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Y'all I'm so sick , It burns to breath and I'm so congested 💀

Jin got Joon home, he brought joon to the living room. "Baby , can you tell me what happened?" "Everybody kept saying you not my daddy, they said I no deserve one. Bambam said you don't wike me and I nee leabe awone.Bambam told ewery one that I has wear diapers and I pee bed when i at his house. I weally twy n-not t-to have a-accidents , I weally weally twy daddy. His fwiends made fun of me , said I was disgusting and gross n dirty. Call me man baby and pathetic " Joon said trying really hard not to cry. "I didn't mean to embarrass you daddy" Joon said feeling ashamed of himself. "I don't have wear diapers anymore, I will be bigger." "Honey bear, you don't embarrass me. People are so mean to you , and I'm so glad you are not like them. You don't need to be bigger in headspace, you stay my baby. I don't want you pushing yourself to be bigger , I don't care what age you are while little. I absolutely love any type of my Joonie" Jin said placing kisses on his baby's face . " I'm sorry" Joon said looking at his hands. "None of that , come here" Jin said bringing his baby in for a big hug. "You deserve the world my love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so very very much" Jin said kissing joons hair. Joon reached for Jin to pick him up , joon was hesitant to do so. He never knows how anyone is going to react, he is much better at hiding his fears from others when he is big. What if Jin turned on him , what if Jin became really mean. He didn't want that, he couldn't handle that. Jin is the only person to ever actually help him or try and understand him. Jin picked up Joon , holding him close. "Let's go lay  down, it's your nap time anyways" Jin said smiling. He didn't get any type of answer from Joon but he expected that. Walking up stairs Jin could feel that Joon needed a change, "baby? Why didn't you tell me you needed a change?" "Oh" joon didn't even realize he used his diaper , Jin saw the confused look , "you didn't know huh baby" Jin said giving Joon kisses. "That's ok, let's go get you changed" Joon was placed on Jin's bed. Jin changed Joon quickly, "all done, let's go have a nap" Jin brought Joon into to snuggle , breathing in his baby's sent. Joon smelt like a baby, he was soft like one too. Jin made sure to give Joon his paci and blanket before he fell asleep. This time jin fell asleep before Joon. This left Joon in his own thoughts , alone for awhile. Joon laid beside Jin for a little while, jin moved a lot. After some time had passed jin rolled over , this gave Joon a chance to leave the room. He shouldn't be laying with Jin, he didn't deserve all of this, he didn't deserve Jins kindness. Joon slipped out of the bed and the room , he brought his blanket and paci with him. Little Joonie , he went into his room and sat behind the side of his bed. He liked the security it somewhat brought him. Joon deserved to sleep on the floor , he ruined a birthday party. He ruined it because he is a man baby. He ruined his friends birthday party, how is Jin not embarrassed by him. Joon can't even talk and walk properly in little space. Joon can't do anything on his own while little, he forces himself to struggle . Joon grabbed his phone off his night stand , he needed to send nayeon a text. He pushed himself some what out of little space , he needed to send an apology.
NJ- hey , nayeonie, I wanted to apologize for ruining your birthday party. It was never my intentions to do so. I understand if you would rather not be friends anymore, I wouldn't want to be my friend either. Maybe we could still be friends outside of little space? Totally understandable if not:) I get little me is a hassle and disrespectful, I'm trying to fix that:) I hope you like the presents , one is for big nayeonie and one is for little nayeonie. I Hope the party was better once I left. Happy birthday 🎂. Again I am really really sorry for my disruption and little me being the biggest brat of all.

Joon sent the text , he felt so guilty ruining the party , he makes everything about himself. He can't let anyone else have their time. He didn't know how anyone could stand him , how anyone could bare the sight of him. He is so disgusting, he is literally sitting in a diaper right now. Tears dripped down his cheeks, he couldn't believe he had done it again. He didn't deserve all these nice things from Jin. He didn't deserve a caregiver, he didn't deserve a boyfriend and he definitely didn't deserve a safe place for his little space. Little him should be locked away from everyone else. Joonie tries , he tries to be good. He doesn't talk , he always listens, he doesn't talk back, he makes sure he isn't seen much , he makes sure that he cleans up everything. He is even trying to learn to use the potty , he hasn't told Jin about that yet tho. He doesn't do that while Jin is home, he makes sure he is all alone. He is struggling really hard to make it on time. He has had to do laundry a few times in one day because he had so many accidents. It's so humiliating that a grown man like him pisses himself so often. He thinks he is getting better but in reality , he can barely make to the bathroom let alone the toilet. He is trying to take more responsibility of little him, he shouldn't put his little space on anyone else . He can't even take control when he is little , how will anyone else? He should just leave Jin alone , poor Jin had to take care of him. The stress of upsetting everyone was so much on little and big Joonie , all he ever did was upset everyone. Joon was panicking alone , he deserved all this stress. He gripped his hair and tugged so hard on it, tears formed in his eyes. Why was he like this , why couldn't he be normal. Joon panicked for what felt like hours , the only thing that brought him out of the panic was the ding of his phone.

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