Danger pt 2

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Zeleek's POV

Pietro went behind me and took the billets, I didn't even notice they were coming towards me "Pietro!" I cried out, I stopped for a quickie second till Pietro looked at me and shooed me away. Rude.

I was staring at him and Mina who was unconscious, I was hyperventilating I've never seen something like this happen before. Especially not to the people I care about.

"Go! Zel, we need to go" Lex shook me back to reality. I shook my head, a biker went to Pietro and tased him before I zoomed away with Lex. Of course there were more choppers, cars and bikes coming after us— I always forget that the facility has such a high security.

I was slower than Pietro so the bikes were even faster to me than they were to Pietro and Mina. A biker grabbed their gun and shot at me, me and Lex yelled before a green giant yeeted him off the bike. Best thing I've ever seen.

I sighed in relief and kept running, I've been really tired but need to keep going for Pietro, Mina, and Lex. The green giant started following me but he was soon out of my view due to my speed.

There was this dude with red wings flying over me, like a human hawk. I ran around trees to get off of me but it just caused more people to come after me, this dude threw a dinner plate at me making me trip and drop Lex.

We yelped in pain while he hit a tree "my ankle" I winced in pain when I tried to stand up, it was cut and sprained. "Ow" Lex groaned while grabbing onto my arm to help herself stand up. "Lex run!" I yelled to her, "no, I'm not leaving you, I'll leave anyone but my younger brother" she grabbed my hand.

"I love you Lex, you need to go I'll be fine" I panted, she sighed before running off. Hawk person followed her while green giant was running towards me and a dude in a suit came towards me.

I tried to zoom away but kept falling due to my ankle "kid stop! You'll injure yourself even more" he yelled "leave me alone!" I yelled before zooming off again. I only got 20 feet before I fell and hit my head.

He mumbled before him and a metal armed dude ran up to me "no! Don't go near me you monsters!" I yelled while trying to bite then, they put these cuffs or whatever on me.

"No! Lex! Pietro!" I called out "Pietro? Where's Pietro" he asked while grabbing my jaw "back there, he took bullets for me and got tased, help him" I cried out "Barton, Strange and Romanoff have him" he aaid to Metal arm. They both sighed in relief and I was confused.

Metal arm picked me up and brought me to this car "put me down! No! I'm not going to Strucker!" I cried out. "Kid your safe I promise" he brushed my hair out of my face before putting me in the back of the truck and grabbing a shot.

"No! Don't bring me back! No! Mommy!" I thrashed and tried to kick them but dinner plate dude held me down. "No... I'm not going back" I mumbled before my whole body relaxed, before I blacked out I saw Lex passed out in hawk dudes arms. "Lex..." I blacked out.

Alexandria's POV

I ran when Zel told me to, I felt bad for leaving my baby brother but he begged. My shoulder was in a lot of pain but I was a fast runner (not like Zeleek though)

I heard his scream for Pietro and me, I closed my eyes and kept running while crying. A hawk dude was above me, he swooped down and attacked these agents on bikes. I yelped before falling and running another way, it was kinda hard to run In snow though.

A soldier aimed a gun at me and shot me, i got hit in the chest. I cried in pain while falling.

I looked at the soldier and used my powers to control her "shoot yourself" she shot herself and fell. I did the same to two other soldiers before I fell and started choking on my blood.

Hawk dude ran up to me "hey, hey kid don't go it's ok" he grabbed these cuffs and put them around my wrists. I've seen those before, they're power blocking devices— used on avengers and mutants.

"No! No! Let me go!" He grabbed me and picked me up, I tried to choke him but he grabbed my hands with grip "stop"

I started choking on my blood, my eyes rolled back "shit! Buck, Steve!" He yelled before he started running.

I felt blackness and death coming, I closed my eyes while I heard three people yelling.

"Steve! She's dying!"
"Put her down"
"Starting cpr"
"She doesn't have a pulse!"

Alec's POV

the stupid volunteers had escaped and it was only me and my idiot brother Zeke. We were put into our cells immediately while a million guards rushed out "idiots" Zeke scoffed.

"као да можеш да изведеш штос као та пичка (like you could pull a stunt like that you Cunt)" I hissed. He punched the glass "bastard"

There was an explosion and I yelped a little while holding the wall "we're going to die here" I muttered. "супер, умрећу са идиотом (great I'm going to die with an idiot)" Zeke yelled "shut the duck up!" I shapeshifted into dad and he backed up in fear.

Papa was the one who sold us to Strucker for experimentation. He worked with hydra and got caught in bad business that caused him to go broke, Strucker offered ₽100,000 each ($1,612.91)

I went back to my form "don't you ever turn into him again" Zeke said that Every time I turned into him "what? You scared of him?" I went up to the glass separating us.

"No, im scared of his temper" he said softly, my shoulders fell down. Papa was abusive to us, ever since Zeke was born he hit us and blamed Zeke for mamas death.

Zeke was born when I was 4, mama died at his birth and papa Blained him. I'm 18 and he's 15.  

There was another earthquake which caused alarms to go off, were we under attack?

We heard yelling then stomping, "Lebel's" a robot chuckled a little. "Get away!" I got into fighting positions as so did Zeke.

Strucker opened our cells and let us out "we will rule the world" robot put his hand out "no, I want out of here not to take over the world" Zeke snapped "then I'll join you" I kicked Zeke.

"Good. Join or die." A robot was about to blast Zeke
"ULTRON no! Both will be joining you!" Strucker stopped the robot who's name was ultron.

L bozo imagine having that name.

ULTRON dragged me and Zeke to a room "I will never join you oil rag!" Zeke yelled "join or die" ULTRON clenched his fist while limping.

Strucker didn't do anything this time, a robot shot Zeke making him use his force field. "ти кучко! Никада ти се нећу придружити, ти смрдљива ужарена метална машина која не може ни да хода право (you bitch! ill never join you you stanky ragidy oily metal machine who cant even walk straight)" Zeke popped off at him.

"Next time we won't miss" he walked out.

1260 words

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