8| Loving and Missing You

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Natasha's head was swirling as she waited, unbreathing, for Matt's next words. She reached for the green-gemmed necklace she wore around her neck.

The lawyer took a breath. "We were found not guilty!" he cheered.

Nat gasped. Her heart squeezed, did a few backflips to show joy. Natasha smiled. "Really?" she said.

"Yeah!" Matt said. "Bruce Banner was found not guilty of the deaths of those people. The Hulk, who she decided was a separate person, is pending an official, guaranteed pardon from the president for the lives he saved as an Avenger. Ah, on the condition that he signs the Sokovia Accords. Which he did." He sounded like he was grinning. "He is going to be en route to the second compound as soon as I get off the phone with you. He's coming home."

Natasha strode over to her awaiting car and got in, so happy that her heart hurt. "I might be a day before I come back, though." She bit her lip. "I have some issues to deal with here concerning a super soldier who wants to become an international fugitive."

"He says to take your time," Matt relayed. "Well, uh, have a nice time doing... that. I'll be driving Dr. Banner back. I'll call you if anything changes."

"Thanks." Natasha ended the call. She leaned forwards to the driver. "Airport, please."

The driver nodded and pulled away from the curb.

A few minutes later, they arrived, and Natasha boarded back onto the private jet.

She was slightly startled to see Tony there, looking wasted.

"Anthony Edward Stark, have you been drinking?" Natasha scolded.

The man looked towards her, clearly intoxicated by alcohol. "No."

"Would you like some Gatorade?" she asked him.

"Yes." Tony paused. "Please."

Nat handed him the bottle. She grabbed herself a bottle of water. She sat down across from him, sighing. "So, Tony, what brings you to the jet you lent me?" she asked.

"Pepper told me I wasn't allowed to drink anymore and I said no and she said yes so I ran away and I drank all the drinks," Tony grinned dreamily. "Pep's so pretty."

Natasha stifled the urge to snort. "Yeah, she is," she said instead.

Tony frowned and cuddled his Gatorade closer. "You can't have her. I love her. I want to marry my Pepper so you can't date her."

Nat shook her head. "Drink your Gatorade, Tony." She belted herself in and took out a book.

The billionaire read the back of the cover. "'Quantum Physics by Henry Pym'? Really?" he asked her.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you really think you're in any position to judge my actions right now, Tony?"

He squinted at her.

Natasha rolled her eyes and turned to the page she bookmarked.

Halfway to DC, Tony fell asleep and Nat called Pepper and told them where her billionaire was. "What even happened?" she asked, half-amused.

Pepper sighed. "He got a little drunk and asked me to marry him again. I told him not to ask while he was drunk. He got into a one-sided argument. Same old."

Natasha smiled at her friend's antics. "Sounds about right. Uh, I'm headed to DC right now, and then I'll be going over to the compound after. If you're coming, could you grab Peter and Michelle? I think they're working on another project together on the eighty-second floor."

"Sure," Pepper said. "See you?"


Pepper hung up.

Natasha sighed and sat back, staring at her phone. She turned back to her textbook and began reading up on quantum wormholes.


When Natasha and a newly un-drunk Tony landed in DC, the office was full.

Agents were running around with paperwork and one was trying to get Natasha to sign an evidence approval form.

"What's this for?" Nat asked.

"Captain Rogers' shield and Mr. Wilson's bird costume."

Nat shook her head and signed it.

Prince T'Challa came in a black suit. Kind of like a... cat?

"Your highness," Natasha greeted him.

"Miss Romanoff." He looked distracted. "Pleasure."

Natasha nodded. "Excuse me," she smiled and went to where Tony was, only to get tapped on the shoulder. "What–"

"Tasha," a familiar voice said.

Nat blinked and broke out into a wide smile. "Bruce." She grabbed the scientist into a hug. Natasha pulled away, eyes drinking him in, having not seen him for nine months. She knew he was looking at her too, feeling the weight of his hands on her hips. "I missed you."

Bruce smiled softly. "I missed you too," he said quietly.

"What are you doing here? You just got pardoned, and you're already back in a government building?" Nat laughed. "Are you trying to get arrested again?"

Bruce shook his head, chuckling. "No, no, I just wanted to see you. I like your necklace," he commented off-handedly.

"Why, thank you. My boyfriend gave it to me," Natasha grinned. "As always, you have impeccable timing. You got here in time to see Steve and Sam get arrested for looking for Barnes."

The scientist frowned. "Still? Haven't you told him?"

"He'd just go and try and see him," Natasha sighed. "Yes, it was a bad decision, but I can fix this stupid mess. Why didn't that idiot stay put like I told him to, I don't know. But..." she grinned tiredly up at Bruce. "Welcome back to the drama."

He watched Steve and Sam get led in. "I think I preferred prison."

Natasha looked at him. "You can't be serious." Her mouth twitched.

"I am serious." Bruce traced the back of her hand, smiling. "It wasn't that bad, actually. I had the memory of you saying you loved me, I had some peace and quiet, Blonsky sent me a letter and wrote me a poem about how sorry he was... not a horrible experience, overall."

Nat shook her head, half in humour and half in disbelief. "Geez, Bruce, it sounds like you want to go back," she teased.

"I do not." He sat down on a chair at the conference table.

Tony was outside, trying to reason with Steve.

Bruce sighed. "I missed you," he said, staring up at Natasha. "I love you, and I've missed you so much."

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