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Third person POV

They had came up with a plan, ULTRON was going to attack the world and use the scepter to only have sokovian alive, sokovia to him was the only good place.

"Let there be carnage on Sokovia" ULTRON laughed before releasing robots.

The avengers were out fighting them "no! They're ruining this" Ultron clutched his fists together. He took the wire and re connected it to himself "go. Go end the avengers" he shooed the kids away.

Mina and Zeleek zoomed off to attack Cap and Tony while Wanda went with Pietro to get Thor.

Lena was still passed out. Zeke was creating a forcefield around them and ULTRON.

A few minutes later Lena had woken up "ouch" Che sat up "good your up- Wanda needs you" ULTRON said.

She nodded and used her magic to wipe some of the pain away, Zeke took down the force field for a minute and Lena ran off to Wanda.

"Lena your alive!" Wanda cheered while using her powers "Alive and mostly well" Lena put up a force field to block bullets coming.

"Hey stop attacking us you feisty robots we're on yo side!" I yelled, the robot scanned us and went to another person. "Idiot" Wanda mumbled to the robot before running off to Mina who was fighting hawkeye.

"You guys are being manipulated by ULTRON!"

"He wants to make the world a better place and kill you murderers" I yelled before using my magic to lift up Steve "he's evil! You aren't" he groaned "I never wanted to take on the world, but the world took from me, and kept taking, and taking, until I was nothing. Now, the world can be nothing too" I was going to rip him in half.

"You don't have to do this. Everyone will hate you Lena, all you ever wanted to do was be loved- this is not the answer" he gaped out while I speed my hands apart.

"The world hates me because I became hateful... but ironically no one loved me when I was loveable" I put my hands closer to eachother "I'm not a loveable person- I've killed I've assassinated- I've been turned into a monster"

"You were just a child and you still are, we can help you guys" he wheezed out. I dropped him "no you can't. You can't help us" I ran away towards Wanda who was fighting Nat.

I put a force field up and blocked the bullets again before I blasted Nat, Wanda did as well. She went flying back a little and groaned.

I ran to help Mina who was in a choke hold by Steve, I blasted Steve and he let her go before grabbing his shield and throwing at me. I used my telekinesis to grab it and I chucked it right back at him.

His eyes went wide before the top hit his stomach and made him and a robot go flying backwards.

I ran up this hill with the others to try to escape, we weren't winning- it's 5 weak kids against 6 almighty superhero's who haven't lost a single war.

Stark landed in front of us and put his blasters and guns out, I was about to shoot him when he walked towards us "don't shoot" he said.

Thor and Steve were right behind him. "Look at this! Is this what you kids wanted? Look at sokovia- your home! It's ruined!" He yelled while pointing at all the burning buildings and people running for help. "It's the way for world peace!" Zel yelled back "it's what my sister wants" he said lightly.

"Your sister would want you alive! To make the world a better place not kill it" Thor stepped towards.

"We aren't going to listen to a man who killed our parents" I tilted my head and my accent was really strong. "That bombing- all of that was you, you killed our families" my eyes and hands were glowing dark red.

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