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You had decided not to give him his gift yet, the timing just didn't feel right and you were worried about how it would be received. You pretty much rushed off to bed as soon as he was done bathing.

You accidentally slept in, waking up around 9:00 am the following morning. You could tell that your body needed the rest. As you made your way into the kitchen, you saw that MacCready had again already made coffee this morning and was reading something at the table.

"Morning... I could get used to this." You stated while pouring a mug, sitting across from him.

He glanced up at you lazily. "Don't." Then continued reading his burnt magazine.

You were taken off guard by his sudden bristliness and figured that he was either upset or slept poorly. You chose to ignore his sullen mood, it wasn't going to change your excitement over the quick progress being made towards your next big mission.

"Psh." You scoffed at him but refrained from rolling your eyes. "Okay then..." You got up, not wanting to sit with him at the table anymore. Quickly you heated up some breakfast in a pan, some Cram with two Mirelurk omelets.

You were really making it for both of you. It would be rude to leave him out, as he was your guest. You weren't going to tell him that though. If he was going to act like this, then he would have to ask if he could have it.

You made your plate, grabbed your coffee cup and walked across the room to sit on the couch in your comic corner. You had completed it with a rug, magazine rack and an ashtray, as it was near the open window. It was so cozy here, you quickly settled in to eat and stare out the window, watching the morning unfold.

It didn't take long for him to realize that you had sat away from him on purpose. He got up stretching, wearing the tee-shirt and jeans you had given him. He walked over with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you planning on finishing that food over there?" He inquired, looking sorry for his attitude earlier, but still looking quite sullen.

Swallowing your current bite, you replied. "Nope. I made it for you, actually."

There was a brief pause before he responded, "Thanks." Heading over towards the food to finally eat.


After eating, the two of you got ready to start making repairs to the Power Armor pieces. You knew you had plenty of steel bars to get started, but wasn't sure if there was enough to fix up two whole sets.

You chose to put on your white tank top from yesterday, along with a floral print, ratty skirt you had made. Throwing your hair up into a bun, you found a red bandanna and secured your hair with it.

You went downstairs to your power armor station with Mac at your heels. Putting on a pair of wielding goggles and throwing a pair at him, It was time to get to work.


You two spent the next six hours working on the two sets of Power Armor, showing MacCready certain things throughout the process, while he worked on his set. By now, there was significant progress to be seen.

You had managed to piece together a complete set with a headlamp attached to the helmet. Having finished repairs on yours, you wanted to wait to paint it until after making a few more modifications to it. You were planning on altering it to a stronger version, and had just added the Minutemen symbol to the torso piece.

You took a few steps back to admire your work. Getting there... just a few things left to do.

MacCready on the other hand, was moving at a snail's pace compared to you. He had managed to repair and add both legs and torso pieces, but was missing the rest. Currently he was working on repairing the helmet.

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