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Lena's POV

After we helped clean up we went to the Quin Jet. Steve went over the mission and deaths.

When we got to the compound Steve brought us to rooms "Wanda and Lena you guys will be sharing a room, it that alright" me and Wanda smiled and nodded, Pietro got his own room.

We took showers and there were clothes in the closet that were our sizes. The rooms were HUGE, there was our own bathroom and closet. And we both had a queen sized bed.

After Wanda got out we sat down next to each other "we can't stay here y'know, Stark killed our families and we can't control our powers" Wanda stated, I nodded "I know... I just like the place" Wanda gave me a weak smile before I stood up.

I went to the door but it was locked, I went to the widows to see they were also locked shut. The windows were bullet proof military grade glass.

I went back to the door and banged on it "let us out!" I yelled. Wanda came over and fiddled with the door knob before blasting the door open. "Ts never thought about that" I shrugged.

We snuck out and went down the hallway, Bruce was talking with this black guy- don't know who he is.

We snuck around a counter island and went to a room, Nat and Bucky were laughing and talking while drinking.

We couldn't go around but soon they stood up and went to another room where Steve and some others were.

We snuck up some stairs and went out a door, Thor was talking to this black haired dude who I think is his brother (he called him brother, so it's quite obvi)

We snuck behind Thor but stopped dead in our tracks when the brother spotted us, we locked eyes and he just smirked. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and we hid behind a couch.

I turned around and yelped a little making Thor look around "Brother maybe we should get some drinks" the black haired guy took Thors shoulde and brought them to the bar.

"Pietro!" I slapped him lightly. "I don't like how you two just left me like that" Wanda dramatically rolled her eyes "how'd you get out? We had to kill the door" Wanda whispered.

"The vents" me and Wanda eyes each other "never thought about that either, huh?" Wanda snickered quietly. I just rolled my eyes and moved back to another stair case.

We were about to open the door when Clint came walking in, Pietro zoomed us under the stairs, Clint looked up from his phone after sending a text and looked around confused. He shrugged and mumbled something before walking up the stairs and texting someone named 'Laura❤️'

We opened the door slowly and ran out to the kitchen. The Falcon was arguing with Bucky while Nat just dragged them to the room where Tony was.

We snuck to the Hallway and turned right- it was just some Meeting rooms I guess.

I turned around and looked up, there was a drown haired dude crawling on the ceiling. I screamed at the top of my lungs making him fall.

I jumped onto Pietro's back and Wanda grabbed his arm while also screaming, Pietro screamed at well. The spider was screaming at us as well. We were all screaming.

Everyone came running to the hallway worried and confused. "Get the bug spray!" I yelled "don't worry he's harmless, it's just Peter- Spider-Man" Tony sighed and grabbed Peters shoulders.

"How did you three get out?" Steve asked while crossing his arms.

"Killed the door" "vents" Pietro and Wanda said at the same time "what did the door do to you" Peter said with a trembly voice. "It was holding us hostage" I gave him a look.

I jumped off Pietro and fidgeted with clothes before sighing. "When can we leave stark?"

"Not any time soon" he sighed back "I'm not staying with the people who killed our families" I replied while grabbing Wanda and Pietro and walking away. "Wait kid- just let me explain. Please" Tony walked up to us.

He explained what happened with the kidnapping, ten rings, unauthorized bombings, war, manipulation and all of that. "So then who did kill our parents" Pietro asked.

"Klaue and Strucker" Steve replied. I felt weak, I leaned onto the wall "I trusted Klaue" I mumbled. I slid down the wall and put my head in my knees.

Steve sat next to me and rubbed my shoulder. "I worked with the guy that made me kill my brother" I breathed out. "You didn't kill Pavel Lena... you couldn't save him" Wanda said with watery eyes.

"I saved myself instead" my voice was cracky.

I cried and so did the twins before we got ahold of ourselves.

"The rooms are just temporary before you get your own rooms" Tony said while swiping up in a screen "Stark is it ok if me and Lena still share a room" Wanda asked and I nodded agreeing.

"Uh- sure" he shrugged. "Pietro wanna join them?" Stark joked. "No" he jokingly gave us a dirty look and we laughed.

We went to the kitchen and got some food, some of the avengers who we had hurt were there chatting and laughing. Sam and Bucky were arguing, Steve was watching them with Natasha, Clint was with Bruce.

Visio came up behind us "it appears you three are happy here" he smiled and I smiled at him.

We talked while I ate some chips "can you feel love?" I asked. "I would need to find someone for that Lena" he tilted his head at me and I nodded.


"Well- Maximoff's, Vision, and Kovač, this is your new rooms" Stark showed us to our rooms, we had put favorite colours and all of that in it.

Me and Wanda had separate beds and even our own little library and hang out area, I smiled and thanked Stark. Maybe I was wrong about him all these years.

After we all got settled in, me, the twins, Vision, this wasp girl, and ant-man got called to the compound.

Steve and Nat were at the top. They gave us a little speech "threw the hard tasks, easy tasks, family issues, school, torture, lies, you have all ended up here. Here with the avengers- earths mightiest heroes. You are here for bravery, courage, super powers, teamwork and intelligence"

Steve walked around and Nat added some words. After they finished Steve put his shield on his arm.

"Avengers.... Assemble"

I smiled and Pietro was almost in tears "stop this is too much to handle in one day. I got a new home and a new family" Pietro said while sniffling, Nat and Steve smiled before I started crying and chuckling at Pietro.

"We have a home" Wanda said before Steve and Nat came down.

"A safe place" Nat stated.

1169 words

I don't know what else to add so I guess this is the end of the book 😭

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