgive him once hes dead dont get to in your head liz forreals

he walked back to the kitchen

emily: let me guess

antonio: she admitted to it got my hopes up shit

miguel: i feel you on that

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