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Third person POV (2026)

Pavel and Lena were playing hopscotch together, it was one of their favorite game when they were little.

Lena threw the stone and it landed on 8, she jumped in the squares to number 8 before hopping back. Pavel threw the stone and landed on 6, he did his turn and Lena went again.

There were gunshots in the distance but they were used to it- it was how they grew up.

Pavel threw the stone, when the stone landed a bomb in the distance went off. They screamed and ran to the stairs "Pavel, Lena!" Natalia yelled for her kids. Lev came out a minute later and scooped the kids up before Natalia shit the door.

"You ok?" Natalia put a hand on their cheeks "yes mama" Pavel said while a tear ran down his cheek. Natalia whimpered before wiping it away, she hates that her kids had to go threw this.

2030 (when they first got to the facility)

It was Wanda's, Pietro's, and Lena's first night at the facility in nowhere Sokovia. There were a million guards outside and an energy source field that they would soon learn was from the scepter.

"Do you guys hear that?" Lena asked in Sokovian "hear what?" Pietro asked "exactly" Lena said.

"It's too quiet" Wanda added "is this what no war sounds like?" Pietro asked while looking at Lena "I think so, but isn't there war all over the world 24/7 like here?" I asked "ya I think" Wanda shrugged.

Lena stood up and looked out the window "there was soldiers holding guns but they aren't shooting at each other" Lena sighed "they're security, they won't shoot at each other" Pietro went next to her and Wanda went next to Pietro.

"Maybe they will" Lena smirked.

A guard grabbed his gun and pointed it at the guard nearest to him, he shot him in the head. The guards started shootings and the three smiled.

They laid back down and went to sleep "that's better" Lena sighed happily.

Lena's POV

I shot up with a gasp, what the hell was that dream! The guards never shot at each other. We just didn't sleep for half a week till our bodies shut down on their own.

I rubbed my eyes and took a few deep breathes before standing up and walking to the doors, I messed with the door handles and of course they were locked.

I went to the bathroom and sat down, I really needed to leave this room. I looked around for anything, I hated being a prisoner.

"The vents Lena" I slapped myself in the head, why didn't I think of that before.

I stood on the toilet and tried to take the vent off, it wad screwed In, I sighed and looked around.

I found glass and unscrewed the vent.

I jumped in silently and crawled, I turned right and went to a room that looked like an office. I crawled past it, there was a blanket and an empty donut box, someone must live up here.

I crawled to what looked like the kitchen and hopped out of the ceiling vent.

No one was around, I put my hair in my face to try to cover it up and looked around for French toast.

I knew they wouldn't have any at like 11pm but it was still worth a shot. I have a really bad addiction to French toast don't judge me ok! I saw a box of donuts and decided to steal two, Mina didn't like donuts so I got her a granola bar I saw in a granola box.

I was going to grab a juice box but I heard someone talking.

I slightly bit both donuts and jumped back into the vents. I closed the gate carefully and crawled back to the prison.

I walked up to Wanda and shook her awake, I gave her half a donut, Pietro the other half, Zel half, me the other half and Mina the granola bar.

"Where did you get these?" Zel asked. "In the kitchen" I smirked "how the hell did you get out" Pietro whispered after eyeing the camera "vents" I whispered back.

"They're screwed off how did you unscrew them. I couldn't undo them yeaterday" Mina asked "glass" I giggled.

Sam's POV

Me and Bucky were arguing about the best dog breed while we walked to the kitchen, there was some bussin donuts Steve had bought.

I swear I heard someone but I think it was just us being loud, I opened the donut box and I eyed Bucky.

"Did you already take some?" I asked "no why?" He looked in the box "there were 8 left and now theres 6. 10 minutes ago there were 8, no ones been in here expect for us and Peter" I was confused.

"Peter already had one though; why would he take two more" Bucky scratched his head "oh my gosh. It was Casper!" I put a hand on my head in disbelief and paced around. "Casper isn't real and plus ghosts can't take living world objects" Buck slapped my arm.

"Let's just go to the security room and check" we walked to the security room after grabbing donuts, Bill was sleeping like usual.

"Kids ok?" I asked Bill once he woke up "yep! Haven't done any known trouble becides the normal"

We looked at the kitchen cameras, a girl had jumped out of the vent "isn't that your girl?" I asked Bucky, him and Nat were married.

"Nat is a redhead idiot. She has brown hair"

"Who else here has brown hair?" I asked knowing damn well that was half the building.

"Wait that shirt- check the kids" Buck went to the camera of the weird and fast kids. We rewinded it to earlier, the one who Nat and Bucky had beef with had gone to the bathroom for nearly 20 minutes.

"What the hell is she doing" I murmured. About 4 minutes later she came back with 2 donuts and a granola bar. "That witch stole the donuts!"

"I thought you said nothing happens Bill!" Bucky said "ya nothing too out of the ordinary, she didn't kill anyone- just wanted donuts" he put his hands up in defense.

The kids were up and talking so I decided to visit them.

I unlocked the door and stormed in "you little thief" I pointed at the girl "sorry" she was holding back a laugh "those were good donuts!" I threw a small tantrum before I was about to attack her.

Bucky dragged me out, when she saw Bucky her smiled faded. "if you touch those donuts again I swear to gosh!" I yelled.

1125 words

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