Charlotte and Jonathan walked home together in silence while she tried to understand what happened. When they got to her door, she said "Is there any reason I should trust you? Like, at all?" Jonathan thought about it. "No." Charlotte did that smile you do when someone tells you something unexpected. "Nothing at all?" "Well, I can't think of anything. Can you prove I'm not evil?" "We'll think of something. I also think we need nicknames. If we're gonna be friends, we need nicknames." Jonathan looked at her with one eyebrow raised, unconvinced. "They're cute. And we are friends, right?" He looked at her strangely. "I, guess..." "Perfect. Your name shall be J. Not J. A. Y., just J." "Well, I guess you're going to be, um, C?" "Nope if you're J you need to be more creative. You're a freaking fairy. You have to have some creativity if you're a mythical creature. I mean seriously." "I am being creative. We'll match. Kind of." "Well, al least make me B like my last name instead." "Melly can be P like Peppersniff." "So, we're PB & J." "Yep." "The sandwich group of awesomeness."
FantasyThirteen year old Charlotte Blackthorne has always known she wasn't normal. With her tiger-like grace and owl-like intelligence. But she didn't think she was a faerie. Not a faerie like you know, three inches tall, wings, they puke rainbows and glee...