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Joonie didn't sleep through the night, he tossed and turned all night. It was a weird feeling, he hadn't been little in months. Joonie watched his daddy , while his daddy slept. He was so little, he watched his daddy with his big eyes. He sucked his paci gently , he was playing with his daddy's hair. It was super late , probably around 1 am. Joon couldn't sleep, he wasn't sure why. "Joonie baby, what are you doing?" Jin whispered out. A little gasp was heard from Joonie. Jin opened his eyes , looking right into the baby's innocent eyes. "What are you doing up bumblebee?" Jin asked , he smiled at the little. Joonie was too little to answer, he just stared back at his daddy. Jin brushed some of joons hair out of his face. "You're really little huh? Bumblebee. Why don't we go make you another bottle?" Jin slid out of bed walking around and picking up his baby. Joonie was babbling  some random noises , he was also drooling a lot. Jin just smiled at Joon , the little was very talkative. "You're chatty baby, daddy loves hearing your pretty voice" Jin said kissing Joon all over the face.  Joon squealed , loud giggling from Joon was heard. Jin has never seen his baby this giggly before. "You're pretty awake for how late it is bumblebee. Daddy doesn't mind tho , daddy will never be upset helping his baby out" Jin held Joon as he got the bottle ready. Joonie laid his head on his daddy's shoulder , continuing to babble , and point. Jin placed kisses on his littles forehead and ran his fingers through the baby's hair. "You're such a sweet boy, I love you" Jin said smiling , god he wishes Joon wasn't constantly in so much pain. "Da" Joon said quietly, staring at Jin . "Hi bumblebee"Jin placed a kiss on joons paci. Joon snuggled up into Jins chest , his head digging into Jins neck. "I know bumblebee, it's almost ready." Jin said kissing joons shoulder. The bottle warmer beeped , Jin poured in some vanilla into the warm milk bottle. Jin tested the milk by pouring some onto his arm. Jin screws the lid back into the bottle , he readjusted Joon in his arms. The little still had his head tucked into Jins neck. Joon sucking his paci while breathing in his daddy's sent. "Bunbun , your bottle is ready. Let's go back upstairs and I'll feed you your bottle" Jin said quietly walking up the stairs. Walking back into their shared bedroom, jin sat up against the head board. "Ok bumblebee, let's get you fed. Then maybe you'll be able to fall asleep?" Jin whispered. Jin gently pulled Joon out of his neck, he lifted bottles nipple to the boys mouth. "There baby" jin said kissing joons cheek while bottle feeding him. Jin really hoped this would help the little fall back to sleep.

Joon woke up not even an hour later, his daddy was a sleep. Joon being so little , he wasn't sure what to do. He was so little, he had his paci in , it was clipped to his pjs. He watched his daddy sleep, playing with the frills on his blanket. He had his plush crab with him , it was curled under his arm. He hadn't realized he had wet his diaper. He was too little to even realize. Little joonie was really exhausted, extremely exhausted but his body wouldn't shut down. He felt like crying, he was so close to sobbing. His daddy was sleeping, he couldn't wake his daddy up. His daddy works all day , he works long hours everyday. Joonie stayed in the same position for hours, he was so tired. His diaper was soaking wet , it was burning his skin. It was around 3 am when Joon couldn't take it anymore. He started to sob , it was quiet at first but progressively got louder. Jin wasn't waking up , joon started to scream sob. Everything burned and he was in baby space. All his emotions were
Heightened , everything was much stronger and bigger than it was before. Jin stirred awake , joons cries became loud screams of pain. Jin sat up straight, he has never heard Joon cry like this. Jin turned to look at Joon , his baby had his hands gripping his hair , his face all red. "Shit , baby." Jin reached and picked up Joon , bringing his baby into his arms and lap. Joons screams never quieted, joon was a baby , he couldn't even tell Jin what was wrong. "Oh baby, how long have you been crying?" Jin asked himself , joon being way too little to reply. Jin felt Joon go limp in his lap but he was still crying, Jin took that as Joon slipped even deeper into baby space. Jin lifted Joon up , that's when he felt the wet diaper. "Oh bumblebee, let's get you changed" Jin said. He laid Joon near the end of the bed , getting up to grab a diaper, wipes and diaper rash cream. Joon was sobbing waiting on the bed, he was in a lot of pain. Not just because he had been laying in a wet diaper but his cuts burned and so did his rashes. "I'm coming baby, let's get you all dry" Jin said walking back into the room, he went into their bathroom that's attached to the room. Jin began the changing process, he was careful removing the boys pants because of his cuts. Jin noticed that joons legs were really red and looked quite sore. Jin left back into the bathroom grabbing some ointment and nonsentented moisturizer. Mind you joons sobs were so loud , he was hiccuping and screaming. "I'm sorry bumblebee, daddy is trying to be quick. I know it hurts , daddy is so sorry" Jin said placing a kiss on joons cheek. He took the wet diaper off , the diaper rash hadn't started but it was a little red. Jin wiped him all clean sliding a new diaper underneath his bum. He rubbed some diaper rash cream for some relief but also just in case it did lead to a rash. Jin put some baby powder in to the diaper too. Joons cries died down , he said was still crying heavily but it was no longer loud screams. Jin did up the diaper , placing a kiss on joons tummy like always . Jin used a q tip to rub the ointment onto the cuts. He then grabbed the moisturizer and rubbed it's all over his legs. Jin wasn't sure if he should put pants back on Joon , maybe he should let the littles legs breath for awhile. "Baby" Jin said softly, attempting to get his littles attention. Joon was no longer sobbing but he was still crying. "I know it hurts my love, let's go take some medicine to help" Jin picked up Joon, arm under his bum. Jin slipped joons paci back in, thankfully he had it clipped to the boys pj top. Jin walked both of them into the bathroom grabbing a bottle of pain relief medication. Walking down the stairs to get to the kitchen. Joon was so exhausted, Jin could see the dark bags under his eyes . "You're exhausted my love , let's hope this will help you." Jin opened his cabinet grabbing a small glass. He filled it with water and helped Joon drink and swallow the medication. "Let's go back up to bed , I'm going to call in now instead of in the morning" Jin told Joonie , the little just looked at him . He was too little to understand what his caregiver said. He sent an email to his colleagues saying he wouldn't be able to make it in today. He turned his alarms off , putting his phone back on the bed side table.  He wrapped Joon in his blanket and made sure he had his paci in his mouth. He brought Joon into his arms , holding him close to his chest. Thankfully this time Joon fell asleep and stayed asleep for hours.

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