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26th July 2030
Lena's POV

We had just gotten breakfast when we heard machine guns outside and people screaming. We dropped our food and went running for the bathrooms— it was the safe spot for raids.

We heard kids screaming and crying, this was the 5th raid in the past two months. I'm not sure what day it is anymore, it's been a long time. We heard someone walk into the bathroom and we covered our mouths "имамо три овде (we got three here)" a bald soldier said, we looked at each other confused.

Three more soldiers came in "имате избор. пођи са нама или умри (you have a choice. Come with us or die)" someone demanded, we hesitated and they pointed guns at us.

We winced and stood up wuickly, the grabbed us and dragged us to this truck. Wanda tripped and got slapped "не дирај је! (Don't touch her!)" Pietro shouted "shut up!" A soldier with a very strong accent demanded.

They threw us in the truck and locked it.

A few hours later we got to this facility, we were all separated and thrown into cells. A soldier came in with me "name and age" I looked up at him when he asked me.

"Name and age!" He pointed the gun at me, I flinched and cried "Lena Kovač, 9" he nodded and walked out.

He came back with this needle, I had the biggest fear of needles, he stuck it in my neck.


I woke up in a chair next to the twins "Wanda, Pietro, and Lena" an older man smiled at us. "I'm Dr strucker" we were scared "no need to be scared your safe... for now"

"Tell us about what had happened?" He grabbed a paper and pen.

We explained about the Detonated bomb and stark industries.

"What about revenge, revenge on Stark. He took your family and life away" we looked at each other, communicated with eyes and eye brows (our secret language to annoy the teachers)

Revenge was one thing on my mind for sure, but the other thing was going back in time and creating a world where mama and papa and V were there.

We shook our heads "I will never forgive nor forget what they did to me... To my family, to my home" Wanda said with a death stare, I held her hand while a tear fell down her cheek.

"Will you volunteer to become powerful and get revenge?" He put a paper infront of us. "Yes" we all agreed before signing the paper.

Little did we know that was a mistake...

436 words
Short chapter I know! I'm sorry!!!

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