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Pietro's POV

I groaned and opened my eyes, it was quite bright. I turned my head to the left and saw Zel looking at the ceiling, he turned his head towards me "nice to join the chat" he smirked.

I went to lift my hands but they were chained down, I panicked and tried to remove them— they were really tight "don't try to escape they already tightened them because of Lena" Mina sighed. "What happened?" I looked around to see Wnda and Lena outcold.

"Well your sister went claustrophobia coocoo and had to be put on a sedative, then Lena made herself bleed and dislocated her thumbs and nearly killed an avengers." Zel snickered.

"Badass" Mina laughed "normal day for Le" I chuckled.

A doctor- doctors walked in "good to see you awake agent Maximoff" he walked up to me and put something in my IV "don't touch me" I hissed.

"Don't worry it's just to help the bullet wounds" I complete forgot I got shot. I looked down and saw my stomach bandaged "badass" I whispered and smirked. The doctor chuckled "I'm Dr Banner and that's Dr Cho, then Dr strange is over there" he pointed.

"Are we at the facility?" I whispered "no?" He questioned "is strucker here?" "No, your safe from him" he patted my shoulder.

"That bitch is still alive!" I yelled making Dr Cho jump "sorry kid" he sighed.

A few minutes later Wanda woke up "what the hell? I thought that was a dream" she sat up and tried to escape the chains "get me out" she panicked- she was a very claustrophobic person.

"Wanda it's ok, remember this is your space, it's your space no one can share it" it was something mama did to help her.

"This is my space and mine only" she breathed in and out, Dr strange gave me a weird look "she's very claustrophobic, probably why she freaked out earlier" i scoffed.

She took some breaths and calmed down.

Lena's POV

I groaned and my eyes fluttered open, my head hurt so much "that hurt like a bitch" I mumbled and I heard someone chuckle.

I yelped a little, scaring my self and the doctor "dammit! Why am I back here" I messed with the chains but they were tighter than before- I can only imagine how Wanda feels right now.

When I thought of that I turned my head to the side "Wanda!" I smiled "hey Lena" she smiled "nice to see you to Lena" Pietro scoffed "hi Pietro" I sarcastically said.

"Zel and Mina left the chat" I heard Mina mumble. "Where's Lex?" Zel asked a doctor "uh... well- you see- I... I'll answer that later" he walked out.

"Wanda?" I looked over to her and saw she was staring down something "ya- sorry" she did a fake smile at me, I looked at what she was staring at and noticed it was a picture to end wars and war crimes committed by officeholders resulting in civilians having to pay the price.

I frowned at the image and held back some tears, I couldn't do anything involving war. Me, Wanda, and Pietro developed this bad fear of Thunder ever since the bombing had happened. We would hold each other and try not to cry as we got memories of seeing our parents dead bodies and their blood leaking onto the floor.

"Can you remove these please" I asked the doctor before he left "no can do, it's for safety sorry"

"But we have these power cuffs we can't do anything" I gave him a look and he gave me one back, I'm pretty sure he was Dr Stephen strange.

"You literally killed 3 guards and almost killed an avenger, without powers"

I rolled my eyes "that's besides the point!" He shook his head and walked out, I groaned and shot my head back into the pillow.

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