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Third person POV

"Lele breakfasts ready" Natalia called from the kitchen, Lena came rushing to the kitchen, it was her birthday today "French toast!" She cheered "where's Pavel?" She questioned.

"He's with papa at the store" Lena was turning 7 today, they couldn't afford any presents but she didn't mind. She loved her family, her family and friends were her gift every year.

"Пиетро и Ванда данас долазе на торту?(Is Pietro and Wanda coming over for cake today?)" She asked with a smile "of course, what birthday would it be if your best friends didn't come беба(baby)" Lena smiled.

I few minutes after she finished her food V and Lev came home "we got cake!" Lev sang and Lena cheered. The Maximoff's were behind him, Lena ran up to hug the twins and the parents.

"Happy birthday Le" Pietro did a secret handshake that him, Wanda, and Lena used to share before HyDRA happened.

They sang happy birthday and ate cake, after they played board games.
Then boom.

The bomb hit two floors below making the ceiling collapse, Wanda crawled to safety while Pietro was in and out of it.

He panicked before going to Wanda, Lena was holding Pavel's dead bodies hand in her hand while she was out cold.

Another bomb came whistling landing right in front of the twins, they screamed until it went off, blood splattering everywhere.

"Wake up!"
"Lena! Wakey wakey I have French toast and a juice box"
Lena groaned before being slapped in the head "gosh! I thought you died" it was Zeleek.

"God? Is that you?" Lena said while the sun blinded her eyes "I'll take that as a compliment but no"

"Oh it's Zeleek" Lena sat up "what happened? Why am I in the snow and an ice cube" Lena was freezing her ass off right now.

"Me, Lex and Mina dragged you guys out of the water after killing everyone" he laughed, I looked over at the lake and saw it was now covered in all blood and guns.

"Where's Pietro and Wanda?" She stood up.


Her face went pale "what..." she felt the tears already building up.

"I'm fucking with you! They're ok and Alive!" He slapped my arm and I slapped his face "you bitch!" I yelled before storming off towards the lake.

"They're the other direction" she stormed off the other direction.

Wanda's POV

Lex had created a fire for us to warm up, she also created a potion to make us temporarily warm, we drank it but made sure to leave some for Lena.

"So every single guard there is dead?" I questioned "yep" she popped the P.

"How did you guys escape the anklets?" Pietro asked, whenever we went on a mission or raid we had to wear these anklets (like house arrest) so we didn't try to escape, they deactivated our powers and could demobilize us.

"We stole the code from this guard before I shot him between the eyes" Mina chuckled "well that was brutal" I scratched my head.

"You bitch!" I heard Lena yell "Zel must've told her you guys died" she laughed "he learned pranks from the best" Pietro showed off.

Lena came running towards us "Wanda! Pietro your ok!" I hugged her and so did Pietro "drink this, it'll make you warm" Lex handed her the bowl, she didn't hesitate to drink some.

I don't blame her, she was closer that cold it's self. "Thank you" She sat down near the fire between me and Pietro, Pietro wrapped an arm around me and Lena.

"Where are Alec and Zeke?" Lena asked, they were the non volunteers...

"Don't know" Zel shrugged. "Dead?" I questioned "most likely, But I do feel their energy and suffering. They may still be alive" lex added.

Alec had powers of shape shifting and invisibility, Zeke had force field powers and telekinesis.

"Why were the avengers here?" Lena asked "maybe they were going to save us" lex hoped "Ts in our dreams. They don't save us any other time, the system is corrupted" Zel scoffed.

"Maybe there was a big threat" Pietro suggested

"Or they were trying to kill Strucker" Mina suggested.

"I wish they did" Lena mumbled

"We all do. He's a horrible person and we all hate him" I put a hand on Lena's.

"We need to get moving- we can't let Strucker get to us" Zel stood up.

"Poland is nearly 50 miles away, we all can't zoom like you Zel" Lena threw her hands up.

"3 out 6 of us can though" Pietro added "your injured and we have frostbite. we will walk" I said, we started walking.

"I don't have enough ingredients for another potion" Lex said through shivers, me and Lena were using our red magic to warm the others up but it wasn't doing much. Me and Lena could fly though-- but we had recently just learned about these pwers 3 months ago. We were restricted from using it because when we were in the sky the first time we lost control, collided, fell, and caused an explosion on the C-level, killing 4 guards...

We havent flown since then-

It started snowing and i groaned "The one time I wish it would stop snowing" Pietro chuckled. "Does anyone else see that light or am I dying?" Lena pointed to the sky.

"Oh my gosh I think I'm dying too" Pietro said while his mouth dropped. "No you idiots it's a chopper!" Zel said before running, we followed him. That's when we started hearing the blades of the chopper.

"Stop where you are" a soldier said while poiting machine guns from the helicopter. Be shot at us and we covered our heads.

Zel grabbed Lex "sorry about this" he said before Mina also zoomed off. "Dammit!" Pietro yelled.

"We Need to fly Wanda" Lena grabbed my arm "it's too dangerous" I yelled "we at least need to try!" She yelled back "Pietro follow them, me and Wanda will take down the chopper" Pietro looked at me when Lena said that.


he kissed my forehead "y'know I'm 12 minutes older than you" he zoomed off and I chuckled.

1034 words

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