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March 30th 2030
Lena's POV (age 9, Maximoff's age 10)

Me, Wanda and Pietro were walking- running home from school. There was still a war outside, it wasn't as bad as last week though. "By Pietro, by Wanda" I waved them good bye "by Lena" they said, I walked into my apartment that was next to theirs.

We have been best friends for a while, our parents even knew each other in school. even though they're 10 months older than me they still treat me the same.

"хеј Лена! (Hey Lena)" my father said in sokovian "hi papa" I gave him a hug "мама прави шубу! (Mamas making Shuba)" my little brother Pavel came running up to me.

"English Pavel!" Mama called from the kitchen "sorry mama" V had trouble with English due to the fact he was only 7. "How was school Lele" mama asked while hugging me "good! Me and Pietro pranked a classmate" I giggled and so did mama.

Papa went to the window and looked out, there were Americans and Turkish people fighting against us. "мама јесмо ли безбедни (mama are we safe?)" I whispered "да душо нико неће повредити тебе или В (yes baby nobody will hurt you or V)" she assured.

There was a knock on the door and papa answered it, mama pulled me and Pavel to the kitchen just in case, luckily it was just Mr Maximoff.

Papa put the door ajar and stepped out to talk to him, I went to my bag and grabbed my homework. I could slightly hear them having a conversation in Sokovian.

"We need to leave tomorrow Lev" Mr Maximoff stated "I know Oleg... the kids are scared and it's becoming not safe anymore" papa was worried "we shall leave at sunrise tomorrow" Mr Maximoff left and papa walked to mama.

After dinner we went to play a board game of Monopoly. "хоћу ципелу (I want the shoe!)" V shouted "English V" mama reminded "can I be the shoe Mama" mama handed him the shoe and I was the hat.

We played for a little bit before there was a whistling noise.

We screamed while the whole building fell, I got hit in the head by concrete. My ears were ringing "mama?" I saw her hand and grabbed it, it was all bloody "Lele" she groaned "mama!" I cried, there was an earthquake causing more rubble to fall, V screamed before everything went silent.

My vison was blurry but I could see Pietro crawling towards Wanda. I quickly crawled to them as well, my leg was gushing and so was my head "Lena!" Wanda hugged me "где је Павел (where's Pavel?)" Pietro asked "не знам (I don't know)"

A bomb came whistling and landed right in front of us, we screamed until it landed... it didn't go off. We all looked at each other before Wanda reached her hand out and tried to read the English "stark... industries" my breathe was trembling.

The tv was still playing, Wanda's favorite sitcom. We watched that for comfort until we fell asleep.

March 31st

The tv was still playing on repeat, Pietro kept reading the words on the bomb while I listened to the beeping. I was praying it didn't go off but at the same time I hoped it went off.

We talked and tried to comfort each other while we hid under the rumble, every time an earthquake struck we screamed in fear of it activating.

April 1st

Pietro's favorite day was April fools. It was Sunday today, we always pulled pranks on the school or apartment complex if there wasn't a war. The tv had stopped playing a while ago.

There were always a lot of wars in Sokovia, sometimes the avengers even had to step in and come here. We always get our hopes up hoping that the avengers would finally stop the wars but it never happned— they just kept getting worse and worse.

"Maybe the avengers will save us" I whispered in sokovian "I hope" Pietro tried to be quiet. Here we are waiting for the hero's to save us once again... even though we know they don't give a crap about us.

A few hours later we heard yelling and shouting, I was really tired and hungry, we all were. "прозивати! (Call out!)" we heard soldiers yelling.

"овде! (Over here!)" "помоћ! (Help)" we all called out. The soldiers rushed over and pulled us out.


We were put into an orphanage a few days later after we left the clinic, we were all alone with no one and no family- we were orphans.

We sat down on our very small beds on the floors, there were about 80 more kids here "I miss mama and papa" Wanda cried "me too" me and Pietro said while I wiped a tear away.

"обећавамо да нећемо оставити једно друго, никада, шта год да се деси (promise we won't leave each other, never ever no matter what happens)" I put my pinky fingers up.

They agreed and we made pinky promises while kissing each others pinkies and comforting each other.

I missed Pavel, he would always tell the funniest stories before we went to bed, or do the stupidest stuff as throwing a pencil to the ceiling and getting it stuck.

I closed her tearful eyes, knowing i could not hug him again, but someday, after my last breath, I would see him again, finally. And that may be soon.

916 words
The avengers are immortals here, why? Because the world needs them and I have crippling depression from end game😭

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