Chapter 15

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As soon as Charlotte got to her house, she closed the door and ran upstairs to collapse onto her bed.

She was still trying to process everything.

And failing miserably.

She peeked out her blinds, and she realized who lived in that window. Well, she should have figured. He did live next door after all.

Jonathan waved at her through their windows.

Charlotte closed her blinds again. Only to hear little thumps against her window. She thought it might be that crazy woodpecker, but alas, it was Jonathan. He waved again, this time only through her window as his was open.

He was throwing, Charlotte wasn't quite sure. Pebbles, maybe? Then one hit her face when she was going to yell at him to leave her alone. She then close the window.

He looked at her apologetically, then held up one of those mini white dry-erase boards. On it he has said "I swear I'm not crazy. Or evil. I just can't prove it. If you can think of a way to prove it I will show you. I really want you to trust me. I just can't think of a reason to trust me. Other than my stunning attractiveness. Beautiful people are usually evil in movies though, so maybe that doesn't exactly help my case- but please. =)"

She rolled her eyes and nodded before holding up a paper that, on return, said "Arrogant, are we?". She then closed her blinds and tried to go to sleep. The thumping noises started again. Charlotte sighed. It was going to be a long, and loud night.

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