11| Laura *

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Natasha was lying stomach-down on the bed, next to Bruce as she sketched in a notebook.

"What are you drawing?" he asked casually, glancing over from his book. He was determined not to talk about Johannesburg, and she let it slide.

"The house." Nat tapped the paper with her pencil absent-mindedly. "I'm thinking on the beach, but one near the forest could work too." She looked up at Bruce. "What do you think?"

The scientist stared at her sketch. "I think beach. The forest is probably best if we leave it as is. Besides, who doesn't love a house full of sand and rocks?" he said dryly.

Natasha smiled slightly. "Beach it is, then." She rolled onto her back to face him, her face serious now. "We need to talk."

Bruce's smile melted. "Are you breaking up with me?" he quickly realized his mistake. "I mean– not that we're dating– I'm not trying to be presumptuous–" his face was one of pure panic– "I don't know what this is– exactly– but I don't want it to end so– why am I even still talking? I'll just– let you– um..." he trailed off in an awkward laugh. "I'm sorry."

Nat blinked. "I'm not breaking up with you." She laughed for a second. "Bruce, relax. We are, um, not anything yet, but I am running away with you at some point, so you can count on that." She smiled softly at him, trying not to break out into a full grin. "I probably shouldn't have led with that."

Bruce let out an amused sigh. "No, I don't think so."

"Well." Natasha sat up. "I wanted to ask, um..." She gazed at Bruce intently until he flushed lightly. "The necklace."

"Oh!" Bruce opened his mouth and closed it. "It was my mother's."

"You mentioned that," the spy said. "But why did you give it to me?"

The scientist glanced around the room. "I'm– I thought it was a nice thing? It reminded me of you, so..." he realized Natasha was trying not to smile. "Look. If you don't like it–"

"I never said that," she interrupted. "I love it. Don't–" she batted him with the pencil– "is that all? You gave me something your mother gave you to me, someone you've only known for what, two years?"

He shrugged lightly. "I trust you with it. Besides, I like–" he broke off, seeing someone behind her enter the room. "Oh, hey, Laura."

Laura was standing behind Nat, and the red-headed spy turned to face her friend. "Laura."

The pregnant woman smiled at her and Bruce's casualness. "Nat. Dr. Banner. I'm just quickly making the rounds to know what everyone has in mind for dinner. And I can't find Clint." She glanced down the hall and back.

Natasha looked at Bruce, who shrugged. "Clint's probably working on the back deck or something. And we're okay with anything, really," she said. "I can help out in the kitchen if you want, though?"

Laura smiled apologetically. "That is a nice offer, Nat, but the last time you were in my kitchen, you kinda..." she mimed a whoosh of flames.

Nat thought back. "Right." She glanced over at Bruce again. "May I offer up this scientist?"

"Is he any good?"

Natasha laughed. "If he isn't, I'll be very disappointed, since he's managed to make breakfast for most of us for two years." She grinned. "He's good."

Bruce rolled his eyes. "I'm always up to help you if you need to.," he said to Laura.

The woman nodded. "Thank you. Actually, could you head down first? I need to grab some stuff so if you can work on the dishes...?"

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