Mind games

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Natasha's POV

A little bit later me, Clint, Steve, Tony, Thor, and Bruce got to the research base. We went in and sneaked around till we saw Ultron talking to the twins

"I read the sokovian records about what happened to your parents" ultron stated "the records aren't what actually happened" Pietro said "Pietro" Wanda touched his shoulder.

"Then tell me what actually happened"

We snuck around them while they were explaining, we saw the two kids who invaded us, I grabbed my gun and shot him in the leg- it was the kid with force field abilities.

He groaned in pain before Lena shot up "who's there!" Her hands glowed red. Clint shot an arrow at her but she used magic to stop it "Hawkeye" she tilted her head and looked in the direction of where the arrow came, Clint gulped.

I shot at the speedster but he had moved when he saw it coming.

"Alec stay with your brother" Mina demanded while the other 3 ran towards us.

ULTRON was right in front of them "aw junior your gonna break your old man's heart" Tony said while stepping out. "If I had to break it. I would" ULTRON said before turning around.

"I wouldn't have to break anything though"

"Clearly you've never had an omelet, you beat me by one second." Tony said.

"Ah this is funny mr stark" Pietro stepped forwards. "It was comfortable... like old times" he walked past ULTRON.

"This was never my life you two can still walk away from this" Tony said "oh we will" Wanda said while tilting her head a little bit.

"I know you've suffered" Steve said "Captain, man under God's righteous hand" ultron laughed.

ULTRON gave him a lecture before he shot Tony, Tony got up and thrusted up to ULTRON. They fought before men came out and started shooting.

Third person POV

Natasha fought and tased some men in the far corner, 4 men were on her.

Clint was shooting arrows at some soldiers when Lena came and threw him against the wall. He groaned before grabbing his pistol and shooting, Lena stopped the bullets with her magic and made them go back at Clint- she purposely missed him.

Tony was still fighting ULTRON In the air when another robot came and punctured Tony's suit, he took the robots head off and dropped it.

Steve threw his shield at a guy when Pietro zoomed through the mass destruction and punched Steve right in the chin making him fly back.

Thor threw his hammer towards Pietro, Pietro thought it was a bright idea to grab it. He went flying back "bad hammer!" Pietro yelled before getting thrown off the railing.

Tony and ULTRON had left the building.

Steve got ahold of a robots head with his shield, Thor came around and used his hammer to take off its head.

Pietro was about to stand up when Cap hit him with the shield, he fell back down with a groan. "Stay down kid" Steve said before running off. Pietro scoffed.

"It's time for some mind games" a robot told Wanda, Wanda nodded and walked off.

Lena blasted Nat with magic and she went flying to the wall, "Nat!" Steve yelled, Nat grabbed her gun that was a few inches from her and shot at Lena who was running away with Mina.

Nat got the perfect aim and shot her in the chest and side, she fell with a yelp and Mina caught her.

Nat stood up and went after Zel who was fighting Clint. Mina came around and swooped Clint and I off our feet.

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